How Do I Look Up My Cumulative and Major GPA?
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View my grades
Log in to CheckMarq and click or tap the Grades and Transcripts tile.
Follow this link for details on how to navigate in the CheckMarq Student Home (formerly known as Student Center).

In the left navigation menu, select View Grades. Select the appropriate term and click or tap Continue. If you want your current cumulative GPA, be sure to select the current term (or the most recent term if you are not currently enrolled).
The View Grades page appears. Official grades and term statistics will be displayed. Click or tap the Term GPA or Cumulative GPA rows for more details.
Calculating the GPA
The grade points earned in any given course are equal to the point value of the grade multiplied by the total number of semester hours of credit. For example, a grade of A (with a point value of 4.0) in a three-credit course yields 12 grade points.
Your grade point average is found by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours credited in those courses for which points have been assigned.
Inclusion/exclusion of F grades in GPA calculation
Undergraduates who entered the university after the close of spring term 1991 had F grades included in the calculation of the GPA. This F policy applies to current undergraduates.
For undergraduates who enrolled between fall term 1974 and the close of spring term 1991, the grade of F was not included when computing the GPA and continued to be excluded until the close of spring term 1999.
Readmitted undergraduates were graded under the F policy in effect at the time of their last enrollment until the close of spring term 1999.
Cumulative GPA
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵuses the four-point scale for GPA. Current students can look up their cumulative GPA via . See the View My Grades instructions above to find your cumulative GPA.
Major GPA
Step 1: Log in to CheckMarq and click or tap on the Degree Progress tile.
Follow this link for details on how to navigate in the CheckMarq Student Home (formerly know as Student Center.

Step 2: Academic Progress
In the left navigation menu, click or tap Academic Progress.
Step 3: View Degree Progress Report
Click or tap the View Degree Progress Report button. This will open a PDF in a new window. Be sure you have pop-ups enabled on your device.

Look in the top section of the PDF report, under the Graduation Requirements heading. For each major or minor, you will see the required GPA in the first column, followed by your GPA in the Actual GPA column.