Prayers and Reflections


Lenten Resources

Sort prayers and reflections.

Pentecost Sunday Sequence

Prayer for choosing a state of life

Reflection by St. Thomas More

An alumni prayer for Marquette

Valentine鈥檚 Day reflection

A Parent's Prayer

A Prayer by Rev. Adolfo Nicol谩s, S.J.

Advent Reflection

A Prayer to remember the Martyrs of El Salvador

Blessing of Hanukkah Lights

Christmas Blessing

A Christmas Reflection

Fifth Sunday of Lent Reflection

First Sunday of Advent Gospel Reflection

First Sunday of Lent Reflection

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Conversation with Nicodemus

Lenten Prayer

A Prayer for the New Year

Palm Sunday Reflection

Autumn Prayer

Prayer by Martin Luther King

Prayer for Christian Funerals

Prayer for the Home

Evening Prayer

Prayer for a time of anxiety

Prayer for Autumn Days

Prayer for Students during exams

Prayer for Students during Finals

Prayer for Graduates

Prayer for those affected by Hurricane Erika

Prayer for Journalists

Prayer for Mourning

Prayer for the beginning of a New School Year

Prayer for Summertime

A Graduation Prayer

Joy Prayer

Prayer on the Loss of a Loved One

Prayer for grandparents raising a grandchild

Prayer for Memorial Day

Never Give Up Prayer

Peace Prayer

Service of the Poor Prayer

Safe Travel Prayer

Serenity Prayer

Prayer to begin a New Semester

Prayer for Veterans

Prayer for wildfire victims

Prayer for God's work

Prayers for Graduates and Alumni

Anima Christi

Apostles' Creed

Blessed by Imperfection

Traditional Buddhist Prayer

You have called me by name

Canticle of Zechariah

Prayer for Community Loss

Christmas Prayers

Prayers for College Life

A Colloquy with Jesus

A Prayer for Compassion

Prayers for Exams

Prayer for my family

Prayer for generosity


Glory Be


Prayer to my guardian angel

Hail Mary

In the hands of God prayer

Ignatian Prayers

Prayer for those considering Jesuit vocation

First day of Shavuot

Prayer for Simchat Torah

Prayer upon entering the Sukkah

Amidah for Rosh Hashanah

Lakota Prayer

Our Father

Fall in Love

Magnificat of Mary

Prayers for Administrators and Managers

Prayers from many faith traditions

Prayer for Marquette

Looking forward to marriage

Grace before Meals: The Whole Day

Grace before Meals: Traditional

Grace before Meals: World Hunger

The Memorare

Morning Offering

The Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, or Glorious Mysteries

Prayer for Pope Francis

Nicene Creed

I am not worthy to have you come under my roof

Nurses' Prayer

Prayer in the office

Prayer for 向日葵视频parents

Prayer for Professionals

Prayer for Educators

Psalm 161

Psalm 23

Psalm 63

Selections from the Qur'an

Reflection for Health Care Workers




Traditional Hindu Prayer


Prayer for those involved in sports


Prayer for Studying

Prayer for Suscipe



Teach Me Your Ways


Thanksgiving Prayer - Birkat Hamazon


A Thanksgiving Prayer


The Bridge Builder

Traditional Catholic Prayers

Way, Truth, Life

Praying during the Lenten Season

Praying for our deceased

The First Sunday of Lent: Jesus is tempted in the desert

Second Sunday of Lent: The Transfiguration

Third Sunday of Lent: The woman at the well

Fourth Sunday of Lent: The Man Born Blind

Fifth Sunday of Lent: Lazarus

Sixth Sunday of Lent: Palm Sunday

A Lenten Prayer

The Season of Light

Second Sunday of Advent Gospel Reflection

Thanksgiving Prayer

Third week in Advent gospel reflection


Easter Sequence