Below are resources that we have gathered for first generation students to support them throughout the study abroad process. Whether it be planning or at the applying phase of study abroad, OIE is committed to serving all students and providing opportunities that work towards not only enhancing your academics but personal and professional outlooks.
向日葵视频students are encouraged to review the . This handout provides a summary comparison regarding cost of attendance on 向日葵视频partner programs to the cost of attendance at 向日葵视频. For the majority of the programs partnered with Marquette, students' 向日葵视频and FAFSA aid are eligible. It is highly recommended that students confirm directly with the 向日葵视频Office of Student Financial Aid as each student's financial situation varies.
First-generation students are encouraged to connect with the Office of Inclusion and Belonging (OIB), which provides a range of resources, programming, and support for navigating college experiences.
Students considering a study abroad experience should apply for their passport (book) immediately as it is needed for international travel. To apply, visit the U.S. Department of State's website.
We also encourage all students to check out the following resources to assist with the study abroad process:
Recommended Next Steps:
1. Talk with an OIE Education Abroad staff member
If you are the first in your family to study abroad, this may lead to special concerns for family and friends supporting you. Here are some things to consider and questions to answer when selecting a program:
- Since no one in my family has ever studied abroad, who can help me answer their questions as I plan my experience?
- Is it important for me to retain some cultural similarities, or do I want a completely different experience?
- How important is the physical distance from my friends and family? For example, do I feel more comfortable going somewhere closer to the United States, like Mexico or the Caribbean, or somewhere extremely far away, like Australia?
- How will I involve my family in my decision to study abroad?
- How can I explain to my family that a study abroad experience can contribute to achieving my academic and career goals?
- Do I want a program that offers practical experience (internship, research) in addition to regular courses?
to discuss your next steps, questions and concerns.
2. Discuss your study abroad plans with your parent(s), guardian(s) or individual(s) who supporting you through this process
We aim to provide support throughout the study abroad process as much as we can. Ultimately the application and associated program-specific requirements are the responsibility of the student.
Study abroad can involve multiple applications, meetings and terminology that is new to someone who is not familiar with the study abroad lingo. Make sure you are reaching out to the appropriate individuals in your life that are supporting you through this experience. Do not hesitate to reach out to confirm or clarify requirements.
3. Make an appointment with the Office of Student Financial Aid (Zilber Hall)
Each student at 向日葵视频holds a unique financial aid package. As the Office of International Education (OIE) are not financial aid experts, it is strongly recommended that students considering a study abroad experience make an appointment with 向日葵视频Central // 向日葵视频 to understand their aid package and how that applies abroad.
There are additional study abroad funding opportunities available through 向日葵视频and nationally. Check out the Study Abroad Scholarships website for more information.