Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA)
The Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ is dedicated to empowering students through professional development, networking opportunities, and leadership training. ALPFA fosters an inclusive and diverse community while promoting ethical practices, self-discipline, and career advancement. Members gain access to events such as resume workshops, business etiquette sessions, and networking gatherings, all designed to build connections and skills. ALPFA’s highlight is the National Convention, where students meet top companies and secure internships or job opportunities. Our mission is to provide a supportive space where students can grow personally and professionally, building a stronger, more diverse future.
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi is the national scholastic and professional organization related primarily to accounting. This organization strives to promote the study and practice of accounting as well as finance and information systems. The group does this by providing opportunities for self-development, service and association among members and practicing professionals, and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility. Website | | Instagram: @marquettebap
Commercial Banking Club
The goal and purpose of this club is to explore and discover the vast opportunities in the Commercial Banking industry. The club builds and empowers a network of students in hopes to promote the Commercial Banking track of academic studies. Throughout the year, the club hosts several learning and networking events with professional bankers in the area to promote and encourage leadership in this industry. The club puts an emphasis on educating its members on the various jobs, skills required, duties, career paths and nature of the industry as well as assist in internship placements. Instagram: @marquette_commercialbanking
Commercial Real Estate Club
The Commercial Real Estate Club at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵprovides the commercial real estate community with innovative effective, ethically committed applied real estate decision makers through superior learning, research and on site education. The club strives to provide each of their members with the highest level of applied experience. The organization arranges site visits to regionally developments and they create opportunities for members to network with industry leaders through mentoring and shadowing programs. Also, through the Center of Real Estate, they provide a wide range of internships to allow their members to gain firsthand experience. Club participants stay informed and connected to current industry trends and have the opportunity to become student members in organizations in the local area. | Instagram: @marquette.crec
Delta Sigma Pi (DSP)
Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. Instagram: @dsp.marquette
Financial Management Association (FMA)
The Financial Management Association is a national association of finance specialists dedicated to developing interactions between students, the faculty, and the business community. Through a series of guest speakers, field trips, and simulation games, the organization exposes the students to as many career opportunities in finance as possible.
Go-Getters (GG)
The vision of the Go-Getters is to maximize business students’ career potential by bringing in speakers, sponsoring seminars and workshops, touring companies, and one-on-one counseling sessions dealing with various aspects of career management. The members are eager to identify, pursue and earn a career opportunity with their number one choice of an employer.
Human Resources Management Organization (HRMO)
The Human Resources Management Organization provides opportunities for ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵstudents majoring or interested in Human Resources to meet and network with professionals in the field. HRMO holds monthly meetings, where a company comes in and discusses various topics relating to internship opportunities, career advice, networking skills, and professional development. HRMO also holds a roundtable networking event in the Spring, where students are able to connect with employers from a wide range of industries. Instagram: @hrmomarquette
The Association of Information Technology Professionals has a mission to heighten the awareness of information systems business applications and careers available for business systems analysts.
International Business Student Organization (IBSA)
The International Business Student Association provides a forum for all ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ students to learn about international business (IB) events, developments and activities on campus and in the business community. IBSA holds information meetings, IB-leader guest- speaker series, and provides other IB related academic and professional career development and networking opportunities.
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵInvestment Club
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Student Investment Club seeks to further its members' knowledge of investment methods and strategies specializing in ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). The board and members engage in intellectual discussion, presentations, guest speakers, and applied portfolio management. Investment Club manages a portfolio with an estimated net worth of $25,000.00 made up of about 20 ETF positions targeting different sectors of markets.
Marketing Club at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ(MC)
The Marketing Club provides opportunities to students to interact with their fellow students, academicians, and the business community and to develop a career oriented objective. Instagram: @marquette_marketing_club
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵConsulting Club
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵConsulting Club is a student-run organization that conducts mock case studies, offers networking opportunities, and provides resume and interview prep for the consulting field. Additionally, the club offers applied case studies embedded within local businesses to gain real-world applicable consulting skills. We strive to create a diverse environment where every skill set is welcome. The club is open to all majors and gives viable real-world experience to anyone interested in exploring consulting as a career path.
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵEconomics Association (MEA)
The Economics Association student group was established to promote the academic, professional and leadership development of its members. The organization provides a forum for the professional and social interaction of students, faculty, alumni and professionals interested in economic issues and careers in economics.
College of Business Multicultural Student Organization
The College of Business Administration Multicultural Student Organization is dedicated to fostering an inclusive community that celebrates diversity and promotes cross-cultural understanding among students, faculty, and professionals. We strive to bridge cultural gaps and promote mutual understanding through meaningful dialogues, educational programs, and networking events that reflect the diverse perspectives within the business community. By cultivating leadership skills and advocating for equity, we aim to prepare our members to become transformative leaders who will drive positive change within the business world and beyond.
Operations and Supply Chain Management Student Chapter (OSCM)
The Operations and Supply Chain Management Association is a professional organization made up of individuals who practice and preach the art and science of Operations and Supply Chain Management. Students interact with local professionals by attending dinner meetings, plant tours, technical sessions, and other related activities.
Project Management Institute
The Project Management Institute aims to accelerate project management skills by offering members access to resources on project management fundamentals, skill-building workshops, community engagement events and networking opportunities not found in traditional student organizations or internships.
Sales Program
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Sales Program offers students the opportunity to engage in workshops, panel discussions, job shadows, and much more to learn more about what it takes to be a professional in a client-facing role.
Women in Business (WIB)
Women in Business is an organization at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ founded in 2007 to aid female students in building their resume, gaining leadership skills, increasing networking opportunities, and taking a look into and gaining insight from the lives of professional women. Members of the organization are undergraduate female students interested in having a professional career upon graduation. Members from all majors are welcome, typically we see students from the College of Business Administration and the College of Communications. WIB typically holds monthly meetings that bring professional working women from across the Midwest to campus to discuss a variety of topics. In addition, the organization holds socials and "how to" sessions regarding different aspects of attaining a job. Instagram: @wibmarquette