
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Ablondi, Fred
Gerauld de Cordemoy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-667-4 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-667-6
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 44. Paper. 130 pp. $17

Adams, Marilyn McCord.
What Sort of Human Nature? Medieval Philosophy and the Systematics of Christology
ISBN 0-87462-166-6 (Aquinas Lecture 63 [1999]) Cloth. 113 pp. $15

Adler, Mortimer J.
St. Thomas and the Gentiles
ISBN 0-87462-102-X (Aquinas Lecture 2 [1938]) Cloth. 120 pp. $15

An Akkadian Grammar. Riemschneider's Lehrbuch des Akkadischen
Caldwell, SJ, Thomas A., John N. Oswalt, and John F.X. Sheehan, SJ, translators
ISBN 0-87462-444-4 Paper. 298 pp. $20

Albl, Martin, Paul Eddy, Renée Mirkes, OSF, editor. Foreword by William Kurz, SJ
Directions in New Testament Methods
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 2
ISBN 0-87462-626-9. Paper, annotated bibliography. 129 pp. $15

Allers, Rudolf
Work and Play. Collected papers on the Philosophy of Psychology (1938-1963)

Edited & with an Introduction by Alexander Batthyany, Jorge Olaechea Catter, & Andrew Tallon
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 64
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-762-6. Paper. 300 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Alston, William P.
A Sensible Metaphysical Realism
ISBN 0-87462-168-2 (Aquinas Lecture 65 [2001]) Cloth 65 pp. $15

Anderson, Margo, Amanda I. ISeligman, & Ann M. Graf
Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee
ISBN 978-0-87462-084-9. 344 pages 7 x 10 Hardcover. Includes bibliographical references and index. $25

Anderson, Paul M., editor
Sports Law and Regulation
ISBN 0-87462-006-6. Paper. 588 pp. $24.95

Anderson, Thomas C.
A Commentary on Gabriel Marcel's The Mystery of Being
ISBN-13: 978-087462-669-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-669-2
Paper. Bibliography. Index. 202 pp. $25

Anabaptist Martyrs, see Jodersma and Grijp

The Book of Causes (Liber De Causis) Dennis J. Brand, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-225-5 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 25) Paper. 56 pp. $7.50

Liber De Pomo: The Apple, or Aristotle's Death. Mary F. Rousseau, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-218-2 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 18) Paper. 96 pp. $5

Apel, Karl-Otto
Towards a Transformation of Philosophy
ISBN 0-87462-619-6 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 20) Paper. 308 pp. $35

Aquinas, St. Thomas
On Spiritual Creatures. Mary C. Fitzpatrick, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-205-0 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 5) Paper. 144 pp. $15

Aquinas, St. Thomas
On Charity. Lottie Kendzierski, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-210-7 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 10) Paper. 120 pp. $15

Aquinas, St. Thomas
Aristotle: On Interpretation: Commentary by St. Thomas and Cajetan. Jean T. Oesterle, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-211-5 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 11) 288 pp. $20

Aquinas, St. Thomas
On the Unity of the Intellect against the Averroists. Beatrice H. Zedler, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-219-0 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 19) Paper. 96 pp. $10

Aquinas, St. Thomas
Questions on the Soul. James H. Robb, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-226-3 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 27) Paper. 285 pp. $25

Aquinas, St. Thomas, Siger de Brabant, St. Bonaventure
On the Eternity of the World. Cyril Vollert, S.J. Lottie Kendzierski, and Paul Byrne, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-216-6 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 16) Paper. 132 pp. $15

Armstrong, Hilary A.
Expectations of Immortality in Late Antiquity
ISBN 0-87462-154-2 (Aquinas Lecture 51 [1987]) Cloth. 63 pp. $15

Ashley, J. Matthew
Take Lord and Receive All My Memory: Toward an Anamnestic Mysticism
ISBN 978-1-62600-502-0. The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 2015. Hardcover. 116 pages. 4.5 X 7.5. $15.00

Ashmore, Robert and Starr, William, ed.
Ethics Across the Curriculum: The 向日葵视频Experience
ISBN 0-87462-998-5 Paper. $10

Ashmore, Robert and Starr, William, ed.
Teaching Ethics
ISBN 0-87462-997-7 Paper. $8

Attridge, Harold W.
History, Theology, and Narrative Rhetoric in the Fourth Gospel
ISBN 9781626005105
4.5 x 7.0. 104 pages. Hardcover. $15.00
Series: The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 2019, Volume 50

St. Augustine
Against the Academicians. Mary Patricia Garvey, R.S.M., tr.
ISBN 0-87462-202-6 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 2) Paper. 94 pp. $10

Aubert, Roger.
Catholic Social Teaching: An Historical Perspective. Preface by Charles E. Curran. Edited and with an Afterword by David A. Boileau.
ISBN 0-87462-692-7. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 40. Paperbound. Index. Bibliography. 290 pp. $35

Aukofer, Frank A.
Never a Slow Day: Adventures of a 20th Century Reporter
Diederich Studies in Communication and Media 1
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-033-7 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-033-3. Paper. 360 pp. $37. Illustrated. Index

Avella, Steven M.
In the Richness of the Earth: A History of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1843-1958
ISBN 0-87462-077-5 Urban Life Series #1. Paper. 800 pp. 530 illustrations and tables. $45

Avella, Steven M.
Confidence and Crisis A History of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1959-1977
Urban Life Series No. 7. Illustrations & tables. 344 pages. 7 x 10. Hardcover. Bibliography. Index.
ISBN: 978-0-87462-086-3

Avicebron (Ibn Gabirol).
The Font of life (Fons vitae)
/ by Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) ; translated from the Latin with an introduction by John A. Laumakis. (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 51)
ISBN 978-0-87462-261-4. 281 pp. $29. Paperback. Notes. Bibliography. Index.

Ayers, Edward L.
Momentous Events in Small Places: The Coming of the Civil War in Two American Communities
ISBN 0-87462-330-8. (Klement History Lecture 6 [1997]). Paper. 40 pages. $5

| TOP |


Baker, Kimball
Go to the Worker: America's Labor Apostles

ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-749-7
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 70
276 pp. Paper. Illustrated. $30. Bibliography. Index

Barnes, Michael Horace, & William P. Roberts
A Sacramental Life: A Festschrift Honoring Bernard Cooke.
ISBN 0-87462-689-7. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 37. Paperbound. 310 pp. $37

Batlogg, Andreas R., Melvin E. Michalski, Barbara G. Turner, editors & translators
Encounters with Karl Rahner: Remembrances of Rahner by those who knew him
[Original German entitled Begegnungen mit Karl Rahner: Weggefährten erinnern sich (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 2006)]
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 63
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-740-4 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-740-0. Paper. 383 pp. $39. Bibliography. Index

Baum, Gregory
Truth Beyond Relativism: Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge
ISBN 0-87462-509-2 (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 9 [1977]) Cloth. 94 pp. $15

Bernard of Clairvaux, see Posset, Franz

Beauchamp, Paul
Fifty Biblical Portraits. Drawings by Pierre Grassignoux. Translated by Peter Rogers
ISBN 978-0-87462-789-3. Paper. 246 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 74

Beschet, Paul. Mission in Thuringia in the Time of Nazism. Translated by Theodore P. Fraser. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-095-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-095-3. Paper. 272 pp. $29. Maps. Bibliography. Index

Birk, Bonnie A.
Christine de Pizan and Biblical Wisdom: A Femisinst-Theological Point of View
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-699-5 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-699-4
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 47. 202 pp. $23

Blackwood, Jeremy W.
"And Hope Does Not Disappoint": Love, Grace, and Subjectivity in the Work of Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 88
ISBN 978-1-62600-714-7. Paperback. 238 pages. Bibliography. Index. List Price: $24.00

Blackwell, Richard J.
Science, Religion and Authority: Lessons from the Galileo Affair
ISBN 0-87462-165-8 (Aquinas Lecture 62 [1998]) Cloth. 72 pp. $15

Bliss, Frederick M.
Understanding Reception
ISBN 0-87462-625-0 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 1) Paper, index, bibliography. 180 pp. $20.

Block, Edwin, ed.
Ideas for the University. Proceedings of 向日葵视频's Mission Seminar and Conference
ISBN 0-87462-002-3 Paper. $25

Block, Irving
G-d, Rationality and Mysticism
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 53
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-751-0 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-751-6. Paper. 214 pp. $25. Bibliography. Index

Boileau, David A., ed.
Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
ISBN 0-87462-638-2 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 14) Paper. 204 pp. $25

St. Bonaventure (see under St. Thomas On the Eternity of the World)

Bovée, Warren, ed.
The By-Line Awards
ISBN 0-87462-002-3 Paper. $30

Bourke, Vernon J.
St. Thomas and the Greek Moralists
ISBN 0-87462-111-9 (Aquinas Lecture 11 [1947]) Cloth. 72 pp. $15

Bredohl, Thoms M.
Class and Religious Identity: The Rhenish Center Party in Wilhelmine Germany
ISBN 0-87462-642-0 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 18) Paper 288 pp. $35

Bonnie Brennen, editor
Assessing Evidence in a Postmodern World
Diederich Studies in Communication and Media, #3
ISBN 978-0-87462-036-8. Paper. 252 pp. 5.5 x 8.5. $25.00. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index

Brandom, Robert
Heroism and Magnanimity: The Post-Modern Form of Self-Conscious Agency
ISBN 9780874621938
4.5 x 7.0. 85 pages. Hardcover. $15.00
Series: The Aquinas Lecture for 2019, Volume 82

Broadie, Sarah
Mathematics in Plato’s Republic
ISBN 9780874621952
4.5 x 7.0. 64 pages. Hardcover. $15.00
Series: The Aquinas Lecture for 2020, Volume 83

Brownson, Orestes A.
The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson Volume VII: Life by Communion Years, 1843-1844
Edited by Patrick W. Carey
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 54
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-731-2 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-731-1. 496 pp. Paper. Bibliography. Index. $45

Brownson, Orestes A.,The Convert or, Leaves from My Experience (1857),  edited by Arie J. Griffioen. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-797-8. ISBN-10: 0-87462-797-4. Paper. 258 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index. MST78

Brownson, Orestes A. See also under Carey, Patrick W., editor.

Brueggemann, Walter
Revelation and Violence: A Study in Contextualization
ISBN 0-87462-541-6 (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 17 [1986]) Cloth. 60 pp. $15

Burggraeve, Roger
The Wisdom of Love in the Service of Love. Emmanuel Levinas on Justice, Peace, and Human Rights. Translated and with an Afterword by Jeffrey Bloechl. Preface by David A. Boileau
ISBN 0-87462-652-8. Paper. 213 pp. $25

Burnyeat, Myles F.
Aristotle's Divine Intellect
ISBN: 978-0-87462-175-4
Aquinas Lecture 72 (2008). Cloth. 63 pp. $15

Byers, Steven R., & Genevieve G. McBride
‘Dear Mrs. Griggs’: Women Pour Out Their Hearts from the Heartland
ISBN 978-0-87462-038-2. 370 pp. Paper. $29. Illustrated. Notes. Bibliography. Index

| TOP |


Cahill, Lisa Sowle.
Bioethics and the Common Good
ISBN 0-87462-584-X. (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 35 [2004] Cloth. 94 pp. $15

Caldwell, Thomas A., S.J. John N. Oswalt, and John F.X. Sheehan, S.J. tr. see An Akkadian Grammar

Carvajal y Mendoza, see Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza

Carey, Patrick W., editor
Orestes A. Brownson: A Bibliography, 1826-1876
ISBN 0-87462-634-X
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 10. Paper. 212 pp. $25

Carey, Patrick W., editor The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 1: The Universalist Years, 1826-29. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 23.
ISBN 0-87462-647-1. Paper 410 pp. $45

Carey, Patrick W., editor The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 2: The Free Thought and Unitarian Years, 1830-35. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 27.
ISBN 0-87462-676-5. Paper 456 pp. $45

Carey, Patrick W., editor The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 3: The Transcendentalist Years, 1836-38. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 29.
ISBN 0-87462-678-1. Paper 476 pp. $45

Carey, Patrick W., editor The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 4: The Transcendentalist Years, 1838-39. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 34.
ISBN 0-87462-686-2. Paper 492 pp. $47

Carey, Patrick W., editor The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 5: The Transcendentalist Years, 1840-41. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 38.
ISBN 0-87462-690-0. Paper. 640 pp. $47

Carey, Patrick W., editor
The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson. Volume 6: Life by Communion, 1842. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 46.
ISBN 0-87462-698-6. Paper. 540 pp. $47

See also Brownson, Orestes A.

Carey, Patrick W., editor
American Catholic Religious Thought:The Shaping of a Theological and Social Tradition
ISBN 0-87462-696-X. Paper. ©2004. Second edition. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 44. 486 pp. $37

Carter, Curtis L., editor
Unsettled Boundaries
:Philosophy, Art, Ethics East-West
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 89
ISBN 978-1-62600-608-9. Paperback. 169 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index. List price: $20.00

Commentary on St. Thomas Aquinas' On Being and Essence. Lottie Kendzierski & Francis C. Wade, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-214-X (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 14) Paper. 366 pp. $20

Cajetan (see under St. Thomas Aquinas Aristotle: On Interpretation)

Chisholm, Roderick M.
The Problem of the Criterion
ISBN 0-87462-138-0 (Aquinas Lecture 38 [1973]) Paper. 50 pp. $15

Clarke, W. Norris, S.J.
Person and Being
ISBN 0-87462-160-7 (Aquinas Lecture 57 [1993]) Paper. 121 pp. $15

Clatterbuck, Mark
Demons, Saints, & Patriots: Catholic Visions of Native America through The Indian Sentinel (1902-1962)
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 69
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-746-6 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-746-X. Paper. 288 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index

Cleary, William, Editor
Selving: Linking Work to Spirituality
ISBN 0-87462-007-4. Paper. 149 pp. $15

Clifford, Richard J., S.J.
The Book of Proverbs and Our Search for Wisdom
ISBN 0-87462-575-0
The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 26. Cloth. $15

Coffey, David
"Did You Receive the Holy Sprit When You Believed?" Some Basic Questions for Pneumatology
ISBN 0-87462-5856-8. 132 pp. Cloth. $15
The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 36

Coffey. David
Grace: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-787-9. Paper. 323 pp. $32. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 73

Cole, Bruce; Luhrssen, David; Naylor, Phillip (Editors)
Milwaukee Rock and Roll, 1950-2000: A Reflective History
ISBN 9781626000544
7 x 10. 256 pages. Hardcover (Printed case). $29.95

Collins, Adela Yarbro
Is Mark's Gospel a Life of Jesus?
ISBN 0-87462-545-9.
The Père 向日葵视频Lecture 21 [1990]). Cloth. 77 pp. $15

Collins, James D.
The Lure of Wisdom
ISBN 0-87462-127-5 (Aquinas Lecture 27 [1962]) Cloth. 180 pp. $15

Conimbricenses, The. Some Questions on Signs. Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by John Doyle
ISBN 0-87462-241-7. (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 38) Paper. 217 pp. $25

Conn, Walter E.
Conscience & Conversion in Newman: A Developmental Study of Self in John Henry Newman
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-777-0. Paper. 158 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 71

Contarini, Gasparo
The Office of a Bishop. Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by John Patrick Donnelly, S.J.
ISBN 0-87462-706-0. 136 pp. Paper. $15. Latin on facing page.

Cooke, Bernard J.
Beyond Trinity
ISBN 0-87462-134-8 (Aquinas Lecture 34 [1969]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

Cooke, Bernard, Festschrift, see under Barnes

Cowburn, SJ, John
ISBN 0-87462-659-5. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 36. Paper. Index. Bibliography. 292 pp. $32

Cowburn, SJ, John
Personalism and Scholasticism
ISBN 0-87462-663-3. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 40. Paper. Index. Bibliography. 265 pp. $30

Cowburn, SJ, John
Free Will, Predestination and Determinism
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 56
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-754-1 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-754-0. Paper. 268 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Cowburn, John
The Problems of Suffering & Evil
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-805-0. ISBN-10: 0-87462-805-9. Paper. 264 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 72

Craigo-Snell, Shannon
Silence, Love, and Death: Saying “Yes” to God in the Theology of Karl Rahner
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 56
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-733-6 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-733-8. Paper. 253 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index

Crowe, SJ, Frederick E.
Method in Theology: An Organon for Our Time
ISBN 0-87462-519-X (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 11 [1980]) Cloth. 68 pp. $15

Curnow, Rohan Michael
The Preferential Option for the Poor: A Short History and a Reading Based on the Thought of Bernard Lonergan
ISBN 978-1-62600-700-0. Paperback. 232 pages. Bibliography. Index. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology No. 81. $23.00

Curran, Charles E.
Moral Theology at the End of the Century
ISBN 0-87462-579-3 (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 30 [1999]) Cloth. 66 pp. $15

Current, Richard Nelson
What Is an American? Abraham Lincoln and “Multiculturalism”
ISBN 0-87462-326-X. (Klement History Lecture 2 [1993]). Paper. 22 pages. $5

Currier, John W.
Clovis, King of the Franks
ISBN 0-87462-052-X. 1997. Paper. 334 pages. $20

| TOP |


Dabney, D. Lyle, & Bradford E. Hinze, editors
Advents of the Spirit: An Introduction to the Current Study of Pneumatology
ISBN 0-87462-679-X. (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 30) Paper 484 pp. $45

Dadosky, John D., editor
Meaning and History in Systematic Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, SJ
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 68
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-745-9 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-745-1. Hardcover. 518 pp. $39. Bibliography. Index

Dahlstrom, Daniel O.
Identity, Authenticity, and Humility
ISBN 978-0-87462-191-4. 141 pages. Hardcover. 4.5 x 7.0. List price: $15.00. The Aquinas Lecture for 2017. Series Number 81

Day, Dorothy
The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day, edited by Robert Ellsberg
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-023-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-023-6. Cloth. 703 pp. $42

Day, Dorothy
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day, edited by Robert Ellsberg
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-061-0 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-061-9. Cloth. Index. 408 pp. $35

Deacon, Roger Alan
Fabricating Foucault: Rationalising  the Management of Individuals.
ISBN 0-87462-661-7. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 38. Paperbound. Index. Bibliography. 306 pp. $35

Delcambre, Anne-Marie
Inside Islam
Translation of Anne-Marie Delcambre, L’Islam des interdits [ISBN 2-220-05415-2] Desclée de Brouwer
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-014-6 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-014-7. Paper. 114 pp. $15

Dewan, Lawrence, O.P. St. Thomas and Form as Something Divine in Things. ISBN: 978-0-87462-174-7. Aquinas Lecture 71 (2007). Cloth. 98 pp. $15

Dietrich of Freiberg
Treatise of the Intellect and the Intelligible. M. L. Führer, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-234-4 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 31) Paper. 135 pp. $15

Divine, Thomas F., S.J.
Interest, An Historical and Analytical Study in Economics and Modern Ethics
ISBN 0-87462-405-3 Cloth. 272 pp. $15

Donagan, Alan
Human Ends and Human Actions: An Exploration in St. Thomas' Treatment. Aquinas Lecture 49 [1985]
ISBN 0-87462-153-4. Cloth. 50 pp. $15

Donahue, John R., S.J.
The Theology and Setting of Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. Père 向日葵视频Lecture 14 [1983]
ISBN 0-87462-538-6. Cloth. 44 pp. $15

Doran, Robert M.
Subject and Psyche. Second edition, revised. New Foreword by the author. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 3
ISBN 0-87462-627-7. Paper. 285 pp. $25

Doran, Robert M.
Theological Foundations (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 3) Two volume set priced at $40
Theological Foundations Vol. 1 Intentionality and Psyche
ISBN 0-87462-632-3 Paper. 500 pp. $20
Theological Foundations. Vol. 2 Theology and Culture
ISBN 0-87462-633-1 Paper. 550 pp. $20

Doran, Robert M., S.J. Psychic Conversion & Theological Foundations. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 51
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-728-8 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-728-1. Second edition. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. 276 pp. $27

Duffey, Michael K., & Deborah S. Nash, editors
Justice and Mercy Will Kiss: Paths to Peace in a World of Many Faiths
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 58
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-735-0 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-735-4. Paper. 330 pp. $32. Bibliography. Index

Dulles, Avery, S.J.
Church Membership as a Catholic and Ecumenical Problem
ISBN 0-87462-506-8 (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 6 [1974]) Cloth. 118 pp. $15

Dunne, Tad
Doing Better: The Next Revolution in Ethics
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-763-3 ISBN 10: 0-87462-766-4. Paper. 305 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 68

Dupré, Louis
Metaphysics and Culture. Aquinas Lecture 58 [1994]
ISBN 0-87462-161-5. Paper. 65 pp. $15

| TOP |


Eddy, Paul (see under Albl, Martin)

Ellsberg, Robert, editor
The Duty of Delight: The Diaries of Dorothy Day

ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-023-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-023-6. Cloth. 703 pp. $42

Ellsberg, Robert, editor
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-061-0 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-061-9. Cloth. Index. 408 pp. $35

Engle, Stephen. All the President’s Statesmen: Northern Governors and the American Civil War
ISBN-13: 978-087462-339-0 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-339-1. Paper. 47 pp. $5

Erasmus, Desiderius, of Rotterdam
On Copia of Words and Ideas. Donald B. King and H. David Rix, tr. Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 12
ISBN 0-87462-212-3. Paper. 124 pp. $15

| TOP |


Fackenheim, Emil L.
Metaphysics and Historicity
ISBN 0-87462-126-7 (Aquinas Lecture 26 [1961]) Cloth. 120 pp. $15

Fafara, Richard J., translator and editor
The Malbrance Moment: Selections from the Letters of Étienne Gilson & Henri Gouhier (1920-1936)
ISBN-13: 978-087462671-1. Hardbound. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index. © 2007. 215 pages. $27.

Fehring, Richard J., and Theresa Notare, editors
Integrating Faith and Science through Natural Family Planning
ISBN 0-87462-001-2. Paperbound. Index. 291 pp. © 2004. $20

Fehring, Richard J., & Theresa Notare, editors
Human Fertility: Where Faith and Science Meet
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 55
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-732-9 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-732-X. Paper. 225 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Fendt, Gene.
Is Hamlet a Religious Drama. An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard
ISBN 0-87462-620-X (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 21). Paper. 264 pp. $30

Findlay, John N.
Psyche and Cerebrum
ISBN 0-87462-137-2 (Aquinas Lecture 37 [1972]) Cloth. 54 pp. $15

Flanagan, Owen
Moral Sprouts and Natural Teleologies: 21st Century Moral Psychology Meets Classical Chinese Philosophy. ISBN 978-0-87462-185-3. 128 pages. Hardcover. 4.5 x 7.0. Hardcover. $15.00. The Aquinas Lecture for 2014

Fogarty, Gerald
Nova Et Vetera: The Theology of Tradition in American Catholicism
ISBN 0-87462-542-4 (1987, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 18) Cloth. 79 pp. $15

Fraser, Theodore P., translator
Mission in Thuringia in the Time of Nazism, by Paul Beschet, SJ.
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-095-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-095-3. Paper. 272 pp. $29. Maps. Bibliography. Index

Howard Fuller with Lisa Frazier Page
No Struggle, No Progress: A Warrior’s Life from Black Power to Education Reform
ISBN 978-1-62600-044-5 306 ps. Paper. Richly Illustrated. $20.00. Index

| TOP |


Gallagher, Gary W.
Jubal A. Early, the Lost Cause, and Civil War History: A Persistent Legacy
ISBN 0-87462-328-6 (Klement History Lecture 4 [1995]). Paper. 50 pp. with 6 illustrations. $5

Gallman, J. Matthew
“Touched with Fire?” Two Philadelphia Novelists Remember the Civil War
ISBN 0-87462-334-0 (Klement History Lecture 11 [2001]). 24 pp. $5.

Ganss, George E., S.J.
St. Ignatius’ Idea of a Jesuit University
ISBN 0-87462-437-1 Paper. 398 pp. $20

Ganss, George (see under Mason)

Garber, Daniel
What Happens after Pascal’s Wager: Living Faith and Rational Belief
ISBN: 978-0-87462-176-1
Aquinas Lecture 73 (2009). Cloth. 63 pp. $15

Gelven, Michael
This Side of Evil
ISBN 0-87462-621-8 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 22) Paper. 158 pp. $20

Gelpi, Donald L.
The Firstborn of Many: A Christology for Converting Christians
Volume 1: To Hope in Jesus Christ
ISBN 0-87462-644-7 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 20) Paper 552 pp. $40

Gelpi, Donald L.
The Firstborn of Many: A Christology for Converting Christians
Volume 2: Synoptic Narrative Christology
ISBN 0-87462-645-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 21) Paper 612 pp. $50

Gelpi, Donald L.
The Firstborn of Many: A Christology for Converting Christians
Volume 3: Doctrinal and Practical Christology
ISBN 0-87462-646-3 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 22) Paper 582 pp. $45

Gelpi, SJ, Donald L.
Encountering Jesus Christ: Rethinking Christological Faith and Commitment
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 65
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-742-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-742-7. Paper. 640 pp. $47. Bibliography. Glossary. Index

Geoffrey of Vinsauf
Instruction in the Method and Art of Speaking and Versifying. Roger P. Parr, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-217-4 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 17) Paper. 128 pp. $15

Gerstle, Val, & Lynda Walsh, editors
Autism Spectrum Disorders in the College Composition Classroom: Making Writing Instruction More Accessible for All Students
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-072-6. ISBN-10: 0-87462-072-4. Paper. 150 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index. Illustrated

Giles of Rome
Theorems on Existence and Essence. Michael V. Murray, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-207-7 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 7) Paper. 128 pp. $15

Gilson, Étienne
History of Philosophy and Philosophical Education
ISBN 0-87462-112-7 (Aquinas Lecture 12 [1947]) Cloth. 70 pp. $15

Gilson, Étienne
Wisdom and Love in St. Thomas Aquinas.
ISBN 0-87462-116-X (Aquinas Lecture 16 [1951]) Paper. 80 pp. $15

Golembiewski, Dick
Milwaukee Television History: The Analog Years
ISBN 978-0-87462-055-9. 510 pp. 470+ photographs. 8½ X 11. $47. Clothbound with dust jacket

Gordon, Lesley J.
“I Never Was a Coward”: Questions of Bravery in a Civil War Regiment
ISBN-10: 0-87462-338-3
Frank L Klement Lectures: Alternative Views of the Sectional Conflict 14. Paper. 43 pp. $5

Goosen, Gideon
Spacetime and Theology in Dialogue

向日葵视频Studies in Theology 57
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-734-3 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-734-6. Paper 181 pp. $22. Bibliography. Index

Graf, Ann M., Amanda I. Seligman, & Margo Anderson
Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee
ISBN 978-0-87462-084-9. 344 pages 7 x 10 Hardcover. Includes bibliographical references and index. $25

Grassignoux, Pierre, drawings
Fifty Biblical Portraits by Paul Beauchamp. Rogers, Peter, translator
ISBN 978-0-87462-789-3. Paper. 246 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 74

Grene, Marjorie
Descartes Among the Scholastics
ISBN 0-87462-158-5 (Aquinas Lecture 55 [1991]) Cloth. 50 pp. $15

Griffioen, Arie J., editor
Orestes A. Brownson, The Convert or, Leaves from My Experience (1857)
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-797-8. ISBN-10: 0-87462-797-4. Paper. 258 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 78

Grijp, Louis, see Joldersma and Grijp

Griffth, Sidney H.
Faith Adoring the Mystery: Reading the Bible with St. Ephrem the Syrian
ISBN 0-87462-577-7 (1997, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 33) Cloth. 56 pp. $15

On Light. Clare Riedl, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-201-8 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 1) Paper. 28 pp. $5.

Meditations of Guigo. John J. Jolin, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-206-9 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 6) Paper. 96 pp. $10

Gundissalinus, Dominicus
Procession of the World, The. (De processione mundi). Translated from the Latin with an Introduction and Notes by John A. Laumakis
ISBN 0-87462-242-5. 100 pp. $10.

Gurr, John Edwin, S.J.
The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Some Scholastic Systems — 1750-1900
ISBN 0-87462-411-8 Cloth. 210 pp. $15

Gustafson, James M.
The Contributions of Theology to Medical Ethics
ISBN 0-87462-507-6 (1975, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 7) Cloth. 116 pp. $15

Gy, Pierre-Marie. O.P.
The Reception of Vatican II Liturgical Reforms in the Life of the Church
ISBN 0-87462-583-1. (2003, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 34). Cloth. 62 pp. $15

| TOP |


Hagen, Kenneth, ed.
The Bible in the Churches. How various Christians interpret the Scriptures
ISBN 0-87462-628-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 4) Paper, 2nd ed., revised. 185 pp. $20

Hamm, Victor M.
Language, Truth and Poetry
ISBN 0-87462-125-9 (Aquinas Lecture 25 [1960]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

Hammond, Wayne G., & Christina Scull, editors
The Lord of the Rings 1954–2004: Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder

ISBN-10: 0-87462-018-X & ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-018-4
Hardcover. 397 pp. $32

Hanley, Katharine Rose. See Marcel, Gabriel

Hannan, Bill, illustrator
Cardinal Men & Scarlet Women: A Colorful Etymology of Words That Discriminate, by Jan Keessen
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-022-1 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-022-8. Paper. 200 pp. $25. Index

Hartshorne, Charles
Aquinas to Whitehead: Seven Centuries of Metaphysics of Religion
ISBN 0-87462-141-0 (Aquinas Lecture 40 [1976]) Cloth. 68 pp. $15

Harris, Errol E.
The Problem of Evil
ISBN 0-87462-142-9 (Aquinas Lecture 41 [1977]) Cloth. 68 pp. $15

Harvey, Susan Ashbrook
Song & Memory: Biblical Women in Syriac Tradition
ISBN-13: 978-087462-590-5. 96 pp. Cloth. $15
 Père 向日葵视频Lecture 41 (2010)

Hauerwas, Stanley
Should War Be Eliminated? Philosophical and Theological Investigations
ISBN 0-87462-539-4 (1984, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 15) Cloth. 72 pp. $15

Hazo, Samuel
The Power of Less: Essays on Poetry & Public Speech
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-013-9 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-013-9. Paper. 113 pp. $17

Hellwig, Monika
Whose Experience Counts in Theological Reflection?
ISBN 0-87462-537-8 (1982, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 13) Cloth. 112 pp. $15

Hendrix, Scott, see under Rhegius, Urbanus

Hennesey, James, S.J.
Catholics in the Promised Land of the Saints
ISBN 0-87462-536-X (1981, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 12) Cloth. 50 pp. $15

Henle, Robert J., S.J.
Method in Metaphysics
ISBN 0-87462-115-1 (Aquinas Lecture 15 [1950]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

Henry of Ghent
Quodlibetal Questions on Free Will. Roland J. Teske, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-234-4 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 32) 135 pp. $15

Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-One & Thirty-Two on God’s Eternity & the Divine Attributes in General, translated & with an Introduction & notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-257-7. ISBN-10: 0-87462-257-3. 144 pp. $17. Notes. Bibliography. Index
Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation 49

Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Forty-Two, & Forty-Five, translated & with an Introduction & notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ.
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-259-1. 184 pp. $20. Paper. Notes. Bibliography. Index
Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation 50

Hinze, Bradford E., & D. Lyle Dabney, editors
Advents of the Spirit: An Introduction to the Current Study of Pneumatology
ISBN 0-87462-679-X. (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 30) Paper 484 pp. $45

Hoffman, Piotr
Opposition and Philosophy
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 87
ISBN 978-1- 62600-604-1. Paperback. 175 pages. Bibliography. Index. List price: $20.00

Hoffman, Piotr
Self and Opposition : A Theory of Self
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 90
ISBN 978-1-62600-610-2. Paperback. 113 pages. Bibliography. Index. List price: $17.00

Hogan, Margaret Monahan
Finality and Marriage
ISBN 0-87462-600-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 2) Paper. 121 pp. $15

Hogan, Margaret Monahan
Marriage As a Relationship. Real and Rational. Foreword by Richard A. McCormick, S.J. Afterword by Sidney Callahan
ISBN 0-87462-657-9. (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 34) Paper. 170 pp. $20

Holba, Annette M.
Philosophical Leisure: Recuperative Praxis for Human Communication
ISBN-13: 978-087462-753-4& ISBN-10: 0-87462-753-2. ©2007. 200 pp. $20. Paper. Bibliography. Index

Holba, Annette M.
Transformative Leisure : A Philosophy of Communication
ISBN 978-0-87462-717-6. Paperback. 149 pp. 5.5 x 8.5. Bibliography. Index List price: $17

Hutchins, Robert M.
St. Thomas and the World State
ISBN 0-87462-114-3 (Aquinas Lecture 14 [1949]) Cloth. 72 pp. $15

Hugh of St. Victor
Soliloquy in the Earnest Money of the Soul. Kevin Herbert, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-209-3 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 9) Paper. 48 pp. $5

Hugh of St. Victor
Practical Geometry. Frederick A. Homann, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-232-8 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 29) Paper. 96 pp. $10

Hylton, Joseph Gordon, editor
Sports Law and Regulation
ISBN 0-87462-006-6. Paper. 588 pp. $24.95

Hyman, Arthur
Escahatalogical Themes in Jewish Medieval Philosophy
ISBN 0-87462-169-0 (Aquinas Lecture 66 [2002]). Cloth. 135 pp. $15

| TOP |


Ibn Gabirol. Solomon (Avicebron)
The Font of Life (Fons vitae) / by Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) ; translated from the Latin with an introduction by John A. Laumakis. (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 51)
ISBN 978-0-87462-261-4. 281 pp. $29. Paperback. Notes. Bibliography. Index.


Jablonsky, Thomas J.
Milwaukee Stories
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-079-5-0 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-079-1.
Urban Life Series #2. Paper. 464 pp. $30

Jablonsky, Thomas J.
Milwaukee's Jesuit University: 向日葵视频1881–1981
ISBN-13: 978-087462080-1 & ISBN-10: 087462080-5
Urban Life Series #3. 438 pages. 130 illustrations. $40. Gold stamped cloth bound with color dustjacket. Notes. Index.

Jaeger, Werner
Humanism and Theology
ISBN 0-87462-107-0 (Aquinas Lecture 7 [1943]) Cloth. 96 pp. $15

Jaki, Stanley L., O.S.B.
Universe and Creed
ISBN 0-87462-547-5 (1992, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 23) Cloth. 86 pp. $15

Jaspers, Karl
Reason and Existenz
ISBN 0-87462-611-0. 180 pages. Paper. $20

Jesudasan, Ignatius, SJ
Religion as Metaphor for Ethno-ethical Identity
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-793-0. ISBN-10: 0-87462-793-1. Paper. 183 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 76

Joldersma, Hermina, and Louis Grijp, editors and translators
“Elisabeth's Manly Courage”: Testimonials and Songs of Martryed Anabaptist Women in the Low Countries
ISBN 0-87462-705-2 (Reformation Texts With Translation, Women of the Reformation 3 [2001] Paper 198 pp. $20

Johann, Robert O.
The Pragmatic Meaning of God
ISBN 0-87462-131-3 (Aquinas Lecture 31 [1966]) Cloth. 76 pp. $15

Johannsen, Robert W.
The “Wicked Rebellion” and the Republic. Henry Tuckerman’s Civil War
ISBN 0-87462-327-8 (Klement History Lecture 3 [1994]) Paper. 39 pp. with 3 illustrations. $5

John of St. Thomas
Outlines of Formal Logic. Francis C. Wade, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-208-5 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 8) Paper. 144 pp. $15

Johnson, Luke Timothy
Septuagintal Midrash in the Speeches of Acts
ISBN 0-87462-582-3. (Père 向日葵视频Lecture 33 [2002]). 77 pp. Cloth. $15

| TOP |


Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Practical Reason, Tr. by H.W. Cassirer
ISBN 0-87462-616-1 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 17) Paper. 218 pp. $20

Kasper, Walter
Christian Understanding of Freedom and History of Freedom in the Modern Era
ISBN 0-87462-543-2 (1988, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 19) Cloth. 61 pp. $15

Kendzierski, Lottie H. (see under Smith, Gerard)

Kenny, Anthony
The Self
ISBN 0-87462-155-0 (Aquinas Lecture 52 [1988]) Cloth. 34 pp. $15

Keessen, Jan, Illustrated by Bill Hannan
Cardinal Men and Scarlet Women: A Colorful Etymology of Words That Discriminate
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-022-1 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-022-8. Paper. 200 pp. $25. Illustrated. Index

Kelling, George L.
Policing in Milwaukee: A Strategic History
Urban Life Series. No. 8. 192 pages. 5.5 x 8.5. Paperback. $25.00. Index
ISBN 978-1-62600-300-2

Kiecker, James George, see Nicholas of Lyra

Kissell, Judith Lee, see Welie, Jos V.M.

Klein, Terrance W.
How Things Are in the World: Metaphysics and Theology in Wittgenstein and Rahner.
ISBN 0-87462-691-9. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 39. Paperbound. Bibliography. 271 pp. $32

Klocker, Harry, S.J.
William of Ockham and the Divine Freedom
ISBN 0-87462-001-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 1) Paper, index. 141 pp. $15

Kohler, Walter, see Reeves, Thomas C.

Kolb, Robert, Editor & Translator. A Booklet of Comfort for the Sick, & On the Christian Knight by Johann Spangenberg (1548). German Text & English Translation
Reformation Texts With Translation 11, Series Theology & Piety 4. ISBN 978-0-97462-710-7
See also Spangenberg, Johann

Komonchak, Joseph A.
Who Are the Church?
Père 向日葵视频Lecture 39 ©2008
ISBN-13: 978-087462-587-5; ISBN-10: 0-87462-588-2. Cloth. 85 pp. $15

Koskela, Douglas M.
Ecclesiality and Ecumenism: Yves Congar and the Road to Unity
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 61
ISBN 13: 978-087462-738-1 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-738-9. Paper. 174 pp. $22. Bibliography. Index

| TOP |


Lauer, Quentin, S.J.
The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry
ISBN 0-87562-156-9 (Aquinas Lecture 53 [1989]) Cloth. 131 pp. $15

Laumakis, John. See Avicebron

Lazarus, Francis M., ed.
Faith, Discovery, Service. Foreword by F. Lazarus, with a portrait of President Albert DiUlio, S.J.
ISBN 0-87462-000-7 Paper. 110 pp. $10

Levenson, Jon D.
Abraham between Torah & Gospel
ISBN 978-087462-592-9. 80 pp. Cloth. $15
Père 向日葵视频Lecture 42 (2011)

Levy, Ian Christopher.
John Wyclif: Scriptural Logic, Real Presence, and the Parameters of Orthodoxy.
ISBN 0-87462-688-9. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 36. Paperbound. Index. Bibliography. 351 pp. $37

Levy, Ian Christopher
John Wyclif’s Theology of the Eucharist in Its Medieval Context: Revised & Expanded Edition of Scriptural Ligic, Real Presence, & the Parameters of Orthodoxy. ISBN 978-1-62600-704-8. Paper.. 419 pp. Bibliography. Index. $32.00

Lierheimer, Linda, see Micolon, Antoinette

Lindbeck, George A.
ISBN 0-87462-504-1 (1972, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 4) Cloth. 78 pp. $15

Løgstrup, Knud
Metaphysics (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 5).
ISBN 0-87462-603-X Volume I. Paper. 400 pp. $20
ISBN 0-67462-607-2 Volume II. Paper. 400 pp. $20

Lonergan, Bernard, S.J.
The Subject
ISBN 0-87462-133-X (Aquinas Lecture 33 [1968]) Cloth. 48 pp. $15

Lonergan, Bernard, S.J.
Doctrinal Pluralism
ISBN 0-87462-503-3 (1971, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 3) Cloth. 82 pp. $15

The Lord of the Rings 1954–2004: Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder
Edited by Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull
ISBN-10: 0-87462-018-X & ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-018-4
Hardcover. 397 pp. $32

Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza (1566–1614)
This Tight Embrace. Edited and translated by Elizabeth Rhodes
ISBN 0-87462-704-4. (Reformation Texts With Translation, Women of the Reformation 2 [2000] Paper 311 pp. $35

| TOP |


Macierowski, E. M., see Montagnes.

MacIntyre, Alasdair
First Principles, Final Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues
ISBN 0-87462-157-7 (Aquinas Lecture 54 [1990]) Cloth. 69 pp. $15

Macquarrie, John
Mystery and Truth
ISBN 0-87462-518-1 (1970, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 2) Cloth. 48 pp. $15

Malantschuk, Gregor
Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence, Edited and Translated by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong.
ISBN 0-87462-658-7. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 35. Paperbound. Index. Bibliography. 313 pp. $35

Maloney, George A., S.J.
A Theology of “Uncreated Energies”
ISBN 0-87462-5 16-5. 1978, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 10. Cloth. 142 pp. $15

Marcel, Gabriel
Awakenings. [Gabriel Marcel's Autobiography] Translated by Peter S. Rogers. Introduction by Patrick Bourgeois
ISBN 0-87462-653-6. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 30. Paper. 262 pp. $30.

Marcel. Gabriel
The Broken World. Translated by Katharine Rose Hanley. The BrokenWorld, A Four-Act Play followed by Concrete Approaches to Investigating the Ontological Mystery. Six orignal illustrations by Stephen Healy. Commentaries by Henri Gouhier and Marcel Belay. Eight Appendices. Introduction by Ralph McInerny. Bibliographies. Indexes
ISBN 0-87462-617-X. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 18. Paper. 242 pp. $25.

Marcel, Gabriel
Ghostly Mysteries: Existential Drama. A Mystery of Love & The Posthumous Joke
Translated with an introduction by K.R. Hanley
ISBN 0-87462-662-5. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 39. Paper. 179 pp. $20

Marcel, Gabriel
Music & Philosophy
Translated by Stephen Maddux & Robert E. Wood. Introduction by Robert E. Wood.
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-665-0 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-665-X.
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 42. Paper. 147 pp. $17

Marcel, Gabriel
A Path to Peace. Fresh Hope for the World. Dramatic Explorations By Gabriel Marcel. Five Plays.
Translated & Introduced by Katharine Rose Hanley
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 54
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-752-7 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-752-4. Paper. 272 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Marcus, Paul
Being for the Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 65
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-763-3 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-763-X. Paper. 265 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Marcus, Paul
They Shall Beat Their Swords into Plowshares: Military Strategy, Psycholoanalysis and the Art of Living
ISBN 978-1-62600-042-1. Paperback. 275 pp. $27.00. Bibliography. Index

Marcus, Paul
Sports as Soul-Craft: How playing and watching sports enhances life
ISBN 978-1-62600-046-9. 227 pages. 5.5 x 8.5. Paperback. $23.00. References. Index

Margenau, Henry
Thomas and the Physics of 1958: A Confrontation
ISBN 0-87462-123-2. (Aquinas Lecture 23 [1958]) Cloth. 76 pp. $15

Marino, Gordon D.
Kierkegaard in the Present Age. Preface by Philip Rieff.
ISBN 0-87462-604-8. (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 27) Paper. 125 pp. $15.

Maritain, Jacques
St. Thomas and the Problem of Evil
ISBN 0-87462-106-2 (Aquinas Lecture 6 [1942]) Cloth. 64 pp. $15

Martin, Wm. Oliver
Metaphysics and Ideology
ISBN 0-87462-124-0 (Aquinas Lecture 24 [1959]) Cloth. 104 pp. $15

Marshall, George J.
A Guide to Merleau-Ponty's
Phenomenology of Perception
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 59
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-757-2 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-757-5. Paper. 314 pp. $37. Bibliography. Index

Mason, Sr. M. Elizabeth, O.S.B., and George E. Ganss, S.J.
"Active Life" and "Contemplative Life": A Study of the Concepts from Plato to the Present
ISBN 0-87462-418-5 Paper. 152 pp. $10

Mattox, Mickey L., Translator.
Oecolampadius, Iohannes. An Exposition of Genesis.
 [D. Io. Oecolampadii in Genesim Enarratio,(Basel: Bebel, 1536)]. Translated and with an Introduction by Mickey L. Mattox.
ISBN-13: 9780874627138. ©2013. Latin on facing page. Paperbound. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 207 pp. $22. Reformation Texts With Translation, #13. Biblical Series, #4.

Matthew of Vendome
Ars Versificatoria. Roger P. Parr, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-222-0. (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 22) Paper. 150 pp. $15

Maurer, Armand J., C.S.B.
St. Thomas and Historicity
ISBN 0-87462-144-5 (Aquinas Lecture 43 [1979]) Cloth. 58 pp. $15

May, William E.
Moral Absolutes
ISBN 0-87462-544-0 (1989, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 20) Cloth. 93 pp. $15

McBride, Genevieve G., & Steven R. Byers
‘Dear Mrs. Griggs’: Women Pour Out Their Hearts from the Heartland
ISBN 978-0-87462-038-2. 370 pp. Paper. $29. Illustrated. Notes. Bibliography. Index

McCool, Gerald A., S.J.
The Neo-Thomists
ISBN 0-87462-601-1 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 3) Paper. 175 pp. $20

McCormick, John F., S.J.
St. Thomas and the Life of Learning
ISBN 0-87462-101-1 (Aquinas Lecture 1 [1937]) Cloth. 36 pp. $15

McCormick, Richard A., S.J.
Ambiguity in Moral Choice
ISBN 0-87462-505-X (1973, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 5) Cloth. 116 pp. $15

McDowell, John
Perception as a Capacity for Knowledge
ISBN: 978-0-87462-179-2. Cloth. 64 pp. $15
Aquinas Lecture 75 (2011)

McGary, Howard
The Post-Racial Ideal. ISBN: 978-0-87462-181-5. Cloth. 80 pp. $15
 Aquinas Lecture 76 (2012). Withdrawn from sale.

McInerny, Ralph
Rhyme and Reason: St. Thomas and Modes of Discourse
ISBN 0-87462-148-8 (Aquinas Lecture 45 [1981]) Cloth. 76 pp. $15

McLaughlin, Joseph, S.J.
An Outline and Manual of Logic
ISBN 0-87462-401-2 Paper. Revised Edition. Eighth printing. 165 pages. $15

McMullin, Ernan
The Inference That Makes Science
ISBN 0-87462-159-3 (Aquinas Lecture 56 [1992]) Cloth. 112 pp. $15

Meissner, W.W., S.J. M.D.
To the Greater Glory—A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality
ISBN 0-87462-640-4 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 16) Paper. 657 pages. $39

Melanchthon, Philipp
Annotations on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. Introduced, Translated, and Edited from the Latin by John Patrick Donnelly, S.J. Latin and English on facing pages.
ISBN 0-87462-701-X (Reformation Texts With Translation 2) Paper. 178 pp. $20

Mensch, James R.
Husserl’s Account of Our Consciousness of Time
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-801-2. Paper. 278 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 70

Meyer, Lodewijk
Philosophy as the Interpreter of Holy Scripture (1666)
Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction and Notes by Lee C. Rice and Francis Pastijn
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-666-7 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-666-8
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 43. Paper. vi + 291 pp. $35

Micolon, Antoinette. The Life of Antoinette Micolon. Translated, Edited, and Introduced by Linda Lierheimer.
ISBN 0-87462-708-7. (Reformation Texts With Translation #9; Women in the Reformation #4). Paper. 144 pp. $17.

Miller, William D.
A Harsh and Dreadful Love: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement.
ISBN 0-87462-012-0. Reprint of the 1973 edition with many new illustrations. Paper. 375 pp. $37

Minister, Stephen
De-Facing the Other: Reason, Ethics, & Politics after Difference
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-815-9. ISBN-10: 0-87462-815-6. Paper. 287 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 77

Mirandola, Pico Della (see under Pico Della Mirandola)

Mirkes, Renée, OSF (see under Albl, Martin)

Moltmann, Jürgen
Is There Life after Death?
ISBN 0-87462-578-5 (1998, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 29) Cloth. 66 pp. $15

Montagnes, Bernard, O.P. The Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas
Translated by E. M. Macierowski. Translation reviewed & corrected by Pol Vandevelde. Edited with revisions by Andrew Tallon.
ISBN 0-87462-624-2. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 25. 208 pp. $25.

Moran, Richard
The Story of My Life:Narrative and Self-Understanding
ISBN 978-0-87462-187-7. The Aquinas Lecture 2015. 55 pages. Hardcover. 4.5 x 7.0. $15

More, Thomas
Utopia. Sheehan, John, S.J. and Donnelly, John P., S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-448-7 Paper. 103 pp. $10

Myers, William F.
The Thoughtful Heart. The Metaphysics of John Henry Newman with a fully annotated reader's text of Newman's Discursive Enquiries on Metaphysical Subjects
ISBN 978-1-62600-600-3. Paper. 331 pp. Bibliography. Index. $29.00

| TOP |


Natalis, Hervaeus
A Treatise of Master Hervaeus Natalis (d. 1323) The Doctor Perspicacissimus on Second Intentions
Volume One—An English Translation & Volume Two—A Latin Edition
Translated and with an Introduction by John P. Doyle
Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 44
ISBN-13: 978-087462-247-8. Paper. 622 pp. $47. Bibliography. Index

Naughton, Michael
The Logic of Gift: Rethinking Business as a Community of Persons
ISBN 978-087462-596-7.  88 pp. Cloth. $15
Père 向日葵视频Lecture 43 (2012)

Neely, Mark E., Jr.
Confederate Bastille: Jefferson Davis and Civil Liberties
ISBN 0-87462-325-1 (Klement History Lecture 1 [1992]) Paper. 23 pp. with four illustrations. $5

Nelson, Ruth D.
Searching for Marquette: A Pilgrimage in Art
ISBN 978-0-87462-097-9. Paper. 302 pp. Generously illustrated. $29.00

Nicholas of Autrecourt
The Universal Treatise. Leonard L. Kennedy, C.S.B., tr.
ISBN 0-87462-220-4 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 20) Paper. 174 pp. $15

Nicholas of Lyra
The Postilla of Nicholas of Lyra on the Song of Songs. James George Kiecker., tr.
ISBN 0-87462-703-6 (Reformation Texts With Translation, Biblical Series 3) Paper. 128 pp. $20

Nichols, Aidan, O.P.
Engaging Theologians
ISBN 978-0-87462-723-7. Paper. 208 pp. 5.5 x 8.5. Bibliography. Index. $22.00

Noica, Constantin
Becoming within Being
Translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. Edited by Paul Balogh
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 61
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-759-6 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-759-1. Paper. 400 pp. $37. Index

Notare, Theresa, see Fehring, Richard

| TOP |


O’Boyle, Edward J., editor
Looking beyond the Individualism and Homo Economicus of Neoclassical Economics: A Collection of Original Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Peter L. Danner, Our Friend & Colleague
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-066-5. Hardbound. 180 pp. Bibliography. Index. $20

O'Collins, Gerald, S.J.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
ISBN 0-87462-548-3 (1993, Lecture 24) Cloth. 50 pp. $15

O'Connell, Robert, S.J.
Imagination and Metaphysics in St. Augustine
ISBN 0-87462-227-1 (Aquinas Lecture 50 [1986]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

O'Connor, William R.
The Natural Desire for God
ISBN 0-87462-113-5 (Aquinas Lecture 13 [1948]) Cloth. 102 pp. $15

Oecolampadius, Iohannes
An Exposition of Genesis.
 [D. Io. Oecolampadii in Genesim Enarratio,(Basel: Bebel, 1536)]. Translated and with an Introduction, by Mickey L. Mattox.
ISBN-13: 9780874627138. ©2013. Paperbound. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 207 pp. $22. Reformation Texts With Translation, #13. Biblical Series, #4.

Ogbonnaya, Joseph and Briola, Lucas (Editors)
Everything is Interconnected: Towards a Globalization with a Human Face and an Integral Ecology
ISBN 9781626007185
5.5 x 8.5. 304 pages. Paperback. $29.00.
Series: 向日葵视频Studies in Theology, No. 90

Omar, Irfan A. & Daly, Kaitlyn C. (Editors)
Interfaith Engagement in Milwaukee: A Brief History of Christian-Muslim Dialogue
ISBN 9781626000568
6 x 9. 376 pages. Paperback. $32.00

Omar, Irfan A., & Richard C. Taylor editors
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical & Theological Perspectives
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-811-1. ISBN-10: 0-87462-811-3. Paper. 339 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 75

O'Neil, Charles J.
Imprudence in St. Thomas Aquinas
ISBN 0-87462-120-8 (Aquinas Lecture 20 [1955]) Cloth. 178 pp. $15

O’Regan, Cyril
Theology and the Spaces of Apocalyptic
Père 向日葵视频Lecture 40 ©2009
ISBN-13: 978-087462-587-5; ISBN-10: 0-87462-589-9. Cloth. 167 pp. $15

Orestes A. Brownson, The Convert or, Leaves from My Experience (1857),  edited by Arie J. Griffioen. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-797-8. ISBN-10: 0-87462-797-4. Paper. 258 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index. MST78

Orji, Cyril
Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Africa: An Analysis of Bias, Decline, and Conversion Based on the Works of Bernard Lonergan
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 59
ISBN 978-0-87462-736-7 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-736-2. Paper. 269 pp. $32. Bibliography. Index

Ormerod, Neil
The Trinity: Retrieving the Western Tradition
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-725-1 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-725-7.
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 48. Paper. 176 pp. $20

Orsy, Ladislas, S.J.
From Vision to Legislation: From the Council to a Code of Laws
ISBN 0-87462-540-8 (1985, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 16) Cloth. 59 pp. $15

Owens, Joseph, C.Ss.R.
St. Thomas and the Future of Metaphysics
ISBN 0-87462-122-4 (Aquinas Lecture 22 [1957]) Cloth. 110 pp. $15

| TOP |


Page, Lisa Frazier, see Fuller, Howard, No Struggle, No Progress: A Warrior’s Life from Black Power to Education Reform

Paludan, Phillip Shaw
War and Home: The Civil War Encounter
ISBN 0-87462-331-6 (Klement History Lecture 8) Paper. 37 pp. with 1 illustration. $5

Pannekoek, Anton
Lenin as Philosopher: A Critical Examination of the Philosophical Basis of Leninism. Revised Edition. Edited, annotated, and with an Introduction by Lance Byron Richey.
ISBN 0-87462-654-4. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 31. Paperbound.Index. Bibliography. 177 Pp. $20

Parker, Francis H.
Reason and Faith Revisited
ISBN 0-87462-136-4 (Aquinas Lecture 36 [1971]) Cloth. 56 pp. $15

Pasero, Anne M.  & John Pustejovsky
“And have you changed your life?” The Challenge of Listening to the Spiritual in Contemporary Poetry

ISBN 978-1-62600-048-3. 108 pages. 5.5 x 8.5. Paperback. Illustrated. Index. $14.00

Pavur, Claude
Nietzsche Humanist
ISBN 0-87462-614-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 15) Paper. 214 pp. $25

Pegis, Anton C.
St. Thomas and the Greeks
ISBN 0-87462-103-8 (Aquinas Lecture 3 [1939]) Cloth. 120 pp. $15

Pegis, Anton C.
St. Thomas and Philosophy
ISBN 0-87462-129-1 (Aquinas Lecture 29 [1964]) Cloth. 108 pp. $15

Pekarske, SDS, Daniel T.
Abstracts of Karl Rahner's Theological Investigations 1-23
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 31
ISBN 0-87462-683-8. Paper. 660 pp. $45

Pekarske, SDS, Daniel T.

Abstracts of Karl Rahner’s Unserialized Essays
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 60
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-737- & ISBN-10: 0-87462-737-0. Paper. 565 pp. $47. Bibliography. Index

Pereira, José Suárez. Between Scholasticism & Modernity
ISBN-13: 978-087462-750-3 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-750-8. ©2007. 384 pages. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. $37

Pesch, Otto Hermann
The Ecumenical Potential of the Second Vatican Council
ISBN 0-87462-586-6
The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 37. Cloth. 66 pp. $15

Peter of Spain
Tractatus Syncategorematum & Selected Anonymous Treatises. Joseph P. Mullally & Roland Houde, trs.
ISBN 0-87462-213-1 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 13) 168 pp. $15

Phelan, Gerald B.
St. Thomas and Analogy
ISBN 0-87462-105-4 (Aquinas Lecture 5 [1941]) Cloth. 62 pp. $15

Phelps, Jamie T., O.P., ed.
Black and Catholic: The Challenge and Gift of Black Folk. Contributions of African American Experience and Thought to Catholic Theology
ISBN 0-87462-629-3 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 5) Paper. 183 pp. $20

Pico Della Mirandola
Of Being and Unity. Victor M. Hamm, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-203-4 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 3) Paper. 40 pp. $10

Pinkham, Derek J.  Milwaukee Jazz Profiles: Lives & Lessons of Musicians from the Cream City
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-057-3. Paper. 329 pp. 52 illustrations. 216 pp. $22. Notes. Index

Plantinga, Alvin
Does God Have a Nature?
ISBN 0-87462-145-3 (Aquinas Lecture 44 [1980]) Cloth. 156 pp. $15

Porter, Jean
The Perfection of Desire: Habit, Reason, and Virtue in Aquinas's Summa theologiae
ISBN 9781626005082
4.5 x 7.0. 158 pages. Hardcover. $15.00

Posset, Franz
The Two-Fold Knowledge: Readings on the Knowledge of Self & the Knowledge of God.
Selected & Translated from the Works of Bernard of Clairvaux
ISBN 0-87462-693-5. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 41. Paper. 152 pp. $20

Principe, Walter H., C.S.B.
Faith, History and Cultures: Stability and Change in Church Teachings
ISBN 0-87462-546-7 (1991, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 22) Cloth. 63 pp. $15

Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite
The Divine Names and Mystical Theology. John D. Jones, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-221-2 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 21) 320 pp. $25

Pugliese, Marc A. & Gloria L. Schaab, SSJ. editors
Seeking Common Ground: Evaluation & Critique of Joseph Bracken’s Comprehensive Worldview
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-797-8. ISBN-10: 0-87462-797-4. Hardcover. 288 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 79

Purcell, Michael
Mystery and Method: The Other in Rahner and Levinas
ISBN 0-87462-639-0 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 15) Paper. 394 pp. $45

Pustejovsky, John, & Anne Pasero
“And have you changed your life?” The Challenge of Listening to the Spiritual in Contemporary Poetry
ISBN 978-1-62600-048-3. 108 pages. 5.5 x 8.5. Paperback. Illustrated. Index. $14.00

| TOP |


Quesnell, Quentin
The Authority for Authority
ISBN 0-87462-517-3 (1969, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 1) Cloth. 54 pp. $15

| TOP |


Rahner, Karl
Spirit in the World, new, corrected translation by William Dych
ISBN 0-87462-630-7 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 6). CD version. $10

Rahner, Karl
Hearer of the Word , FIRST EDITION, translated by Joseph Donceel, edited and with an introduction by Andrew Tallon
ISBN 0-87462-631-5 (向日葵视频Studies in Theology 7). CD version. $10

Rand, E.K.
Cicero in the Courtroom of St. Thomas Aquinas
ISBN 0-87462-109-7 (Aquinas Lecture 9 [1945]) Cloth. 112 pp. $15

Régis, Louis-Marie, O.P.
St. Thomas and Epistemology
ISBN 0-87462-110-0 (Aquinas Lecture 10 [1946]) Cloth. 108 pp. $15

Renic, Dalibor
Ethical & Epistemic Normativity: Lonergan & Virtue Epistemology
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-809-8. ISBN-10: 0-87462-809-1. Paper. 270 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 74

Rescher, Nicholas
Common Sense: A New Look at an Old Philosophical Tradition
The Aquinas Lecture in Philosophy 69
ISBN 0-87462-172-0
270 pp. Clothbond $20

Reeves, Thomas C.
Distinguished Service: The Life of Wisconsin Governor Walter J. Kohler, Jr.
ISBN-10: 0-87462-017-1 & ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-017-X.
Clothbound with dust jacket. 456 pp. 34 photos. $45

Rhegius, Urbanus
Preaching the Reformation: The Homilectical Handbook of Urbanus Rhegius. Translated, Edited, and Introduced by Scott Hendrix. Latin Text and English Translation of Formulae quaedam caute et citra scandalum loquendi de praecipuis Christianae doctrinae locis, pro iunioribus Verbi Ministris in Ducatu Luneburgensi [1535] by Urbanus Rhegius (1489-1541)
ISBN 0-87462-707-9. ©2003. Paperbound. Index. 170 pp. $15

Rhodes, Elizabeth, see Luisa de Caravajal

Ricoeur, Paul
The Reality of the Historical Past
ISBN 0-87462-152-6 (Aquinas Lecture 48 [1984]) Cloth. 60 pp. $15

Riedl, John O.
The University in Process
ISBN 0-87462-130-5 (Aquinas Lecture 30 [1965]) Cloth. 96 pp. $15

Riedl, John O., ed.
A Catalogue of Renaissance Philosophers
ISBN 0-87462-433-9 Cloth. 192 pp. $10

Riemschneider's Lehrbuch des Akkadischen (see An Akkadian Grammar)

Rist, John M.
On Inoculating Moral Philosophy against God
ISBN 0-87462-167-4 Cloth. 111 pp. $15

Robb, James H.
Man as Infinite Spirit
ISBN 0-87462-139-9 (Aquinas Lecture 39 [1974]) Cloth. 74 pp. $15

Robinson, Hoke, ed.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress (Memphis 1995) 5 volumes: $100
ISBN 0-87462-479-7. Vol. 1, Part 1. Paper. $20
ISBN 0-87462-480-0. Vol. 1, Part 2. Paper. $20
ISBN 0-87462-481-9. Vol. 1, Part 3. Paper. $20
ISBN 0-87462-477-0. Vol. II, Part 1. Paper. $20
ISBN 0-87462-478-9. Vol. II, Part 2. Paper. $20

Rogers, Peter, translator
Awakenings [Gabriel Marcel's Autobiography], by Marcel, Gabriel
Introduction by Patrick Bourgeois
ISBN 0-87462-653-6. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 30. Paper. 262 pp. $30.

Rogers, Peter, translator
Fifty Biblical Portraits by Paul Beauchamp. Drawings by Pierre Grassignoux
ISBN 978-0-87462-789-3. Paper. 246 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 74

Rousselot, Pierre
Intelligence: Sense of Being, Faculty of God. Tr. Andrew Tallon
ISBN 0-87462-615-3. (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 16) Paper. 240 pp. $30

Rousselot, Pierre
The Problem of Love in the Middle Ages. A Historical Contribution. Translated and with an Introduction by Alan Vincelette. Reviewed and corrected by Pol Vandevelde.
ISBN 0-87462-623-4. (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy24) Paper. 277 pp. $30

Rowland, Christopher Charles
"Wheels within Wheels": William Blake and the Ezekiel Merkabah in Text and Image
ISBN-13: 978-087462-587-5; ISBN-10: 0-87462-587-4. (2007, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 38). 50 pp. Cloth. $15

Rupert, Jane
Uneasy Relations: Reason in Literature & Science from Aristotle to Darwin & Blake
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-771-8. Paper. 200 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 69

Russell, Heidi Ann
The Heart of Rahner: The Theological Implications of Andrew Tallon’s Theory of Triune Consciousness
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 64
ISBN 978-0-87462-741-1. Paper. 234 pp. $25. Bibliography. Index

| TOP |


Salas, Victor M., editor
Hircocervi & Other Metaphysical Wonders: Essays in Honor of John P. Doyle
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 84
ISBN 978-0-87462-721-3. Hardcover. 384 pp. Bibliography. Index. $29.00

Salmon, Elizabeth G.
The Good in Existential Metaphysics
ISBN 0-87462-117-8 Aquinas Lecture 17 [1952]) Cloth. 110 pp. $15

Saracino, Michele.
On Being Human: A Conversation with Lonergan and Levinas.
ISBN 0-87462-687-0. ©2003. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 35. Paperbound. Index. Bibliography. 225 pp. $27

Savonarola, Girolamo, O.P.
Prison Meditations on Psalms 51 and 31. Introduced, Translated, and Edited from the Latin by John Patrick Donnelly, S.J. Latin and English on facing pages.
ISBN 0-87462-700-1 (Reformation Texts With Translation 1) Paper. 142 pp. $15

Schaefer, Jame, editor
Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-791-6. Paper. 478 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 75

Scheler, Max
ISBN 0-87462-602-1 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 4) New Introduction by Manfred Frings. Paper. 172 pp. $20

Scheler, Max
The Constitution of the Human Being by Max Scheler. From the posthumous works, volumes 11 and 12. Translated by John Cutting
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 62
ISBN 13: 978-087462-760-2 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-760-5. Paper. 430 pp. $39. Bibliography. Index

Schmitz, Kenneth L.
The Gift: Creation
ISBN 0-87462-149-6 (Aquinas Lecture 46 [1982]) Cloth. 154 pp. $15

Seligman, Amanda I., Ann M. Graf, & Margo Anderson
Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee
ISBN 978-0-87462-084-9. 344 pages 7 x 10 Hardcover. Includes bibliographical references and index. $25

Shaddy, Virginia M., ed.
Catholic Theology in the University: Source of Wholeness
ISBN0-87462-641-2. () Paper. 120 pp. $15

Shutte, Augustine
Philosophy for Africa
ISBN 0-87462-608-0 (向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 9) Paper. 184 pp. $20

Siger de Brabant (see under St. Thomas On the Eternity of the World)

Simon, John Y.
Grant and Halleck: Contrasts in Command
ISBN 0-87462-329-4 (Klement History Lecture 5 [1996]). Paper. 33 pp. with 2 illustrations. $5.

Simon, Yves
The Nature and Functions of Authority
ISBN 0-87462-104-6 (Aquinas Lecture 4 [1940]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

Slattery, W. Michael. Jesus the Warrior? Historical Christian Perspectives & Problems on the Morality of War & the Waging of Peace
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-730-5 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-730-3. ((向日葵视频Studies in Theology 53) Paper. Bibliography. Index. 268 pp. $27

Smith, Cyril E.
The University of Toulouse in the Middle Ages
ISBN 0-87462-423-1 Cloth. 244 pp. $20

Smith, Gerard, S.J.
The Truth That Frees
ISBN 0-87462-121-6 (Aquinas Lecture 21 [1956]) Cloth. 90pp. $15

Smith, Gerard, S.J. and Kendzierski, Lottie H.
The Philosophy of Being
ISBN 0-87462-530-0 Paper. 408 pp. $20

Smith, John E.
Religion and Empiricism
ISBN 0-87462-132-1 (Aquinas Lecture 32 [1967]) Cloth. 78 pp. $15

Smith, Vincent E.
St. Thomas and the Object of Geometry
ISBN 0-87462-118-6 (Aquinas Lecture 18 [1953]) Cloth.112 pp. $15

Snell, RJ. Through a Glass Darkly Bernard Lonergan & Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God’s-Eye View. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 45
ISBN-13: 978-087462-668-1 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-668-4. ©2006. 238 pages. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. $27

Sniegocki, John
Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 67
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-744-2 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-744-3. Paper. 354 pp. $37. Bibliography. Index

Soko, Keith
A Mounting East–West Tension: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on Human Rights, Social Justice, & a Global Ethic
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 66
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-743-5 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-743-5. Paper. 254 pp. $27. Bibliography. Index

Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz. Metaphysics without Truth: On the Importance of Consistency within Nietzsche’s Philosophy
ISBN 978-0-87462-673-5. ©2007. 173 pages. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. $20

Spangenberg, Johann. A Booklet of Comfort for the Sick, & On the Christian Knight by (1548). Robert Kolb, Editor & Translator.German Text & English Translation. Reformation Texts With Translation 11, Series Theology & Piety 4.
ISBN 978-0-97462-710-7

Stambovsky, Phillip
Inference and the Metaphysic of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 67
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-765-7. Paper. 362 pp. $37. Bibliography. Index

Starkloff, Carl F. A Theology of the In-Between: The Value of Syncretic Process. ISBN 0-87462-685-4. Paper 177 pp. $20

Starr, William (see under Ashmore, Robert)

Steinvorth, Ulrich
Metaphysics of Modernity: What Makes Societies Thrive
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 80
ISBN 978-0-87462-821-0. Paper. 308 pp. Bibliography. Index. $29.00

Studtmann, Paul
The Foundations of Aristotle's Categories Scheme
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 63
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-761-9 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-761-3. Paper. 175 pp. $23. Bibliography. Index

Stump, Eleonore
The God of the Bible and the God of the Philosophers
ISBN 978-0-87462-189-1 (Aquinas Lecture 80 [2016]) Cloth, 116 pages, $15

Suarez, Francis. On the Various Kinds of Distinctions. Cyril Vollert, S.J. tr.
ISBN 0-87462-204-2 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 4) Paper. 72 pp. $10

Suarez, Francis
Disputation VI, On Formal and Universal Unity. James F. Ross, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-215-8 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 15) Paper. 132 pp. $15

Suarez, Francis
On Individuation. Jorge J.E. Gracia, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-223-9 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 23) Paper. 304 pp. $25

Suarez, Francis
On the Essence of Finite Being as Such, on the Existence of That Essence and Their Distinction. Norman J. Wells, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-224-7 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 24) Paper. 248 pp. $20

Suarez, Francis
On Beings of Reason. Metaphysical Disputation LIV. John P. Doyle, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-236-0 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 33) 170 pp. $20

Suarez, Francis
On the Formal Cause of Substance. Metaphysical Disputation XV. John Kronen and Jeremiah Reedy, tr.
ISBN 0-87462-239-5 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 36) 217 pp. $25

Suárez, Francisco, S.J.
On Real Relation: Disputatio Metaphysica XLVII
Translation & Introduction by John P. Doyle
ISBN 0-87462-245-X
Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 42. Paper. 432 pp. $45

Swinburne, Richard
Simplicity As Evidence of Truth
ISBN 0-87462-164-X (Aquinas Lecture 61 [1997]) Cloth 64 pp. $15

| TOP |

Tallon, Andrew
Personal Becoming. Karl Rahner's Metaphysical Anthropology
ISBN 0-87462-522-X Paper. 224 pp. $20

Tallon, Mary Elizabeth
Joan of Arc at the University
ISBN 0-87462-005-8. 1999. Paper. $25

Taminiaux, Jacques
The Metamorphoses of Phenomenological Reduction
ISBN 0-87462-171-2. 2004. Cloth. $15

Taylor, Richard C., & Irfan A. Omar, editors
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical & Theological Perspectives
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-811-1. ISBN-10: 0-87462-811-3. Paper. 339 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 75

Tanenbaum, Marc H.
Religious Values in an Age of Violence
ISBN 0-87462-508-4 (1976, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 8) Paper. 64 pp. $15

Tavard, George H. Trina Deitas: The Controversy between Hincmar and Gottschalk.
ISBN 0-87462-636-6. ©1996. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 12. Paper. Index. 160 pp. $20

Tavard, George H. From Bonaventure to the Reformers.
ISBN 0-87462-695-1. ©2005. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 43. Paper. 140 pp. $17

Tavard, George H. The Contemplative Church: Joachim & His Adversaries. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 49. Paper. 153 pp. $17
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-726-8 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-726-5

Tavard, George H. Vatican II and the Ecumenical Way. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 52
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-729-9 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-729-X. ©2007 Paperbound. Index. 155 pp. $20

Teevan, Donna. Lonergan, Hermeneutics, & Theological Method.
ISBN 0-87462-697-8. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 45. Paper. 225 pp. $27

Teske, SJ, Roland J. Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine
ISBN 0-87462-163-1 (Aquinas Lecture 60 [1996]) Cloth 103 pp. $15

Teske, SJ, Roland J. Studies in the Philosophy of William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris (1228-1249). 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 51
ISBN-13: 978-087462-674-2 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-674-9. ©2006. 274 pages. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. $30

Teske, SJ, Roland J.
Augustine of Hippo: Philosopher, Exegete, and Theologian: A Second Collection of Essays
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 66
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-764-0. Paper. 296 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

Teske, Roland J., SJ
Essays on the Philosophy of Henry of Ghent
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-813-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-813-X. Paper. 275 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 76

Teske, SJ, Roland J.
Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-One & Thirty-Two on God’s Eternity & the Divine Attributes in General, translated & with an Introduction & notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-257-7. ISBN-10: 0-87462-257-3. 144 pp. $17. Notes. Bibliography. Index
Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation 49

Teske, Roland J., SJ.
Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Forty-Two, & Forty-Five
, translated & with an Introduction & notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ.
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-259-1. 184 pp. $20. Paper. Notes. Bibliography. Index
Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation 50

Thanassas, Panagiotis
Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being: A Philosophical Interpretation
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 57
ISBN-13: 978-087462-755-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-755-9. ©2008. Paper. 109 pp. $15. Bibliography. Index

Thiel, Mark G., & Christopher Vecsey, editors
Native Footsteps: Along the Path of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-095-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-095-3. Paper. 276 pp. $20. Illustrated. Index

St. Thomas Aquinas (see under Aquinas)

Thorn, Willy
Brother Booker Ashe: “It’s amazing what the Lord can do”
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-091-7. ISBN-10: 0-87462-091-0. Paper. 195 pp. $20. Generously illustrated. Notes. Index

Tillman, M. Katherine
John Henry Newman: Man of Letters. ISBN 978-1-62600-606-7. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy No. 86. Paperback. 353 pages. Bibliography. Index. $29.00

Tolkien, see Lord of the Rings and Hammond, Wayne G.

Toner, Jules. Love and Friendship. Book 1: The Experience of Love. Book 2: Personal Friendship: The Experience and the Ideal. Two books in volume. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 26
ISBN 0-87462-650-1.Paper. 333 pp. $37

Torchia, Joseph, O.P.
Restless Mind: Curiositas & the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine’s Psychology
ISBN 978-0-87462-719-0. Paper. 312 pp. 5.5 x 8.5. Bibliography. Index. $29.00

Toton, Suzanne C. Justice Education: From Service to Solidarity. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 50
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-727-5 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-727-3. Paper. Bibliography. Index. 188 pp. $20

Tumpak, John R.
When Swing Was the Thing: Personality Profiles of the Big Band Era

ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-024-5 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-024-4. Hardcover. 329 pp. $35. Illustrated. Index

| TOP |


Usher, Anton
Replenishing Ritual: Rediscovering the Place of Ritual in Western Christian Liturgy
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-784-8. Paper. 277 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Theology 72


Vandevelde, Pol. Editor. Issues in Interpretation Theory. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 49
ISBN-13: 978-087462-672-8 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-672-2. ©2006. 299 pages. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. $30

Veatch, Henry
Realism and Nominalism Revisted
ISBN 0-87462-l 19-4 (Aquinas Lecture 19 [1954]) Cloth. 88 pp. $15

Vecsey, Christopher, & Mark G. Thiel, editors
Native Footsteps: Along the Path of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha.
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-095-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-095-3. Paper. 276 pp. $20. Illustrated. Index

Verrier, Philippe
Victor Dillard, SJ. Spiritual Resister & Apostle to the STO Slave Laborers in Germany, Martyred at Dachau Verrier.
ISBN: 978-1-62600-052-0. Translated by Theodore P. Fraser. Paperback. 212 pp. $24. Illustrated. Glossary. Bibliography. Notes. Index

Vincelette, Alan
Recent Catholic Philosophy The Nineteenth Century
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 58
ISBN 13: 978-087462-756-5 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-756-7
Paper. Bibliography. Index. 415 pp. $42

Vincelette, Alan
Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Twentieth Century
ISBN 978-0-87462-803-6. Paper. 447 pp. $42. Bibliography. Index
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 71

de Vitoria, Francisco
On Homicide and Commentary on Thomas Aquinas: Summa theologiae IIaIIae, 64. Edited and Translated by John Doyle.
ISBN 8-87462-237-9. Paper. 328 pp. (Translation #34.) $35

| TOP |


Wade, Francis C., S.J.
The Catholic University and the Faith
ISBN 0-87462-143-7 (Aquinas Lecture 42 [1978]) Cloth. 72 pp. $15

Waldenfels, Hans
Jesus Christ and the Religions: An Essay in Theology of Religions

向日葵视频Studies in Theology 62
ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-739-8 & ISBN 10: 0-87462-739-7. Paper. 146 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index

Walker, Margaret Urban
What Is Reparative Justice?
ISBN: 978-0-87462-177-8. Cloth. 70 pp. $15

Walsh, Lynda, & Val Gerstle, editors
Autism Spectrum Disorders in the College Composition Classroom: Making Writing Instruction More Accessible for All Students
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-072-6. ISBN-10: 0-87462-072-4. Paper. 150 pp. $20. Bibliography. Index. Illustrated

Watkin, Julia
God & the Modern World
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-664-3 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-664-1
向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 41. Paper. 132 pp. $17

Waugh, Joan
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant: A History of the Union Cause
ISBN 0-87462-336-7. ©2003. Klement Lecture Series 12. 46 pp. 9 illustrations. $5

Weakland, Rembert G., O.S.B.
Seeking God in Contemporary Culture
ISBN 0-87462-549-1 (1994, Père 向日葵视频Lecture 25) Paper. 45 pp. $15

Weinberg, Julius R.
Ideas and Concepts
ISBN 0-87462-135-6 (Aquinas Lecture 35 [1970]) Cloth. 58 pp. $15

Weiss, Paul
Religion and Art
ISBN 0-87462-128-3 (Aquinas Lecture 28 [1963]) Cloth. 112 pp. $15

Welie, Jos V.M., & Judith Lee Kissell, editors.
Jesuit Health Sciences & the Promotion of Justice: An Invitation to a Discussion.
ISBN 0-87462-694-3. 向日葵视频Studies in Theology 42. Paper. 265 pp. $25

Welie, Jos V.M. Justice in Oral Health Care: Ethical and Educational Perspectives. 向日葵视频Studies in Philosophy 47
ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-670-4 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-670-6. ©2006 Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. 370 pp. $35

Wellmuth, John
The Nature and Origins of Scientism
ISBN 0-87462-108-9 (Aquinas Lecture 8 [1944]) Cloth. 68 pp. $15

Wiesner-Hanks, Merry
Convents Confront the Reformation: Catholic and Protestant Nuns in Germany.

Introduction by Merry Wiesner-Hanks. Translated by Merry Wiesner-Hanks and Joan Skocir.
ISBN 0-87462-702-8. Paper. $15. August 1996

Wilken, Robert Louis
The Christian Roots of Religious Freedom
ISBN 978-0-87462-500-6. The Père 向日葵视频Lecture in Theology 2014. Hardcover. 55 pages. 4.5 X 7.5. $15.00

Wilkinson, James C., editor, translator, & with an introduction.
Exemplary Lives: Selected Sermons on the Saints, from Rheinau
Reformation Texts With Translation 10
ISBN 0-87462-709-5

William of Auvergne
The Soul (De anima). Roland J. Teske, SJ, translator
ISBN 0-87462-240-9 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 37) Paper. 513 pp. $50

William of Auvergne
The Trinity. Roland J. Teske, SJ, and Francis C. Wade, SJ, translators
ISBN 0-87462-231-X (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 28) Paper. 286 pp. $20

William of Auvergne
The Universe of Creatures Roland J. Teske, SJ, translator
ISBN 0-87462-238-7 (Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 35) Paper. 235 pp. $25

William of Auvergne
On the Virtues, Part One of On the Virtues and Vices
Translated from the Latin with an Introduction and Notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ
Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 45
ISBN 978-0-87462-248-5. Paper. 310 pp. $30. Bibliography. Index

William of Auvergne
The Providence of God regarding the Universe. Part Three of the First Principal Part of The Universe of Creatures
Translated from the Latin with an Introduction and Notes by Roland J. Teske, SJ
Mediæval Philosophical Texts in Translation 43
ISBN-13: 978-087462-246-1; ISBN-10: 0-87462-246-8. Paper. 204 pp. $25. Bibliography. Index

Wippel, John F.
Mediæval Reactions to the Encounters between Faith and Reason
ISBN 0-87462-162-3 (Aquinas Lecture 59 [1995]) 120 pp. $15

Woell, Edward J.
Small-Town Martyrs & Murderers: Religious Revolution & Counterrevolution in Western France, 1774-1914
向日葵视频Studies in History 1
ISBN-10: 0-87462-311-1 & ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-311-6. Paper. 292 pp. $32

| TOP |

Young, Robin Darling
In Procession before the World: Martyrdom As Public Liturgy in Early Christianity
ISBN 0-87462-581-5 (2001 Père 向日葵视频Lecture 32) Cloth 70 pp. $15

| TOP |


Zedler, Beatrice H.
How Philosophy Begins
ISBN 0-87462-151-8 (Aquinas Lecture 47 [1983]) Cloth. 53pp. $15

Philosophy & Theology. 向日葵视频 Journal
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Renascence is a critical and scholarly quarterly journal concerned with the study of values of literature. The editorial perspective is Christian thought and values without limitation to subject matter. Editor: Edwin Block. Subscriptions: Individual $25; Institutional $35; International $40; Single Back Copies $8; Single Special Issues $9; Combined Issue $14

| TOP |

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Brief entries only: Complete entries in Author Index and Series Lists


Abraham between Torah & Gospel — Jon D. Levenson
Abstracts of Karl Rahner's Theological Investigations 1-23
Pekarske, Daniel T., SDS
Abstracts of Karl Rahner's Unserialized Essays — Pekarske, Daniel T., SDS
“Active Life” and “Contemplative Life” —Mason, Sr. M. Elizabeth, et al.
Advents of the Spirit: An Introduction to the Current Study of Pneumatology — Hinze, Bradford E., & D. Lyle Dabney, editors
Against the Academicians — St. Augustine
Akkadian Grammar — Caldwell, Thomas A., S.J. John N. Oswalt, and John F.X. Sheehan, S.J. tr
Ambiguity in Moral Choice
— McCormick, Richard A.
American Catholic Religious Thought: The Shaping of a Theological and Social Tradition – Carey, Patrick W., editor
“And have you changed your life?” The Challenge of Listening to the Spiritual in Contemporary Poetry — Anne M. Pasero & John Pustejovsky
"And Hope Does Not Disappoint": Love, Grace, and Subjectivity in the Work of Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ – Jeremy W. Blackwood
Annotations on the First Epistle to the Corinthians — Melanchthon, Philipp
Aquinas to Whitehead: Seven Centuries of Metaphysics of Religion — Hartshorne, Charles
All the President’s Statesmen: Northern Governors and the American Civil War — Stephen Engle
All the Way to Heaven: The Selected Letters of Dorothy Day — Robert Ellsberg, editor
Aristotle: On Interpretation: Commentary by St. Thomas and Cajetan — Aquinas, St. Thomas et al.
Aristotle's Divine Intellect — Myles F. Burnyeat
Ars Versificatoria — Matthew of Vendome
Assessing Evidence in a Postmodern World — Bonnie Brennen, editor
Augustine of Hippo: Philosopher, Exegete, and Theologian: A Second Collection of Essays — Roland J. Teske, SJ
Authority for Authority — Quesnell, Quentin
Autism Spectrum Disorders in the College Composition Classroom: Making Writing Instruction More Accessible for All Students — Val Gerstle & Lynda Walsh, editors
Awakenings — Marcel, Gabriel

| TOP |


Becoming within Being — Constantin Noica
Being and Unity, On — Pico Della Mirandola
Being for the Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis — Paul Marcus
Being Human, On : A Conversation with Lonergan and Levinas — Saracino, Michele
Beings of Reason, On. Metaphysical Disputation LIV — Suárez, Francisco
Beyond Trinity — Cooke, Bernard J.
Bible in the Churches — Hagen, Kenneth
Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee — Ann M. Graf, Amanda I. Seligman, & Margo Anderson
Bioethics and the Common Good — Cahill, Lisa Sowle
Black and Catholic—Phelps, Jamie
Book of Causes (Liber De Causis) — Anonymous
Book of Proverbs and Our Search for Wisdom — Clifford, Richard J.
Brother Booker Ashe: “It’s amazing what the Lord can do”  — Willy Thorn
By-Line Awards — Bovée, Warren

| TOP |


Cardinal Men and Scarlet Women: A Colorful Etymology of Words That Discriminate — Jan Keessen & Bill Hannan
Catalogue of Renaissance Philosophers
— Riedl, John O.
Catholic Social Teaching: An Historical Perspective. — Aubert, Roger
Catholics in the Promised Land of the Saints — Hennesey, James
Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives — John Sniegocki
Catholic Theology in the University: Source of Wholeness — Shaddy, Virginia, ed.
Catholic University and the Faith — Wade, Francis C.
Charity, On — Aquinas, St. Thomas
Christian Understanding of Freedom and History of Freedom in the Modern Era — Kasper, Walter
Christian Roots of Religious Freedom, The — Robert Louis Wilken
Church Membership as a Catholic and Ecumenical Problem — Dulles, Avery
Cicero in the Courtroom of St. Thomas Aquinas — Rand, E.K.
Class and Religious Identity: The Rhenish Center Party in Wilhelmine Germany—Bredohl, Thomas M.
Clovis, King of the Franks—Currier, John W.
Commentary on St. Thomas Aquinas’ On Being and Essence — Cajetan
Commentary on Gabriel Marcel's The Mystery of Being — Anderson
Confederate Bastille: Jefferson Davis and Civil Liberties — Neely, Mark E., Jr.
Confidence and Crisis A History of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1959-1977 — Avella, Steven M.
Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives — Jame Schaefer, editor
Conimbricenses, The. Some Questions on Signs. — Doyle, John, trans.
Conscience & Conversion in Newman: A Developmental Study of Self in John Henry Newman — Walter E. Conn
Constitution of the Human Being by Max Scheler, The. From the posthumous works, volumes 11 and 12. — John Cutting, translator
Contributions of Theology to Medical Ethics — Gustafson, James M.
Convents Confront the Reformation— Wiesner-Hanks, Merry
Convert or, Leaves from My Experience (1857), The, by Orestes A. Brownson — Arie J. Griffioen, editor
Copia of Words and Ideas, On — Erasmus
Critique of Practical Reason (H.W. Cassirer translation) — Kant, Immanuel

| TOP |


‘Dear Mrs. Griggs’: Women Pour Out Their Hearts from the Heartland — Genevieve G. McBride & Steven R. Byers
De-Facing the Other: Reason, Ethics, & Politics after Difference
— Stephen Minister
Demons, Saints, & Patriots: Catholic Visions of Native America through
The Indian Sentinel (1902-1962) — Mark Clatterbuck
Descartes Among the Scholastics
— Grene, Marjorie
Directions in New Testament Methods — Albl, Martin, et al.
Disputation VI, On Formal and Universal Unity — Suarez, Francis
Divine Names and Mystical Theology — Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite

Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas, The – Montagnes, Bernard, O.P.
Doctrinal Pluralism — Lonergan, Bernard
Does God Have a Nature? — Plantinga, Alvin
Doing Better: The Next Revolution in Ethics. — Tad Dunne
Duty of Delight, The: The Diaries of Dorothy Day — Robert Ellsberg, editor

| TOP |


Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson, The. Volume 1: The Universalist Years, 1826-29. — Edited by Patrick W. Carey
Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson, The. Volume 2: The Free Thought & Unitarian Years, 1830-35. — Edited by Patrick W. Carey
Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson, The. Volume 3: The Transcendentalist Years, 1836-38. — Edited by Patrick W. Carey
Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson, The. Volume 4: The Transcendentalist Years, 1838-39. — Edited by Patrick W. Carey
Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson Volume 5, The: The Transcendentalist Years, 1840-41
Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson Volume 6, The: Life by Communion Years, 1842

Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson Volume 7, The: Life by Communion Years, 1843-1844
Ecclesiality and Ecumenism: Yves Congar and the Road to Unity — Douglas M. Koskela
Encountering Jesus Christ: Rethinking Christological Faith and Commitment — Donald L. Gelpi, SJ
Encounters with Karl Rahner: Remembrances of Rahner by those who knew him — Andreas R. Batlogg, Melvin E. Michalski, Barbara G. Turner
Engaging TheologiansNichols, Aidan, O.P.
Essays on the Philosophy of Henry of Ghent  —  Roland J. Teske, SJ
Essence of Finite Being as Such, On the: On the Existence of That Essence and Their Distinction
— Suarez, Francis
Eternity of the World Aquinas, On the — St. Thomas et al.
Ethics Across the Curriculum — Ashmore, Robert et al.
Ethical & Epistemic Normativity: Lonergan & Virtue Epistemology — Dalibor Renic, SJ
Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Africa: An Analysis of Bias, Decline, and Conversion Based on the Works of Bernard Lonergan — Cyril Orji
Everything is Interconnected: Towards a Globalization with a Human Face and an Integral Ecology — Editors, Joseph Ogbonnaya and Lucas Briola
Expectations of Immortality in Late Antiquity
— Armstrong, Hilary A.
Exposition of Genesis, An. Oecolampadius, Iohannes.Mattox, Mickey L., Translator. 

| TOP |


Fabricating Foucault: Rationalising the Management of Individuals. — Deacon, Roger Alan
Faith Adoring the Mystery: Reading the Bible with St. Ephrem the Syrian — Griffith, Sidney
Faith, Discovery, Service — Lazarus, Francis M.
Faith, History and Cultures: Stability and Change in Church Teachings — Principe, Walter H.
Fifty Biblical Portraits — Paul Beauchamp
Finality and Marriage — Hogan, Margaret Monahan
First Principles, Final Ends and Contemporary Philosophical Issues — MacIntyre, Alasdair
Font of Life, The — Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)
Foundations of Aristotle's Categories Scheme, The. — Paul Studtmann
Free Will, Predestination and Determinism — John Cowburn, SJ
From Bonaventure to the Reformers – Tavard, George H.
From Vision to Legislation: From the Council to a Code of Laws — Orsy, Ladislas

| TOP |


Gabriel Marcel’s Perspectives on The Broken WorldHanley, K.R.
Ghostly Mysteries: Existential Drama. A Mystery of Love & The Posthumous Joke– Marcel, Gabriel – Hanley, K.R.
Gift: Creation, The — Schmitz, Kenneth L.
Go to the Worker: America's Labor Apostles – Kimball Baker
God of the Bible and the God of the Philosophers, The – Eleonore Stump
G-d, Rationality and Mysticism —
Irving Block
Good in Existential Metaphysics — Salmon, Elizabeth G.
Grace: The Gift of the Holy Spirit — David Coffey
Grant and Halleck: Contrasts in Command — Simon, John Y.
Guide to Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception, A — George J. Marshall

| TOP |


Harsh and Dreadful Love, A – Miller, William D.
Heart of Rahner, The: The Theological Implications of Andrew Tallon’s Theory of Triune Consciousness — Heidi Ann Russell
Hearer of the Word — Rahner, Karl
Heroism and Magnanimity: The Post-Modern Form of Self-Conscious Agency — Robert Brandom
Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-One & Thirty-Two on God’s Eternity & the Divine Attributes in General,
— Roland J. Teske, SJ
Hircocervi & Other Metaphysical Wonders: Essays in Honor of John P. DoyleSalas, Victor M., editor
History of Philosophy and Philosophical Education Expectations of Immortality in Late Antiquity — Gilson, Étienne
History, Theology, and Narrative Rhetoric in the Fourth Gospel — Harold W. Attridge
Homicide, On — de Vitoria, Francisco
How Philosophy Begins — Zedler, Beatrice H.
How Things Are in the World: Metaphysics and Theology in Wittgenstein and Rahner. — Klein, Terrance W.
Human Ends and Human Actions: An Exploration in St. Thomas’ Treatment — Donagan, Alan
Human Fertility: Where Faith and Science Meet — Richard J. Fehring & Theresa Notare, editors
Humanism and Theology — Jaeger, Werner
Husserl’s Account of Our Consciousness of Time — James R. Mensch

| TOP |


Ideas and Concepts — Weinberg, Julius R.
Ideas for the University — Block, Edwin
Identity, Authenticity, and Humility – Daniel O. Dahlstrom
Inference and the Metaphysic of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique — Phillip Stambovsky
Imagination and Metaphysics in St. Augustine — O’Connell, Robert
Immortality of the Soul — William of Auvergne
Imprudence in St. Thomas Aquinas — O’Neil, Charles J.
Individuation, On — Suarez, Francis
Infallibility — Lindbeck, George A.
Inference That Makes Science — McMullin, Ernan
Inoculating Moral Philosophy against God, On — Rist, John M.
Instruction in the Method and Art of Speaking and Versifying — Geoffrey of Vinsauf
Integrating Faith and Science through Natural Family Planning — Fehring, Richard J., and Theresa Notare, editors
Interfaith Engagement in Milwaukee: A Brief History of Christian-Muslim Dialogue — Edited by Irfan A. Omar & Kaitlyn C. Daly
Interest, An Historical and Analytical Study in Economics and Modern Ethics
— Divine, Thomas
Intelligence: Sense of Being, Faculty of God. — Rousselot, Pierre. Tr. Andrew Tallon
Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? As Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard — Fendt, Gene
Is Mark’s Gospel a Life of Jesus? — Collins, Adela Yarbro
Issues in Interpretation Theory — Pol Vandevelde
Is There Life after Death? — Moltmann, Jürgen


| TOP |


Jesuit Health Sciences & the Promotion of Justice: An Invitation to a Discussion
. – Welie, Jos V.M., & Judith Lee Kissell, editors
Jesus Christ and the Religions: An Essay in Theology of ReligionsHans Waldenfels
Jesus the Warrior? Historical Christian Perspectives & Problems on the Morality of War & the Waging of Peace — Slattery, W. Michael
Joan of Arc at the University — Tallon, Mary Elizabeth
John Henry Newman: Man of LettersM. Katherine Tillman
John Wyclif: Scriptural Logic, Real Presence, and the Parameters of Orthodoxy — Levy, Ian Christopher
John Wyclif’s Theology of the Eucharist in Its Medieval Context: Revised & Expanded Edition of Scriptural Ligic, Real Presence, & the Parameters of Orthodoxy — Levy, Ian Christopher
Jubal A. Early, the Lost Cause, and Civil War History: A Persistent Legacy — Gallagher, Gary W.
Justice and Mercy Will Kiss: Paths to Peace in a World of Many Faiths — Michael K. Duffey & Deborah S. Nash, editors
Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage, The: Philosophical & Theological Perspectives — Richard C. Taylor & Irfan A. Omar, editors
Justice in Oral Health Care: Ethical and Educational Perspectives — Jos Welie

| TOP |


Kierkegaard in the Present Age — Marino, Gordon D.
Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence — Malantschuk, Gregor

| TOP |


Language, Truth and Poetry — Hamm, Victor M.
Lenin as Philosopher: A Critical Examination of the Philosophical Basis of Leninism — Pannekoek, Anton
Liber De Pomo: The Apple, or Aristotle’s Death — Anonymous
Love — Cowburn, John , S.J.
Light, On — Grosseteste
Life of Antoinette Micolon, The – Micolon, Antoinette – Lierheimer, Linda, translator
Logic of Gift: Rethinking Business as a Community of Persons, The — Michael Naughton
Lonergan, Hermeneutics, & Theological Method– Teevan, Donna
Looking beyond the Individualism and Homo Economicus of Neoclassical Economics: A Collection of Original Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Peter L. Danner, Our Friend & Colleague — Edward J. O’Boyle, editor
Love and Friendship. Book 1: The Experience of Love. Book 2: Personal Friendship: The Experience and the Ideal — Toner, Jules
Lure of Wisdom — Collins, James D.

| TOP |


Malebranche Moment, The — Fafara, Richard J.
Man as Infinite Spirit
— Robb, James H.
Mathematics in Plato’s Republic — Sarah Broadie
Marriage As a Relationship. Real and Rational —
Hogan, Margaret Monahan
Mediæval Reactions to the Encounters between Faith and Reason — Wippel, John F.
Meditations — Guigo
Meaning and History in Systematic Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, SJ — John D. Dadosky, editor
Metamorphoses of Phenomenological Reduction, The — Taminiaux, Jacques
Metaphysics — Løgstrup, Knud
Metaphysics and Culture — Dupré, Louis
Metaphysics and Historicity — Fackenheim, Emil L.
Metaphysics and Ideology — Martin, Wm. Oliver
Metaphysics of Modernity: What Makes Societies Thrive — Steinvorth, Ulrich
Metaphysics without Truth: On the Importance of Consistency within Nietzsche’s Philosophy — Sorgner, Stefan
Method in Metaphysics — Henle, Robert J.
Method in Theology: An Organon for Our Time — Crowe, Frederick E.
Milwaukee Jazz Profiles: Lives & Lessons of Musicians from the Cream City — Derek J. Pinkham
Milwaukee Rock and Roll, 1950-2000: A Reflective History — Bruce Cole, David Luhrssen, Phillip Naylor, Editors
Milwaukee Stories — Jablonsky, Thomas J.
Milwaukee Television History: The Analog Years — Golembiewski, Dick
Milwaukee's Jesuit University: 向日葵视频1881–1981 — Jablonsky, Thomas J.
Mission in Thuringia in the Time of Nazism — Paul Beschet, SJ
Momentous Events in Small Places — Edward Ayers
Moral Absolutes — May, William E.
Moral Theology at the End of the Century — Curran, Charles E.
Mounting East–West Tension, A: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on Human Rights, Social Justice, & a Global Ethic — Keith Soko
Mystery and Method: The Other in Rahner and Levinas — Purcell, Michael
Mystery and Truth — Macquarrie, John

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Native Footsteps: Along the Path of Saint Kateri Teka­kwitha — edited by Mark G. Thiel & Christopher Vecsey
Natural Desire for God
— O’Connor, William R.
Nature and Functions of Authority — Simon, Yves
Nature and Origins of Scientism — Wellmuth, John
Nature of Philosophical Inquiry — Lauer, Quentin
Neo-Thomists — McCool, Gerald A.
Never a Slow Day: Adventures of a 20th Century Reporter — Frank A. Aukofer
Nietzsche Humanist — Pavur, Claude
No Struggle, No Progress: A Warrior’s Life from Black Power to Education Reform — Howard Fuller with Lisa Frazier Page
Nova Et Vetera: The Theology of Tradition in American Catholicism — Fogarty, Gerald

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Office of a Bishop, The — Contarini, Gasparo
Of Being and Unity — Pico Della Mirandola
On Being Human: A Conversation with Lonergan and Levinas — Saracino, Michele
On Beings of Reason. Metaphysical Disputation LIV — Suárez, Francisco
On Charity — Aquinas, St. Thomas
On Copia of Words and Ideas — Erasmus
On the Essence of Finite Being as Such, on the Existence of That Essence and Their Distinction — Suarez, Francis
On the Eternity of the World Aquinas, — St. Thomas et al.
On Homicide — de Vitoria, Francisco
On Individuation — Suarez, Francis
On Inoculating Moral Philosophy against God — Rist, John M.
On Light — Grosseteste
On Real Relation: Disputatio Metaphysica XLVII — Suárez (John Doyle, trans.)
On the Various Kinds of Distinctions — Suarez, Francis
On the Virtues, Part One of On the Virtues and Vices — William of Auvergne
Opposition and Philosophy – Piotr Hoffman
Orestes A. Brownson: A Bibliography, 1826-1876 — Carey, Patrick W., editor.
Outline and Manual of Logic — McLaughlin, Joseph
Outlines of Formal Logic — John of St. Thomas

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Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine — Teske, Roland J.
Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being: A Philosophical Interpretation — Panagiotis Thanassas
Path to Peace, A. Fresh Hope for the World. Dramatic Explorations by Gabriel Marcel — KR Hanley, editor & translator
Perception as a Capacity for Knowledge — John McDowell
The Perfection of Desire: Habit, Reason, and Virtue in Aquinas's Summa theologiae — By Jean Porter
Personal Becoming. Karl Rahner’s Metaphysical Anthropology — Tallon, Andrew
Personalism and Scholasticism – Cowburn, John , S.J.
Person and Being — Clarke, W. Norris
Philosophical Leisure: Recuperative Praxis for Human Communication — Annette M. Holba
Philosophy for Africa — Shutte, Augustine
Philosophy of Being — Smith, Gerard et al.
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant: A History of the Union Cause — Waugh, Joan
Policing in Milwaukee: A Strategic History — Kellling, George L.
Postilla of Nicholas of Lyra on the Song of Songs — Nicholas of Lyra
Post-Racial Ideal, The — Howard McGary. Withdrawn from sale.
Practical Geometry — Hugh of St. Victor
Pragmatic Meaning of God — Johann, Robert O.
Preaching the Reformation: The Homilectical Handbook of Urbanus Rhegius — Rhegius, Urbanus
Preferential Option for the Poor, The — Curnow, Rohan
Principle of Sufficient Reason in Some Scholastic Systems:1750-1900 — Gurr, John Edwin
Principles of Catholic Social Teaching — Boileau, David A.
Prison Meditations on Psalms 51 and 31 — Savonarola, Girolamo
Problem of the Criterion — Chisholm, Roderick M.
Problem of Evil — Harris, Errol E.
Problem of Love in the Middle Ages, The: A Historical Contribution — Rousselot, Pierre
Problems of Suffering & Evil, The — John Cowburn, SJ
Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress — Robinson, Hoke
Procession of the World, The. (De processione mundi) — Gundissalinus, Dominicus
Providence of God Regarding the Universe, The. Part Three of the First Principal Part of The Universe of Creatures — William of Auvergne
Psyche and Cerebrum — Findlay, John N.
Psychic Conversion & Theological Foundations — Doran

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Questions on the Soul — Aquinas, St. Thomas
Quodlibetal Questions on Free Will — Henry of Ghent

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Realism and Nominalism Revisted — Veatch, Henry
Reality of the Historical Past — Ricoeur, Paul
Reason and Faith Revisited — Parker, Francis H.
Recent Catholic Philosophy The Nineteenth Century — Alan Vincelette
Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Twentieth Century —Alan Vincelette
Religion and Art — Weiss, Paul
Religion and Empiricism — Smith, John E.
Reason and Existenz — Jaspers, Karl
Religion as Metaphor for Ethno-ethical Identity — Ignatius Jesudasan
Religious Values in an Age of Violence — Tanenbaum, Marc H.
Replenishing Ritual: Rediscovering the Place of Ritual in Western Christian Liturgy — Anton Usher
Ressentiment — Scheler, Max
Restless Mind: Curiositas & the Scope of Inquiry in St. Augustine’s Psychology — Torchia, Joseph, O.P.
Resurrection of Jesus Christ — O’Collins, Gerald
Revelation and Violence: A Study in Contextualization — Brueggemann, Walter
Rhyme and Reason: St. Thomas and Modes of Discourse — McInerny, Ralph
Richness of the Earth, In the — Avella, Steven M.

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Sacramental Life, A: A Festschrift Honoring Bernard Cooke. — Barnes, Michael Horace, & William P. Roberts
St. Ignatius’ Idea of a Jesuit University — Ganss, George E.
St. Thomas and Analogy — Phelan, Gerald B.
St. Thomas and Epistemology — Régis, Louis-Marie
St. Thomas and Form as Something Divine in Things — Dewan
St. Thomas and the Future of Metaphysics — Owens, Joseph
St. Thomas and the Gentiles — Adler, Mortimer
St. Thomas and the Greek Moralists — Bourke, Vernon J.
St. Thomas and the Greeks — Pegis, Anton C.
St. Thomas and Historicity — Maurer, Armand J.
St. Thomas and the Life of Learning — McCormick, John F.
St. Thomas and the Object of Geometry — Smith, Vincent E.
St. Thomas and Philosophy — Pegis, Anton C.
St. Thomas and the Problem of Evil — Maritain, Jacques
St. Thomas and the World State — Hutchins, Robert M.
Searching for Marquette: A Pilgrimage in Art – Nelson, Ruth D.
Seeking Common Ground: Evaluation & Critique of Joseph Bracken’s Comprehensive Worldview — Marc A. Pugliese & Gloria L. Schaab, SSJ, editors
Seeking God in Contemporary Culture — Weakland, Rembert G.
Self, The — Kenny, Anthony
Self and Opposition : A Theory of Self– Piotr Hoffman
Selving — Cleary, William
Should War Be Eliminated? — Hauerwas, Stanley
Silence, Love, and Death: Saying “Yes” to God in the Theology of Karl Rahner — Shannon Craigo-Snell
Simplicity As Evidence of Truth — Swinburne, Richard
Small-Town Martyrs & Murderers: Religious Revolution & Counterrevolution in Western France, 1774-1914 — Edward J. Woell
Spacetime and Theology in Dialogue — Gideon Goosen
Sports as Soul-Craft: How playing and watching sports enhances life — Paul Marcus
Song & Memory: Biblical Women in Syriac Tradition — Susan Ashbrook Harvey
Spirit in the World — Rahner, Karl
Sports Law and Regulation —Hylton, Joseph Gordon, and Paul M. Anderson
Soliloquy in the Earnest Money of the Soul — Hugh of St. Victor
Spiritual Creatures, On — Aquinas, St. Thomas
Story of My Life: Narrative and Self-Understanding, The — Richard Moran
Studies in the Philosophy of William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris (1228-1249) — Teske
Subject — Lonergan, Bernard
Subject and Psyche — Doran, Robert M.
Summa of Ordinary Questions. Articles Thirty-One & Thirty-Two on God’s Eternity & the Divine Attributes in General, by Henry of Ghent — Roland J. Teske, SJ, editor & translator

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Take Lord and Receive All My Memory:Toward an Anamnestic Mysticism — J. Matthew Ashley
Teaching Ethics — Ashmore, Robert et al.
Thomas and the Physics of 1958: A Confrontation — Margenau, Henry
Theorems on Existence and Essence — Giles of Rome
Theological Foundations — Doran, Robert M.
Theology and Setting of Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark — Donahue, John R.
Theology and the Spaces of Apocalyptic — Cyril O’Regan

Theology of the In-Between, A— Starkloff, Carl F.
Theology of “Uncreated Energies” — Maloney, George A.
They Shall Beat Their Swords into Plowshares, Marcus, Paul
This Side of Evil—Gelven, Michael
The Thoughtful Heart. The Metaphysics of John Henry Newman with a fully annotated reader's text of Newman's Discursive Enquiries on Metaphysical Subjects — Myers, William F.
Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan & Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God’s-Eye View — Snell
To the Greater Glory—A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality — Meissner, W.W., S.J. M.D.
“Touched with Fire”? Two Philadelphia Novelists Remember the Civil War — Gallman, J. Matthew
Towards a Transformation of Philosophy—Apel, Karl-Otto
Tractatus Syncategorematum & Selected Anonymous Treatises — Peter of Spain
Transformative Leisure : A Philosophy of Communication — Annette M. Holba
Treatise of Master Hervaeus Natalis, A (d. 1323) The Doctor Perspicacissimus on Second Intentions — John Doyle, editor & translator
Treatise of the Intellect and the Intelligible — Dietrich of Freiberg
Trina Deitas: The Controversy between Hincmar and Gottschalk– Tavard, George H.
Trinity — William of Auvergne
Truth Beyond Relativism: Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge — Baum, Gregory
Truth That Frees — Smith, Gerard
Two-Fold Knowledge, The: Readings on the Knowledge of Self & the Knowledge of God –
Posset, Franz

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Understanding Reception — Bliss, Frederick M.
Uneasy Relations: Reason in Literature & Science from Aristotle to Darwin & Blake — Jane Rupert
Unity of the Intellect against the Averroists, On the — Aquinas, St. Thomas
Universal Treatise — Nicholas of Autrecourt
Universe and Creed — Jaki, Stanley L.
Universe of Creatures—William of Auvergne
University in Process — Riedl, John O.
University of Toulouse in the Middle Ages — Smith, Cyril E.
Utopia — More, Thomas

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Various Kinds of Distinctions, On the — Suarez, Francis
Vatican II and the Ecumenical Way — Tavard, Georges
Victor Dillard, SJ. Spiritual Resister & Apostle to the STO Slave Laborers in Germany, Martyred at Dachau – Philippe Verrier

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War and Home: The Civil War Encounter — Paludan, Phillip Shaw
What Happens after Pascal’s Wager: Living Faith and Rational Belief — Daniel Garber
What Is an American? Abraham Lincoln and “Multiculturalism” — Current, Richard Nelson
What Is Reparative Justice? — Margaret Urban Walker
What Sort of Human Nature? Medieval Philosophy and the Systematics of Christology—Adams, Marilyn McCord
When Swing Was the Thing: Personality Profiles of the Big Band Era — John R. Tumpak
Who Are the Church? — Joseph A. Komonchak
Whose Experience Counts in Theological Reflection? — Hellwig, Monika
Wicked Rebellion’ and the Republic. Henry Tuckerman’s Civil War — Johannsen, Robert W.
William of Ockham and the Divine Freedom — Klocker, Harry
Wisdom and Love in St. Thomas Aquinas — Gilson, Étienne
Wisdom of Love in the Service of Love. — Burggraeve, Roger
Work and Play. Collected papers on the Philosophy of Psychology (1938-1963) — Rudolf Allers

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