向日葵视频Studies in Theology began in 1993 under the general editorship of Dr. Andrew Tallon and has been adding 3 or 4 books per year. Accessibly priced paperbacks make available a wide range of theological studies, including recent books and important out-of-print works. Regularly reprinting keeps all titles in print.
Series Editor, Andrew Tallon
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Recent Titles
(Titles are by most recent first...)
- 90. Everything is Interconnected. Towards a Globalization with a Human Face and an Integral Ecology. Edited by Joseph Ogbonnaya and Lucas Briloa
- 88. "And Hope Does Not Disappoint" Love, Grace, and Subjectivity in the Work of Bernard J.F. Lonergan, SJ, by Jeremy W. Blackwood
- 87. The Word Does Everything. Essays by Kenneth Hagen
- 86. Grace and Friendship: Theological Essays in Honor of Fred Lawrence, from His Grateful Students. Edited by M. Shawn Copeland & Jeremy D. Wilkins. With a Foreword Tribute to Fred and Sue by Frederick E. Crowe, S.J.
- 85. Called to Be Saints: John Hugo, the Catholic Worker, and a Theology of Radical Christianity, by Benjamin T. Peters. Appendix: Dorothy Day’s Retreat Notebooks: Fascimile with Facing-Page Transcription
- 84. Psalms, Night and Day, by Paul Beauchamp, translated by Peter S. Rogers, SJ
- 83. John Wyclif’s Theology of the Eucharist in Its Medieval Context: Revised & Expanded Edition of Scriptural Ligic, Real Presence, & the Parameters of Orthodoxy, by Ian Christopher Levy
- 82. The Second Vatican Council: Prehistory – Event – Results – Posthistory, by Otto Hermann Pesch
- 81. The Preferential Option for the Poor: A Short History & a Reading Based on the Thought of Bernard Lonergan, by Rohan Michael Curnow
- 80. Engaging Theologians, by Aidan Nichols, O.P.
- 79. Seeking Common Ground: Evaluation & Critique of Joseph Bracken’s Comprehensive Worldview, Edited by Marc A. Pugliese & Gloria L. Schaab, SSJ
- 78. Orestes A. Brownson, The Convert or, Leaves from My Experience (1857) edited by Arie J. Griffioen
- 77. From Eastertide to Ecclesia: John Henry Newman, the Holy Spirit & the Church by Donald Graham
- 76. Religion as Metaphor for Ethno-ethical Identity, by Ignatius Jesudasan
- 75. Confronting the Climate Crisis: Catholic Theological Perspectives, edited by Jame Schaefer
- 74. Fifty Biblical Portraits, by Paul Beauchamp. Drawings by Pierre Grassignoux.
Translated by Peter Rogers
- 73. Grace: The Gift of the Holy Spirit, by David Coffey
- 72. Replenishing Ritual: Rediscovering the Place of Ritual in Western Christian Liturgy, by Anton Usher
- 71.
Conscience & Conversion in Newman: A Developmental Study of Self in John Henry Newman, by Walter E. Conn
- 70. Go to the Worker: America's Labor Apostles, by Kimball Baker
- 69. Demons, Saints, & Patriots: Catholic Visions of Native America through The Indian Sentinel (1902-1962), by Mark Clatterbuck
- 68. Meaning and History in Systematic Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, SJ, Edited by John D. Dadosky
- 67. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives, by John Sniegocki
- 66. A Mounting East–West Tension: Buddhist-Christian Dialogue on Human Rights, Social Justice, & a Global Ethic, by
Keith Soko
- 65. Encountering Jesus: Rethinking Christological Faith and Commitment, by Donald L. Gelpi, S.J.
- 64. The Heart of Rahner: The Theological Implications of Andrew Tallon’s Theory of Triune Consciousness, by Heidi Ann Russell
- 63. Encounters with Karl Rahner: Remembrances of Rahner by those who knew him. Edited & translated by Andreas R. Batlogg & Melvin E. Michalski. Translation edited by Barbara G. Turner
- 62. Jesus Christ and the Religions: An Essay in Theology of Religions, by Hans Waldenfels
- 61. Ecclesiality and Ecumenism: Yves Congar and the Road to Unity, by Douglas M. Koskela
- 60. Abstracts of Karl Rahner’s Unserialized Essays, by Daniel T. Pekarske, SDS
- 59. Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Africa: An Analysis of Bias, Decline, and Conversion Based on the Works of Bernard Lonergan, by Cyril Orji
- 58. Justice and Mercy Will Kiss: Paths to Peace in a World of Many Faiths, edited by Michael K. Duffey & Deborah S. Nash
- 57. Spacetime and Theology in Dialogue, by Gideon Goosen
- 56. Silence, Love, and Death: Saying “Yes” to God in the Theology of Karl Rahner, by Shannon Craigo-Snell
- 55. Human Fertility: Where Faith and Science Meet, edited by Richard J. Fehring & Theresa Notare