Study Abroad Scholarships

Some individual program providers offer scholarships to their program participants. If you are studying in a non-ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵprogram, contact the program sponsor.

Please note that deadlines for awards below can sometimes be one year before a study abroad departure. Please check the websites for eligibility and deadlines.

Review our study abroad financial aid website to understand how study abroad finances work during a term abroad.

For more information, please contact the Office of International Education study abroad team or the Office of Student Financial Aid.


Scholarship Highlights

Check out highlights of study abroad scholarship recipients and their advice on preparing for your study abroad experience!

Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

Wings Scholarship

Eufemia Sanchez de la Calle Scholarship


Eufemia Sanchez de la Calle Endowed Scholarship

All students studying in Spain for a full semester or academic year are encouraged to apply! Preference is given to students who are studying language or taking their courses in Spanish while abroad. The financial need of the student is also considered. 

O'Malley and Steyaert Endowed Travel Abroad Grant

This grant awards students each semester with financial need toward the cost of their study abroad experience. Preference shall be given to students pursuing majors or minors in a foreign language and who are studying that language in their program and in a country where the target language is spoken. Special consideration shall be given to students who are enrolled in the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Esther L. Hudgins Scholarship

The award will be used to support German study abroad opportunities for students majoring or minoring in German at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ. 

Project GO (Global Officers)

is a Department of Defense initiative aimed at improving the language skills, regional expertise, and intercultural communication skills of future military officers. Marquette’s Project GO full-scholarship program will be an 8-week intensive Arabic language program in Nizwa, Oman and is open to ROTC students from ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵand across the U.S.

Wings Scholarship

Sponsored by the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, the Wings Scholarship provides opportunities for low-income students to engage in a credit-bearing study abroad experience. Dependent on the availability of funding, 1-5 students will be selected to receive an airfare stipend of up to $1,250 each to participate in these highly impactful study abroad programs.

Business Flight Support Applications

The following is an application to be considered to receive financial support in the form of coverage of flight expenses related to participation in a ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ College of Business Administration (College of Business) faculty-led program during the J-Session 2025 term. 

Students applying for this scholarship must meet at least the minimum participation requirements of the Office of International Education/the study abroad program to which you are applying (i.e. minimum GPA, pre-requisite courses, etc.), and must also have applied to participate in at least one of the College of Business faculty-led program in the J-Session 2025 term by the Office of International Education application deadline (Tuesday, October 1, 2024). 

Scholarship applications are due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Applications will be reviewed following the stated deadline and awardees will be notified prior to the Office of International Education commitment deadline. 



Honors Study Abroad Award

Each year, the Honors Program sponsors three study abroad awards in the amount of $1,500 for honors students. Preference will be given to applications for 5 particular study-abroad programs that Honors and the Office of International Education have designated as meeting Honors outcomes. Larger awards will be given to applicants accepted to those programs – usually $1500 for preferred programs and $750-1000 for non-preferred programs. NOTE: For summer applicants, your international experience must be 4 weeks or more of travel to be eligible for consideration for the Honors Study Abroad Award. Please contact Amelia Zurcher for application details.


External Scholarships 

Funding opportunities offered externally follow their own timeline, deadlines, eligibility, application process and requirements. These are not administered through ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ nor the Office of International Education. There are a variety of external study abroad funding opportunities based on merit, major, program, location, etc.

  • General
  • Location-specific
  • Program-specific
  • Language intensive
  • Merit-based
  • Diversity & identities
  • Specific area of study

Fund for Education Abroad

The offers approximately 40 awards, of up to $10,000 each, for students studying abroad for at least four weeks.

AATG Study Abroad Scholarship for College Students (Germany)

The  supports full-time undergraduate students on their study abroad journey to a program in a German-speaking country. Scholarships of up to $1250 are awarded in the Spring and Fall to support study abroad travel during different times of the academic year or during the summer.

Bridging Scholarships (Japan)

are for up to $2,500 (semester) and $4,000 (year) for undergraduate study abroad in Japan.

Butex Scholarships (United Kingdom)

Each year BUTEX awards scholarships to students studying abroad in the U.K. for either a semester or for a whole academic year. The value of each scholarship is £500. For more details, visit .

DAAD Scholarships and Grants (Germany)

The German Academic Exchange Service is a publicly funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany. DAAD's 14 international offices provide information and financial support for international research and study to more than 55,000 highly qualified students and faculty per year. Contact Dr. John Pustejovsky for more information. Visit for details.

Freeman Asia Program (East/Southeast Asia)

The is designed to support U.S.-based undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. The program's goal is to increase the number of U.S. citizens and permanent residents with first-hand exposure to and understanding of Asia and its peoples and cultures. Award recipients are required to share their experiences wit their home campuses or communities to encourage study abroad by others and fulfill the programs goal of increasing understanding of Asia in the United States. To apply, click .

Fund for Education Abroad - Eleni Zachariou Memorial Scholarship (Greece)

The honors the memory of Eleni Zachariou and increases access and equity in study abroad in Greece. This scholarship fund supports students who plan to study in Greece for a summer term or a semester. All U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as an undergraduate at U.S. college or university are eligible to apply.

Fund for Education Abroad - Hiliary Echo Douglas Memorial Scholarship (Vietnam/Southeast Asia)

The is awarded to one student each year planning to study abroad in Vietnam or within other Southeast Asian cultures. The scholarship was established in memory of Hiliary Echo Douglas, a study abroad advocate, beloved daughter, wife, mother, and colleague who passed away in 2008. All U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a college or university in the U.S. are eligible to apply.

Gilman-DAAD Germany Scholarship (Germany)

The U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is proud to announce a new partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The will provide 40 additional scholarships per year for the next three years for exceptional U.S. undergraduate students to study and/or intern for academic credit in Germany through the Gilman Program. This new partnership represents the largest ever Gilman partnership to support American undergraduate students, who represent the diversity of the United States, to study or intern abroad.

Go Overseas Scholarships (Various)

offers several scholarships throughout the year for both undergrad and master's degree students. They are both for general study abroad and for specific countries and can be applied to either summer, semester or year long study abroad trips. Students must typically submit a creative photo and essay along with the application.

JASSO Scholarship (Japan)

is provided by the Japan Student Services Organization. They offer a number of scholarships for study abroad in Japan. If you are eligible based on your ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵstudy abroad application, the OIE will nominate you for the scholarship once calls are received. Inquire with your OIE Education Abroad staff member for further details.

Marshall Scholarships (United Kingdom)

Up to forty Scholars are selected each year for the to study at graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study. Scholarship covers university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, airfares to and from the United States.

Wisconsin Study in Poland Scholarship (Poland)

is offered bythe Kosciuszko Foundation is offering a scholarship for students interested in studying in Poland. The Wisconsin Study in Poland would fund a 4-week summer program at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. For more information contact Margaret Dymkowska.


Arcadia University offers a few scholarships for students that participate on an Arcadia program. Visit the website for more details.

DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia Scholarships

DIS is a non-profit study abroad program located in both Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden. The program offers many scholarship opportunities for students studying abroad through either one of the DIS programs. Scholarships can range up to $5,000 per semester while abroad. Visit the for full details.

European University Viadrina - STIBET Scholarship

The offers the STIBET scholarship to 1 ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵparticipant which is a monthly stipend of 400 EUR per month abroad as a EUV study abroad participant. The recipient will be nominated by the Office of International Education to EUV so there is no separate application to be considered for this scholarship.

Fund for Education Abroad - Access Partner Program

FEA’s Access Partner Program offers additional scholarships to applicants attending programs found on FEA's Access Partners list (can be found ).

John Cabot University-Columbus Guarini Scholarship

 is for Italian-American students studying abroad at John Cabot University.  Students must be a U.S. citizen, 25% Italian descent, demonstrate financial need and have a 3.0 GPA.

SIT Study Abroad Scholarships

offer a broad range of scholarships and grants, including the Pell Grant Match. Semester scholarship awards generally range from $500 to $5,000, and summer awards typically range from $500 to $3,000.

The Beijing Center Fly Free Scholarship

 is a special "Fly Free" Scholarship for a maximum of $1,000 for participating (committed) study abroad students from ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ. A maximum of 3 scholarships are available each semester.

University of Luxembourg

Students are invited to apply to the Madam Erna Hennicot-Schoepges private donor scholarship. One (1) scholarship of $1,200 will awarded. More details on how to apply will be provided once accepted to University of Luxembourg.

The American University in Cairo

AUC offers competitive scholarships for undergraduate and graduate non-degree/study abroad/exchange students. .

Critical Language Scholarships (CLS)

The (CLS) Program offers full scholarships for intensive summer language study in one of thirteen critical foreign languages (e.g. Chinese, Arabic).


Critical Language Scholarship SPARK

The offers fully funded virtual language instruction in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian taught by native speakers at partner institutions abroad. The main benefit of the program is the opportunity to engage virtually in high quality language study and experience the cultural and educational system of the host country.

Additional benefits include:

  • Language instruction and participation in monthly cultural programming
  • Course materials
  • Language gains certified using the widely-recognized ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) assessment
  • A stipend of $300 towards equipment and connectivity costs

David L. Boren Scholarships

provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages abroad in regions of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

  • Watch  (6 min.)

Fulbright Scholarships

The purpose of the is "to enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries." The U.S. Student Fulbright Program operates in more than 140 countries worldwide, and grants are available in all fields of study. U.S. seniors and recent graduates interested in graduate study and research or teaching English abroad are encouraged to apply. Contact Karalee Surface for more information.

Fulbright UK Summer Institutes

 The are three to four week programs for U.S. undergraduate students, who have no or very little travel experience outside North America. Participants can explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university. See for eligibility criteria.

Rotary Global Grant Scholarship

The program provides a U.S. $30,000 scholarship award for graduate studies outside the USA.  

Eligible applicants will have a demonstrated record of high academic achievement and a reasonable level of proficiency in the language of the region of study. You must have a background, intended graduate studies, and future career plans which align closely to at least one of the following focus areas: Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution; Disease Prevention and Treatment; Water and Sanitation; Maternal and Child Health; Basic Education and Literacy; or Economic and Community Development.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The fund study abroad for U.S. citizen undergraduate students who are currently receiving federal Pell Grant funding as part of their financial aid package. Awards are made of up to $5,000 (with the average award being $4,000), with an additional $3,000 Critical Need Language Supplement available (i.e. for students taking Arabic, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Turkie, Persian, Indic, Korean, Russian, Swahili) for a total possible award of up to $8,000.

Virtual internship programs are included in the list of eligible programs for the upcoming application cycle. Please note that if the country where you choose to study abroad in 2021 is at a level 3 or 4 only due to COVID-19 at the time of application, the Gilman program will still consider that eligible. In the event that an applicant is selected for the Gilman scholarship and if the destination country is still at a level 3 or 4, even if only due to COVID-19, by the time the program starts, then the recipient will be required to change their program location.

Benjamin A. Gilman-McCain Scholarship

The John S. McCain International Scholarship for Military Families () provides awards of $5,000 for child and spousal dependents of active or activated United States military personnel during the time of application to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs.

Bill Davis Scholarship

The Bill Davis Scholarship commemorates Mr. Davis’s commitment to education, public image, and student of color motivation. The AJCU Conference on Diversity and Equity (CDE) awards the Bill Davis Scholarship in honor of the late Mr. Bill Davis, director of the Upward Bound project at Loyola University of Chicago from 1969-1990, and one of the founding members of CDE. Contact William Johnson for application and details.

DA Global Access Network

partners with several organizations to offer study abroad scholarships and grants to economically disadvantaged students, first-generation students, students with disabilities, and ethnic and racially diverse students. Scholarships range from $500 to $1,500. 

Fund for Education Abroad - LGBTQ+ Scholarships


  • Jan Kieling Rainbow Scholarship

  • Kacenga-Cladera Family Rainbow Scholarship

  • Rainbow Scholarship

Students who identify as LGBTQ+ attending a study abroad program of any length. All U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. institution of higher education are eligible to apply.

Fund for Education Abroad - J. Scott Van Der Meid Memorial Scholarship

The was established to continue Scott's legacy of advocating for underrepresented students and increasing diversity in study abroad. This scholarship will be available to deserving U.S. undergraduates attending a study abroad program of any length. All U.S. citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a college or university in the U.S. are eligible to apply.

Shawn Carter Foundation-Gilman International Scholarship

 is partnership between the Shawn Carter Foundation and the Institute for International Education (IIE)/Gilman International Scholarship Program is designed to expand the global experiences and leadership opportunities for underserved students through establishment of full study-abroad scholarships.

AATG Study Abroad Scholarship for College Students

The  supports full-time undergraduate students on their study abroad journey to a program in a German-speaking country. Scholarships of up to $1250 are awarded in the Spring and Fall to support study abroad travel during different times of the academic year or during the summer.

John Cabot University - Summer Engineering Scholarship

John Cabot University Summer Engineering Scholarships of $500 per session are automatically applied to engineering majors. Contact John Cabot at regarding eligibility and for additional information.

MEXT Scholarship (Japan)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) offers a scholarship to international students (Japanese Studies Students) who are recommended by a Japanese university under the . If you are eligible based on your ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵstudy abroad application, the OIE will nominate you for the scholarship once calls are received. Inquire with your OIE Education Abroad staff member for further details.

Rotary Foundation Scholarship

 is the largest U.S. scholarship program for studying abroad. It's not usually applicable to study abroad programs sponsored by U.S. institutions, and application is possible only through local Rotary Clubs. Deadlines are determined locally and are usually one to two years before the semester or year abroad. 

Shamrock Club Scholarship

The Milwaukee Shamrock Club Scholarship is for students studying abroad in Ireland or those interested in Irish studies.  Applicants should have a passion to further their knowledge of Ireland, the heritage and traditions of the Irish culture.  Scholarships of up to $1,000 are available. Refer to the Shamrock Club of Wisconsin Scholarship Brochure for more information.


Additional Scholarship Resources

  • (This resource lets students search for aid by field of study, location and host institution.)