O'Brien Hall, 332H
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-8041bh.jeon@marquette.eduDr. Jeon joined Department of Finance in August 2019. Dr. Jeon's research and teaching interests focus on empirical asset pricing in stock and derivative markets. Dr. Jeon's research was published in Journal of Banking and Finance and Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
Empirical asset pricing, investment, derivatives, behavioral finance
The role of the variance premium in Jump-GARCH option pricing models, with Suk-Joon Byun, Byoungsun Min, and Sun-Joong Yoon, 2015, Journal of Banking and Finance
Post-earnings-announcement-drift and 52-week high: Evidence from Korea, with Jihoon Goh, 2017, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal