Summer 2025 is considered part of the 2024-25 academic year for financial aid purposes.

We must have your 2024-25  processed to consider you for summer aid. The last day to complete the 2024-25 FAFSA is June 30, 2025. Students must be registered at least half-time (minimum 6 credits for Undergraduate, Law, Dental, and Health Sciences Graduate Programs; minimum 4 credits for Graduate) to qualify for most federal aid.

The Office of Student Financial Aid will offer Title IV aid to all eligible students enrolled at least half-time over the summer semester.

Once you are registered for classes and your 2024-25 FAFSA has been reviewed, you will receive an email notification at your  account regarding the results of our review.

What type of aid am I eligible to receive?

  • Federal Direct Loans are offered to eligible students. Your offer amount for fall, spring and summer may not exceed your annual limit
  • Federal Pell Grants are offered to eligible students:
    • Who are enrolled half-time (6 credits) or more in summer
    • Who are enrolled less than half-time (5 or less) in the summer if they were enrolled less than full-time (12 or less) during fall and spring
  • Federal Parent PLUS Loans are available to credit-worthy parents of dependent Undergraduate students. For more information and to apply visit: .
  • Federal Graduate PLUS Loans are available to credit-worthy Graduate, Law, Dental or Health Sciences Graduate Programs students. For more information and to apply visit: .
  • Alternative Loans are available to credit-worthy borrowers.

Forms to download

The financial aid process can sometimes require additional forms, applications or worksheets. All additional forms, applications or worksheets that a student might need or want for summer can be found below.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Financial Aid Online will help you navigate through the electronic financial aid process.