A prayer for mourning

Lord, Bring Us Peace As We Mourn
Based on Matthew 5:4

By Megan Sheehan

Blessed are those who mourn,

For God will comfort them.

Lord, let us trust in your comfort,

Let us trust in your love.

As we grieve, we feel loss,

Though we know we are blessed.


Blessed to express gratitude

For our companions on the journey.

Companions on earth,

And companions in heaven.

Blessed to know that

You have conquered death.

Blessed to hold in our hearts that

You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Blessed in community

To carry one another,

To share love,

To share memories.


Now, more than ever

May we cling to the life you promise.

May we remember that,

With Your grace

We are all walking toward Your light.

With you, we are walking toward home.

Lord, bring us peace as we mourn.

