Wherever and whenever you have opportunities to interact and build relationships with others, you have the opportunity to network! Networking is an important professional skill and a proactive job and internship search strategy, which may include 1) communicating with people you already know and 2) reaching out to contacts with whom you seek to build relationships. Both kinds of communication and relationships are important during a job / internship search and throughout your career.
Networking is best approached as a relationship - rather than a brief communication or transaction. Whether you are growing a relationship or reaching out to someone new, consider the questions:
- What am I seeking to learn?
- What can I offer to this relationship?
Early in our careers, there may be a greater portion of learning within our networking relationships. However, think about ways you can maintain balance - through staying in touch, offering thanks or taking action steps discussed within your networking communications. The best networking relationships are formed and sustained when information sharing extends beyond inquiring about job / internship openings.
Review the sections below for more information and resources:
Networking with Alumni through LinkedIn
LinkedIn: LinkedIn the world's largest professional online network. LinkedIn’s search options support searches within your contacts, your contacts’ contacts, and groups to help you identify individuals who work in particular roles or for specific companies, as well as other search criteria.
- LinkedIn Profile: The LinkedIn blog includes this to help students with profile creation and updates. The Career Center website offers tips for taking headshots. The Business Career Center hosts a LinkedIn photo booth where you can take a photo with your phone during select days' Drop-In hours.
- LinkedIn Alumni Searches: The of the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ LInkedIn page offers efficient and focused search options. This is a great resource for exploring careers as well as targeted networking.
- LinkedIn ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵAlumni Group: Access the Group on LinkedIn. By joining LinkedIn groups like this one, you will have increased messaging access to group members. Connect with additional LinkedIn groups: MU offers a directory of MU-affiliated groups.
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵCareer Network
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵCareer Network: ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵCareer Network will help facilitate career-related conversations between you and the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵNetwork. This platform will give you an opportunity to seek knowledge and advice, explore career fields in which you are interested, and build your professional network with alumni around the world. Learn more and get started!
Additional ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵNetworking Resources
Virtual & In-Person Recruiting Events
Handshake summarizes career-related events and career fairs. Employers may post directly to Handshake, so the system will include MU-hosted events as well as multi-school events and employer-hosted events. Maximize your Handshake use by following these .
Campus Events & Guest Speakers
Events do need to be a career fair to have a career impact. Attend campus events to connect with people with similar interests. As guest speakers visit your classes or other events, introduce yourself after class to share your thanks and ask a few questions. Consider sending the speaker a LinkedIn connection request after class to stay in touch!
If you would like more help with networking, schedule an appointment with the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵBusiness Career Center today via !