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- Office of Nursing Research
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Pleasant Prairie
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of Americaamy.talaga@marquette.eduDNP Regis College
MSN-ED Concordia University
BSN UW-Milwaukee
NURS 6003: Essentials in Nursing Practice
NURS 6013: Health Assessment and Fundamentals Lab/Clinical
NURS 6970: Nursing Care for Adults with Chronic Conditions (Clinical and Simulation)
NURS 6971: Nursing Care for Adults with Acute Conditions (Clinical and Simulation)
NURS 6973: Professional Nursing Practice (Clinical and Simulation)
NURS 6976: Transition to Nursing Practice (Critical Care and Cardiac Telemetry Clinical)
How to support clinical nursing educators so that both instructor and students benefit. In particular, my doctoral research included creating an online training for new clinical instructors on how to use an anecdotal note template to improve confidence in evaluating students.