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Straz Hall, 420R
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America414-288-3858molly.condit@marquette.eduDNP: UW Oshkosh (2017)
Master of Science Human Biology with an emphasis on Nurse Anesthesia: UW La Crosse and Fransiscan Skemp School of Anesthesia (2003)
NUR 7815 Professional Issues in Nurse Anesthesia
NUR 7810 Scientific Foundations of Nurse Anesthesia Practice
NUR 7814 Advanced Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice
Student wellness
Nurse Anesthesia
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Condit, M.T., Hafeman, P.M. (2019). Advanced Practice Providers: How Do We Improve Their Organizational Engagement? Nurse Leader, 17(6): p.557-560.
Wren, K, Condit, M.T. (2020). Anesthesia Machine Failure: A Case Study. AANA Journal, 88(3): p.209-211.
Non-Referred Journals
Condit, M.T. (2017). Anesthesia delivery in the urban setting. WIANA Forward, 69(1): p.14.
Condit, M.T. (2017). Advanced Practice Council. HSHS EWD Nurses Notes: p. 8.
Condit, M.T. (2017). Advanced Practice Provider Council. HSHS EWD The Vine Weekly:
Recipient of the Barbara L. Tate Scholarship for Proven Excellence in Nursing Leadership (April 2017)
AANA Art Zwerling Educational Grant (March 2021)