O'Brien Hall
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-CFREmark.eppli@marquette.eduCurriculum VitaeDr. Eppli served as the inaugural Robert B. Bell, Sr. Chair in Real Estate from 2002-2018, and as Interim James H. Keyes Dean of Business Administration from 2012-2015. He is widely published in a range of commercial real estate topics and is coauthor of the bestselling real estate development text in the nation. Prior to obtaining his doctorate, he worked in commercial real estate for PM Realty Advisors and GE Capital. He has served as a consultant to a number of finance, real estate, and government entities. Dr. Eppli received awards from the Greater Washington Urban League and the Urban Land Institute for his efforts to attract minorities to the real estate profession. In January 2012, Dr. Eppli was appointed independent board member for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in Real Estate and Urban Land Economics.
Shopping center economics, single-family house pricing, commercial mortgage default, new urbanism, smart growth, and commercial real estate development.
Real Estate Development: Principles and Process, fourth edition, Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute (2007), coauthors Mike E. Miles, Gayle L. Berens, and Marc A. Weiss.
Valuing the New Urbanism, Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute (1999), coauthor Charles C. Tu.