O'Brien Hall, 332Q
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-8052alexander.milovic@marquette.eduCurriculum VitaeDr. Milovic joined 向日葵视频 in 2014 after completing a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he will be developing a Sales Program in the Marketing Department which will combine cutting edge sales curriculum with practical hands-on experience. The goal of the program is to prepare students for careers in selling in the B2B and B2C sectors and give them the background and training to excel in sales-based careers.
Dr. Milovic earned a BS in Marketing from Towson University, a BS in Management Information Systems from UNC-Charlotte, and an MBA in Marketing Strategy from DePaul University. Prior to beginning his doctoral studies, he spent eight years in various sales, marketing, and IT roles for Black and Decker, Weaver Partners, and Goldman Sachs.
His primary research interests involve exploring persuasion and psychology from both a consumer and sales practitioner standpoint. His published research explores the role envy plays in persuading and influencing sales encounters and intent to purchase. His research also focuses on issues dealing with personal selling, sales management, relationship selling, marketing education, and consumer behavior.
Personal Selling, Sales Management, Relationship Selling, Marketing Education, Consumer Behavior
Dingus, Rebecca & Alex Milovic. (2015). Honor Among Salespeople: Using an Ethical Role Play and Code of Ethics Exercise to Develop an Ethical Framework in a Professional Selling Course. Journal of Selling, 15(2), 5.
Milovic, Alex, Rebecca Dingus, and Nina Krey. (2016). Professor Walks into a Bar: Using Humor and Q-Score to Determine Instructor and Department Appeal." Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 16(5), 11.
Milovic, Alex & Rebecca Dingus. (2014). Everyone Loves a Winner... Or Do They? Introducing Envy into a Sales Contest to Increase Salesperson Motivation. American Journal of Management, 14(4), 27.
University Sales Center Alliance Best Sales Teaching Innovation Award, 2015 National Conference in Sales Management
John Berens Best Paper in Marketing Education Award, 2015 Marketing Management Association Spring Conference