- Part-Time Faculty
- Office of Nursing Research
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Pleasant Prairie
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(262) 705-5764jennie.peters@marquette.eduD.N.P., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
NURS 6015- Pharmacotherapeutics for Nursing Practice
NURS 6032: Pathophysiological Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 6035: Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 6201: Nursing Concepts and Interventions of the Care of Adults/ Older Adults I
NURS 6202: Nursing Concepts and Interventions of the Care of Adults/ Older Adults II
NURS 6030: Pathophysiological Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice
Tobacco Cessation
Local and Global Missions:
- Oral rehydration
- Developing sustainable healthcare projects on short-term mission trips
American Nurses Association
Hope Without Borders
Sigma Theta Tau
Wisconsin Nurses Association
Family Nurse Practitioner-Family Practice
Tobacco Cessation: Intraprofessional tobacco cessation model in factory and corporate office settings
Global Mission work: Kenya, Uganda, Jordan, and Central America
Local Mission work: Milwaukee homeless tent community, Kenosha homeless missions