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Students provide the majority of music ministry on campus as both singers and instrumentalists. Student music ministers serve at Sunday and weeknight Masses, special liturgies and prayer services on holy days, and more. No matter what training or experience level students are at, all are invited to share their musical gifts to enrich our community worship!
Specific groups or ensembles within music ministry include:
Want to join Liturgical Choir this semester? The deadline for auditions is January 21.
What is Liturgical Choir?
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Liturgical Choir is a choral ensemble sponsored through the Office of Campus Ministry. This ensemble can be taken as a 1 credit or 0 credit course* through the College of Communications, and as of Fall 2023, can also be taken for 1 Honors elective credit**. The choir’s mission is to serve the liturgy by promoting and enlivening the sung prayer of the assembly. The choir is devoted to the study, rehearsal, and singing of choral literature from all periods, styles, and cultures in the context of the Roman Catholic Liturgical tradition.
The Liturgical Choir provides music for the Sunday 6 p.m. Liturgies at the Church of the Gesu as well as all-university liturgies. Reflecting Marquette’s Jesuit identity, this choir embodies and exemplifies the four components of the university’s mission: that of faith, leadership, excellence, and service. In addition, the Liturgical Choir is a faith community: students support one another and grow in faith together.
Students may join by means of a simple We accept undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of their faith tradition.
The choir performs at two annual events: the December Advent Lessons and Carols Service and a Spring Concert in April. The Liturgical Choir also collaborates with other music ministers for Sunday liturgies on campus and participates in service projects throughout the year. All members go on retreat in the beginning of each semester to deepen their understanding of their ministry, form friendships, pray with one another, and simply have fun in a relaxed and beautiful setting.
Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 5:00—7:00 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family. Rehearsals are mandatory for participation in the group.
For more information, email the director Andrew Mountin or call (414) 288-3695.
*There are two options for enrolling in Liturgical Choir. The first is a 1 credit option. In this option students will receive a letter grade and the course will count towards their Performing Arts class and credit. The second option is a zero-credit option. This means that your participation in the group will be listed on your academic transcript, and you will be given an S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) grade. The zero-credit option is particularly for students who need to avoid overload charges or do not wish to have the class grade counted in their GPA. The syllabus, schedule, and concert dates for each section are identical. It is therefore to the student’s advantage, if possible, to take the ensemble for credit.
**Enrollment in the honors elective section of the course includes all the same expectations as the 1 or 0 credit sections, and includes additional study/assignments relating to sacred music and liturgical theology. Students who are interested in learning more or enrolling in this section should reach out to the director for additional information.
What is Gospel Choir?
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵUniversity Gospel Choir is supported by Campus Ministry and welcomes students of all races and faith traditions who seek to explore and enhance their spirituality through Gospel music and praise.
Under the direction of Debra Duff, the choir sings contemporary Gospel as well as spiritual songs in the Gospel tradition. We are open to all levels of singing ability and would love to have you!
Join us for rehearsals each Monday from 5—6:50 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family (AMU) during Fall Semester 2024. A 1 credit course is provided under the College of Communications - Performing Arts (MUSI 1160). No permission number is required.
For more information, contact director Debra Duff, 414-288-3695, or visit Campus Ministry, AMU 236.
What are Cantors?
Cantors perform an essential role in music ministry at Marquette. These individuals provide musical leadership for one of the Sunday Campus Ministry Masses: 4:30 p.m. (Spanish) in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel, 6 p.m. in the Church of the Gesu, and 9 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family. Cantors for weeknight liturgies in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel are drawn from the Student Music Teams.
The primary role of the Cantor is to proclaim the psalm and to lead musical portions of the Mass not sung by the assembly. Cantors participate with the assembly and provide visual leadership through posture and gestures in the singing of hymns, songs, and service music.
Cantors are and are expected to have the ability to read music, rehearse independently, and meet with the director of music 1:1 for preparation. Training and rehearsals will be scheduled throughout the academic year. For more information, email the director Andrew Mountin or call (414) 288-3695.
What will I be asked to do during an audition/placement inverview?
A simple, 10-minute vocal placement interview is required for membership in the Liturgical Choir. The interview consists of:
I've never sung in a Choir before. Is this a problem?
Not only is it not a problem, but you are strongly encouraged to join. Liturgical Choir is composed of members with a range of musical experience. Whether you have been singing in choirs for years or this is your first experience, this ensemble is for you!
What if I am not Catholic?
While the majority of our singers are Catholic, students of varying religious backgrounds have sung in this choir. All are welcome here!
There are many different opportunities for leadership through music ministry, some involving more direct musical leadership, and others involving more gifts of administration and service. Although many positions are volunteer (Choir Council, Music Ministry team, student music teams), some of them are paid (Student Assistants, Choir Accompanist). Any student interested in any of these avenues of leadership should contact Andrew Mountin, Director of Music in Campus Ministry, at (414) 288-3695 or via email.
Liturgical Choir Council
As the flagship program of music ministry, the Liturgical Choir has its own council, who work with the choir’s director to oversee the various responsibilities necessary for the choir’s success. Choir council responsibilities include primary communication with choir members, planning and leading choir retreats and monthly Taizé services, coordinating service opportunities, overseeing logistics of music distribution and concert preparation, publicity and social media, and much more. Council members apply in the spring and are selected by the director to serve a renewable term for the following academic year. Some of the council members also oversee volunteer teams/committees within the choir to accomplish particular tasks, such as Taizé committee or retreats team.
Music Ministry Team
The Music Ministry Team is a select group of instrumentalists and singers who take an active leadership role in music ministry. Members of this team serve as leaders of small ensembles for Masses on Sunday evening at 9 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Family and on weeknights at 10 p.m. in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel.
The team meets weekly to prepare the music for the Masses. This includes sharing the scriptures and offering music suggestions, evaluating the music for all Masses on a weekly basis, assisting with the training of cantors, and assisting in other prayer services such as Taizé Prayer.
Student Music Teams
With only one exception (the 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass led by the Liturgical Choir) each Mass on campus is served by a student-led team of musicians. These teams can include a combination of instrumentalists and singers. With input from the director, every team works together to pick and lead music at their respective Masses. Each team includes at least one leader from the Music Ministry Team who serves as the point person for that Mass. We currently consist of four of these student teams, leading at the following liturgies:
Student Assistants
Campus Ministry employs student assistants in a variety of areas, including in music ministry. Student assistants in Music Ministry are hired to help out with the following: preparation of music binders for Sunday liturgies, leadership of student music teams, organization of Liturgical Choir music and binders, setup and cleanup for choir rehearsals and liturgies, copyright reporting, facilitation with chapel requests, and other tasks as necessary.
Student assistants are frequently asked to take leadership of one of the Student Music Teams each semester and are expected to serve on the Music Ministry Team. Student assistants are also able to dedicate a certain amount of their weekly work hours to practice and instruction on their instrument of choice, subject to approval from their supervisor.
Choir Accompanist
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Liturgical Choir employs an accompanist who is responsible for piano leadership at all Liturgical Choir rehearsals, Masses, and performances. The position is granted to a ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵundergraduate or graduate student upon successful audition with the director. The position is stipended and may be renewed on a yearly basis. Candidates for the position should be able to demonstrate strong piano and improvisational skills, sight-reading ability and a proficient level of choral score reading ability. Whenever the position is open, this page will include a link to the application page.