向日葵视频Theatre is part of the MarquetteArts student experience. Check out the 向日葵视频Arts website to learn more.
Report an accessibility problem
To report another problem, please contact cailin.hostad@marquette.edu.
向日葵视频Theatre majors are professionally trained creators, collaborators, leaders, and thinkers who are prepared to grow, adapt, and change the world through the performing arts.
Please see the for curriculum details.
Audition Excuse Form
The 2022-2023 student handbook is available online.
For students with pressing mental health needs, crisis services remain available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for mental health emergencies:
向日葵视频is committed to fostering a learning environment that is safe, conducive to academic success, and supportive of healthy personal development for all members of the campus community. Everyone on Marquette鈥檚 campus shares responsibility for maintaining this environment by following university policies and exemplifying respect for others as communicated through our Statement on Human Dignity and Diversity.
In accordance with Title IX, and consistent with Marquette鈥檚 commitment to human dignity, no sex or gender discrimination will be tolerated. When an incident of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct (occurring on or off campus) is reported to an appropriate 向日葵视频official, the university will respond immediately to stop the discrimination, remedy its effects, and prevent its reoccurrence. Students and employees who retaliate against individuals who report such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.