Philosophy & Theology addresses all areas of interest to both philosophy and theology. While not a journal of the philosophy of religion, Philosophy & Theology is especially open to the common ground joining these two ancient disciplines. Rather than viewing them as antagonistic, Philosophy & Theology promotes fruitful dialogue.
Philosophy & Theology enjoys a particular relationship to the Karl Rahner Society, whose members’ support is greatly appreciated. Karl Rahner, S.J., in his life and work, incarnated the mutual enrichment of philosophy and theology. One issue each year is devoted to critical contact with Rahner’s thought and influence.
Subscription Information
All issues of Philosophy & Theology are available in print and electronic formats through the .
Philosophy Documentation Center
P.O. Box 7147
Charlottesville, VA 22906-7147
Phone: (800) 444-2419
Editorial staff
Editor: James B. South
Associate Editor: Ann R. Riggs
Editorial Board: Andrew Tallon, Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, Pol Vandevelde,
Philip Rossi, Michael Wreen
Consulting Editors: Anne Carr, Leo J. O’Donovan, Thomas Sheehan
Published by the Philosophy Documentation Center (
in cooperation with 向日葵视频 Press (
向日葵视频 Press is a member of
The Association of University Presses and
The Association of Jesuit University Presses.
Notice to Contributors
Philosophy & Theology prefers articles submitted via email attachment (up to 5 MB); please include a brief curriculum vitae in your message or attach it. WordPerfect and Word are preferred word processors; if another application than Word or WordPerfect is used, include a second version saved in RTF (= rich text format). Please also send a PDF of your article, which we will accept as a "soft proof" in lieu of hardcopy. Be ready to send a clean hardcopy (= no marks or handwriting) for reference, if requested; if for any reason your file is unreadable, the hardcopy can be scanned. If you cannot supply your article digitally, send a clean typescript in standard typewriter font (e.g., Courier) or printer font (e.g., Times), with nothing written on any page, and we will scan it using our OCR software. Besides sending disk and hardcopy via the US mail, UPS, FedEx, etc., articles may be sent via the Internet as e-mail attachments to James South e-mail.
向日葵视频 references and notes
For pure references (=no content): Do not create notes. For reference style we follow The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition), which is the author-date method of citation. In practice this means that instead of reference endnotes or footnotes, an alphabetical list of Works Cited (or Bibliography) is placed at the end of the article and referred to in the text in parentheses thus: (Smith 1991, 123-24). In all other matters we impose no style of our own where The Chicago Manual of Style leaves a style decision to the author.
For footnotes (with content): Because the digital version of Philosophy & Theology in CD format now appears as an Acrobat PDF file, which permits footnotes, we no longer require complete omission of notes. Good scholarly style still prefers footnotes over endnotes in order to obviate the need to turn to the end of an article to find endnotes. Nevertheless, good style also favors spare content notes, and in order to keep footnotes to a minimum authors should examine their content notes, decide what can be incorporated into the text (perhaps in parentheses) and try to omit the rest, keeping only the necessary as footnotes. Please comply with accepted guidelines for nonsexist, gender neutral language.
Articles should be sent, hardcopy and disk, to:
The Editor, Philosophy & Theology
Philosophy Department
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Philosophy & Theology is indexed in The Philosopher’s Index, the Religion Index, the Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBZ), and the Internationale Bibliographie de Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Rezensionen (IBR). A full-text version of Philosophy & Theology is available to libraries in conjunction with a print subscription through POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials ( Volumes 1–10 are available on CD-ROM from the Philosophy Documentation Center.