Philosophy of Community
An important part of residence hall and university apartment living is feeling a part of a close-knit community while also becoming a part of a larger university community. The residential living experience is designed to foster student growth in interpersonal interaction and communication. To that end, the residential experience develops students' interpersonal, leadership, and problem-solving skills via community engagement.
As a member of a residential environment it is important to recognize the role and responsibility of membership in a community. Each person in the community has an opportunity to help hold themselves and each other accountable to ensure a safe, respectful, inclusive home for all who live there.
It is the responsibility of each student in the residence halls and university apartments to read, understand, and abide by the policies listed below. If you have any questions regarding the specifics of a policy, please contact a hall staff member for clarification.
To that end, the following policies and procedures address on campus living facilities.
Residency Requirement
All single first- and second-year students, regardless of academic classification, are required to live in residence halls. Exceptions are made for students residing with a parent or legal guardian within a 35-mile radius of campus, students who are at least 21 years of age or those who have been out of high school for two full years or longer.
Residence Hall Selection for Returning Students
Returning students required to live in the residence halls must pay a $300 housing deposit in March before housing selection begins. Generally, returning students may request a specific building or room based on a randomly generated assignment time that is activated by the housing deposit. Although students who are required to live in the residence halls will receive a higher priority during this selection process, we are unable to guarantee a student’s preference of room or building assignment.
Students who are at least 21 years of age or those students who have been out of high school for two full years or longer are eligible to live in university-owned apartments or off campus housing. To legally enter into any lease, a student must be 18 years of age or older. More complete information regarding apartment living can be found beginning on page 23.
Residence Hall Selection for Students Placed on Disciplinary Probation
Because of high demand among returning students for some of the more popular residence halls and university apartments, students who have been found responsible for violating university or residence hall rules and regulations and are subsequently placed on Residence Life or university probation for a period of 16 consecutive weeks or longer will be limited in the options they may have for housing for the following year. Specifically, those students who are required to live in the residence halls for the following year will be assigned to a room by the Office of Residence Life after all other returning students have the opportunity to sign up. Additionally, students who have been placed on university or Residence Life probation for a period of 16 consecutive weeks or longer will not be allowed to reside in any university-owned apartment for the following year. This will hold true even if the probation is assigned after a student has secured an apartment during the apartment sign-up period or the probation is assigned while a student is living in a university-owned apartment. In the latter case, the student will not be allowed to renew the apartment lease for the following year.
Roommate Agreements
When two or more people share a room or apartment, conflict may occasionally arise. One of the ways to effectively manage conflict is to reach agreement on a variety of issues before problems occur. Marquette’s roommate agreements are designed to aid roommates in their discussions around common disagreements. The intent is that these agreements prevent conflict or assist in responsibly managing conflicts that arise.
These conversations will include, but not be limited to, discussions of behavioral expectations, cleaning tasks, sleep and study patterns, ways of resolving conflicts, and use of the visitation program. Within the residence halls, Resident Assistants (RAs) will introduce roommate agreements at the beginning of the year. All students are required to attend a subsequent roommate agreement meeting facilitated by the RA. The agreements will be reviewed during the school year when/if conflict arises or a student changes rooms. Students living in the university apartments can work with their Residence Hall Director for roommate mediation needs.
Room Changes
Requests for hall or room changes are generally permitted if there are valid reasons and vacant spaces available. To complete a room change, a student should contact the residence hall director in the building in which they reside. If no space is available students may request to be added to a waitlist. The residence hall director can provide information about rooms that are available in that hall and others. There will be a two-week room freeze at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters when room changes will not be permitted to confirm student occupancy.
Terms and Conditions of the Housing Agreement
- Requirements for university housing include status as a full-time student, payment of debts to the university, and observance of university and Residence Life regulations. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to determine housing eligibility for students enrolled in fewer than 12 semester hours.
- All unmarried first- and second-year students, regardless of their academic classification, are required to live in university residence halls. Exceptions are made for students residing with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) within a 30-mile radius of our campus, students who are at least 21 years of age or those who have been out of high school for at least two full years. Any student who is not granted a written exception to this policy by the Office of Residence Life and who does not sign up to live in a residence hall may be assigned to an available space and issued a meal plan by the Office of Residence Life and will be obligated to pay the appropriate housing and food charges.
- Students residing in the residence halls are required to select a meal plan.
- The housing agreement is for the entire academic year when the university is in session.
- The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to assign applicants to available space and, if necessary, consolidate space to provide for the maximum number of available spaces; alter any assignment at any time in the case of administrative or disciplinary action; and deny the privilege of housing to any student who has demonstrated behavior that disrupts the residential environment.
- Exceptions to the university housing requirements must be approved in writing by Residence Life. Request forms can be obtained from Residence Life. The request will be reviewed by the associate director of residence life. Exceptional circumstances must be identified and documented for a request to be approved.
- Students moving into the residence halls must follow the check-in procedures established within each hall. This includes registration at the front desk, completion of a personal data card and key card, and signing the room condition report. Contact the hall director for information. Any property left in a room after a student is no longer living there will be considered abandoned, and the owner will be charged for the removal of the item.
- Students moving out of the residence halls must follow the checkout procedures established within each hall. This includes using the room condition report to review the condition of the room with a hall staff member before departure. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the term fees and/or additional charges. Contact the hall director for information.
- Access to an assigned room is given to the student only during regular academic sessions that require their presence on campus. The student is required to vacate their room before the designated closing times. Students do not have access to their rooms during vacation periods when the residence halls are officially closed.
- No commercial business or activity may be conducted in or from any residential facility.
Decorating Rooms
Students are responsible for the condition of their rooms. Damage to walls, including those caused by adhesives such as 3M strips, will result in charges for repairs. Screws, staples, tacks, nails, and LED strip lights are not permitted as they can damage the walls and furnishings. We recommend painters tape to hang decorations and all room personalization.
Break Periods
All residence halls are open during Thanksgiving and Easter breaks. During these breaks, visitation privileges end at 1 a.m. each day. No overnight guests are permitted during any break periods. Meal service will be available in one dining facility during these times.
During winter and spring breaks, Humphrey Hall is open for those who live there. There is no meal service offered during winter and spring breaks. The Alumni Memorial Union may be open during these times. Check the AMU schedule for meals, services, etc.
During summer break, housing is available for a cost in a designated residence hall for those first- and second-year students who will be attending classes. There is also a limited amount of space available in university apartments for those students who meet the eligibility requirements.
Maintenance and Repair
Faulty equipment and damage should be reported to the University. Students can enter a work order at .
Under no circumstances should residents attempt repairs of University owned property. This often increases the cost of repairs. University facilities staff members manage the repairs of university property. See the building facilities manager with any questions about maintenance or repair requests. See the building Facilities Manager with any questions about maintenance or repair requests.
Students are responsible for the room and mailbox keys they receive at the time of check-in. ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵkeys may not be duplicated. If a duplication occurs, the resident(s) will be responsible for the cost of a lock change.
If a resident is locked out of their room, lock-out keys may be obtained from the hall or apartment front desk and must be returned within 15 minutes. Each resident gets two free lock-out keys. After that, a resident will be charged a fee for each additional lock-out key.
Lock Changes, Replacement Keys
If a resident loses a mail and/or room key, the loss should be reported immediately to the hall or apartment front desk. The facilities or apartment manager will issue a loan key and initiate a lock change unless the key is located within 72 hours. Students will be charged a fee for each lock change (nonrefundable once a work order has been processed). A charge also will be assessed for failure to return keys to the front desk upon departure from the residence hall.
Fire Safety
Fire-fighting equipment, fire alarm systems, smoke detectors, and evacuation procedures are provided for the protection of life and property of residents. Residents should familiarize themselves with the type and location of equipment, exits, windows, and the evacuation procedures from their residence hall or apartment.
Fire drills will be practiced. Everyone is required to vacate the building during a fire drill. Fire drills and safety practices in the residence halls must be taken seriously. Failure to properly evacuate during a fire drill could result in a citation and/or University conduct charges.
Periodic fire safety inspections in resident rooms will be conducted by the hall staff. Advance notice will be given when possible.
Students are prohibited from having items in their rooms that may cause fires in their residence hall rooms (apartment students please see lease for specifics) such as:
- Incense and candles
- Firearms and ammunition
- Firecrackers, fireworks, gunpowder and other combustible materials
- Motorcycles, hoverboards and othergasoline-powered machines
- Torchier-style halogen lamps
- Electric scooters, private or public company ownership
- Space Heaters
*Coffee pots containing an auto-shut off feature are allowed.
The following are also prohibited as they are relating to fire safety:
- Obstructing hallways and exits
- Propping fire doors open
- Tampering or playing with elevator bells
- Tampering with fire sprinkler systems
False fire alarms endanger the safety of students and interfere with students’ abilities to enjoy a safe, peaceful living environment. Students found responsible for activating a false alarm risk disciplinary action, including suspension from the University and possible criminal consequences.
Tornado Procedures
In the Midwest, the possibility of tornadoes exists. It is important to remain calm, so everyone can safely follow the hall’s procedures. The hall staff will inform the community of a tornado warning. Do not pull the fire alarm when there is a tornado warning or when a tornado has been sighted.
Follow the evacuation instructions of the hall staff. It is best to stay away from windows and go to the lowest floor possible.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours have been established for the residence halls. Excessive noise may result in disciplinary action and/or stereos, musical instruments, etc., being confiscated or banned from the halls.
Quiet hours:
- 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. Sunday to Thursday
- 11 p.m. to 9 a.m. Friday to Saturday
- Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. A student’s room should be a space they can study and sleep no matter the hour of day. Residents are encouraged to first confront any noise disruptions in the community and then alert a staff member if the disruption continues.
Damage to Property
Damage to student rooms is the responsibility of the occupants. Damage charges will be shared equally among roommates unless the resident provides written notification to the building’s Residence Hall Director indicating an occupant takes full responsibility.
Damage to common areas, elevators, or building cameras is the responsibility of each resident in the community. When damages occur in the common areas of the building, Residence Life staff members make every effort to find the person(s) responsible. If they are unable to do so, the cost for cleaning, repairing, and/or replacing is billed to the wing, floor, or entire building, depending on the type and location of damage.
Excessive room or common area damage may result in the reassignment or termination of the housing contract of the individual(s) found responsible.
Damage charges are used to assist in repairing or replacing damaged items. The charges also serve as a deterrent to unattributable common area damage. Charges for common area damage will be posted for the appropriate areas and then placed on the student’s account with the Office of the Bursar. These charges reflect the time, materials and administrative expense required to repair damage. Such charges, because they are not fines, are not appealable.
Policy for use of Alcoholic Beverages in the Residence Halls
The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in university residence halls and apartments is not permitted by anyone who is not of legal drinking age in the United States.
If you and your roommate(s) are under the legal drinking age:
- Beer, wine, or liquor container collections, alcohol drinkware including shot glasses, flasks, and wine glasses are alsoprohibited for students under the legal drinking age.
If all roommates are of legal drinking age:
- Legal-age residents are permitted to possess and responsibly consume alcoholic beverages in their rooms or in the room of another legal-age resident as long as the doors to the rooms remain closed and are not in the presence of an occupant under the legal drinking age.
- Legal-age residents may be held responsible for irresponsible drinking.
- Guests who are of legal age also may responsibly consume alcoholic beverages in room(s) of legal-age residents.
If one or more roommates are of legal drinking age, but the others are NOT:
- When a resident of legal drinking age is living with a resident who is under 21 years old, no alcohol will be permitted in the room.
All residents are subject to the following policies regardless of age:
- Underage people in the presence of alcohol may alsobe found in violation of the University’s policy regarding complicity.
- No beer, wine, liquor signs, or other such advertising may be displayed in student room or apartment windows regardless of age.
- Residents may not make alcohol available to anyone who is not of legal age, and no guest may provide or bring alcohol into any residence hall.
- Kegs of beer and alcohol punch are not allowed in the residence halls.
- If students are suspected of a policy violation, hall staff may request proof of identification to verify age. Staff reserve the right to search bags, refrigerators, University owned furniture, personal items, and coolers. Students are not immune to arrest or civil prosecution for underage drinking in a residence hall or apartment. Staff are there to ensure safety in the community by enforcing polices. If an issue arises concerning alcohol, please contact the staff.
Illegal gambling is considered detrimental to the residence halls environment and is prohibited. Students who violate gambling laws may face student conduct action and individual legal penalties.
Solicitation is defined as any activity that seeks to entice or gain support from students at Marquette. Therefore, this policy applies to a wide range of activities, all of which are prohibited unless specifically approved by the Office of Residence Life. These activities may include advertising, selling, petitioning, campaigning for political candidates, distributing flyers in mailboxes and surveying students by telephone, mail, or in person.
Residents may post signs, notices, or posters on their own doors as long as they do not damage the doors. Students may be asked to remove items from their doors or windows if the item may be a violation of University policies, community standards, or Code of Conduct. Students are not allowed to post unapproved items in common areas. See the Residence Hall Director for approval.
Visitation Policy
Marquette’s visitation policy outlines the time and manner in which residents may host visitors in their rooms or other areas of the residence halls. The procedures are designed to accommodate visitors in a manner that respects resident concerns for safety and privacy while ensuring an appropriate balance between academic and social needs within each residence hall community. Consistent with Marquette’s ethos statement, this policy establishes expectations that all residents contribute to the development of our residence hall communities by demonstrating respect for themselves and others. At no time should the presence of visitors disrupt the floor and hall communities or supersede a roommate’s right to privacy.
Visitation Hours
Residents may host up to three visitors at a time during the following hours:
- 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday to Thursday
- 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday and occasions when classes are excused before or after a weekend.
24-hour-hour lobby spaces are available for students and their visitors in each residence hall.
Within-hall Visitation Hours
Same-gender visitors — There is no restriction on when residents of the same building may visit if they are of the same gender. Residents may visit students of the same gender in their same hall at any time, as long as the visitation does not interfere with the privacy and study needs of roommates and other residents.
Other- gender visitors — Residents living in a co-ed hall/ floor may have other residents of that hall/floor who are of the other gender visit in their rooms or on their floors during the regular visitation hours only:
- 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday to Thursday
- 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday and occasions when classes are excused before or after a weekend
Students may use the 24-hour lobby spaces designated of each residence hall. For safety, these commons areas are not to be used for sleeping or housing overnight visitation. .
Overnight Visitation
Guest(s) [Non-family]
Residents may host a maximum of two guests beyond the visitation deadline, provided that they: 1) are of the same gender as the host; 2) have the approval of their host’s roommate(s); 3) the guests are pre-registered at the front desk by 10 p.m. the evening of the visit. No one may be registered to stay beyond the visitation deadline for more than two consecutive nights in any one hall.
Guest(s) [Family]
Residents may host members of their immediate families, regardless of gender, beyond the visitation deadline, provided that they have the approval of their roommate(s) and the family member guests are pre-registered at the front desk by 10 p.m. the evening of the visit.
Guest(s) [Under 18]
Residents who wish to host any guests under the age of 18 must provide a completed Under 18 Overnight Guest Form, signed by their parent or guardian, to their residence hall director at least three working days before the visit. The form can be found here: /residence-life/forms.php. All other visitation procedures, including maximum number of late-night and overnight guests, length of stay, and sign-in and escort procedures, apply to family guests.
Overnight Visitation Exceptions/Restrictions
There is no overnight visitation during official break periods, finals weeks, Halloween eve, Halloween night, St. Patrick’s Day eve, St. Patrick’s Day, National ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵDay, or select weekends preceding/following certain holidays (up to the discretion of the university). The university reserves the right to suspend overnight visitation when special circumstances warrant.
Visitors who do not live in the hall of the resident with whom they are visiting must be registered by the host resident at the hall front desk. The host resident must leave their ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵID and a non-government issued picture ID of the visitor(s) at the hall front desk.
Host Responsibility and Escort Policy
Residents are responsible for ensuring that their guests and visitors abide by university policies and procedures; residents are accountable for the behavior of their guests and visitors and are subject to disciplinary action if a guest or visitor violates a policy or procedure. The host resident must escort guests and visitors at all times throughout the residence hall.
Visitation Violations
Students are expected to abide by all aforementioned visitation policies and all University regulations within the residence halls. Any student found responsible for a violation of the visitation policy is subject to revocation of visitation privileges and other sanctions outlined in Marquette’s student conduct code. Visitation privileges may also be revoked for other conduct-related reasons.
If a visitor or their host are found in violation of the visitation policy or University regulations, the Residence Hall Director has the authority to ask visitors to leave the hall immediately.
If it becomes necessary for University personnel to enter a room or apartment for routine maintenance, repairs or inspection, the resident(s) will be given advance notice of the entry, which may take place in their absence. Resident requests for room repairs imply permission for personnel to enter a room. However, advance notice may not be practical or possible when emergency repairs are necessary to prevent damage to residents’ or university property. Under these conditions, university personnel may enter without advance notice. This applies to both residence halls and apartment communities.
Bed Bug Protocol
In the last 10-15 years the United States has seen a significant resurgence of issues with beg beds. They are becoming more commonly found in homes, apartments, hotels, luggage, and campus residence halls.
If a student believes they have bed bugs, they should contact a building staff member to report the issue. Once a staff member is aware they will contact a professional staff member and ask the resident a series of questions to gain additional information to contact Marquette’s pest control company and schedule an inspection of the room. A staff member will let the resident know when the inspection will occur, generally within 48 hours of the issue being reported. The pest control company will conduct a visual and canine search of the room.
If bed bugs are present, staff will give additional instruction for a series of chemical treatments to occur. Impacted student will be provided with instructions on expected cleaning and care to eliminate the current bug infestation and prevent further issues. Any student who has a confirmed case of bed bugs will not be allowed to move rooms in order to prevent the spread to an additional space. If bed bugs are found in personal furniture, the Office of Residence Life may require cleaning or disposal of the affected furniture.
Each fall, every residence hall room and apartment are screened for bed bugs by our pest control company and confirmed as bed bug free. Therefore, any subsequent inspections or treatment are the responsibility of the student and will be billed to their Bursar account.
Room Entry and Search
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵrespects and protects student privacy. However, in the interest of protecting university persons and property, which includes the residence hall rooms, there may be times when it is necessary for university personnel to enter and/or search residence hall rooms. All rooms are entered during break periods to ensure closing procedures are followed for health and safety. University Apartments tenants should consult their lease for terms related to unit entry procedures.
Room Search
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵreserves the right to enter and search a residence hall room if any of its authorized personnel (e.g., Resident Assistant, Residence Hall Director, Maintenance) has reason to believe the following:
- That there is a possibility of imminent hazard to persons or property; or
- That there is a violation of public law or university policy; or
- That contraband items are present but concealed from view; or
If entry becomes necessary under these conditions, university personnel will knock and identify themselves. If there is no response, a passkey will be used to enter the room. Prohibited items like alcohol may be confiscated, but if university personnel finds illegal drugs, the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Police Department (MUPD) will be called.
If a room search is necessary, it will be conducted by university personnel (e.g. Residence Life or by law enforcement, if necessary). When practical, the resident(s) whose room is to be searched will be allowed to be present during the search and will be informed of the reason for the search. The resident(s) need not give permission to search. At the discretion of University personnel, the resident(s) will typically be asked to open drawers, closets, locked boxes, etc. However, refusal to comply will not impede the search.
During a search, University personnel shall make a reasonable attempt not to unnecessarily disrupt belongings, and an effort shall be made to leave the room in the condition that it was found. An email will be sent by the Residence Hall Director notifying the student of any seized property and potential policy violation(s).
A resident who believes their room has been wrongfully entered should report the matter to the Residence Hall Director and submit a written complaint to the Executive Director of Housing and Residence Life.
Building Access and ID Cards
Every student is issued a ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ identification card (MUID) and is expected to carry their MUID at all times, except when the resident’s ID is held at the desk for the guest and overnight visitation.
As students enter the building, they must present their MUIDs to the desk receptionist for inspection. Each hall has a card reader which the receptionist will use to verify that the student is a resident of the hall.
This system is maintained for the safety of all residents. If a student or guest uses a false ID or an ID that does not belong to them to gain entry to a hall, the ID will be confiscated, MUPD will be notified.
Lost or Forgotten ID Cards
Allowing students without an MUID into the building compromises security. Therefore, students who fail to present their MUID when entering the building are subject to monetary charges. Each resident will be given a grace period for two occurrences. Thereafter, the resident will be charged a fee for each subsequent occurrence. Lost MUID cards are replaced through the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵCard Office in Union Station in the Alumni Memorial Union, Room 158, at a cost of $25.
Emergency Exits
Building emergency exits are labeled and alarmed for building safety. It is prohibited to utilize an emergency exit except in an emergency situation.
For health, sanitary, and study reasons, fish are the only pets permitted in the residence halls. Each student in a room is limited to one 10-gallon tank. The only animals allowed in these tanks are fish. Student are responsible for taking fish home over the break period or finding safe, alternative accommodations.
No live animals may be shipped to the residence hall.
Electrical Equipment
Examples of electrical equipment not permitted in the residence halls include, but are not limited to, the following: George Foreman Grill, crock pot, air fryer, toaster, rotisserie, hot plate, immersion coil, deep fat fryer, oven, camping stove, electric frying pan, toaster oven, sandwich maker, guitar amplifiers, sub woofers, wireless hubs and routers, karaoke machines, drum sets, air conditioners, and torchier-style halogen lamps. Each occupant of a room is allowed to bring a refrigerator with a maximum capacity of 4.5 cubic feet and a microwave using a maximum of 800 watts. Only coffee makers with an automatic shutoff are allowed.
If you are not sure if equipment meets University regulations, contact the Office of Residence Life or a residence hall director.
Digital, Computing, and E-resources
Residents must abide by all policies and procedures put forth by the Office of Information Technology Services' Acceptable Use Policy of Electronic Resources. Highlights of this policy include personal conduct through digital platforms, proper use of digital media and intellectual property, limitations to digital infrastructure (including the prohibition of wi-fi routers), among many others.
Stolen Property
It is a violation to remove furniture, objects, signs, or any property without permission of the owner(s) or to bring stolen property into the residence halls.
Bikes are allowed in rooms, but they may not be parked in the hallways. Students may store their bikes in the bike corral in the Wells Street Parking Structure, 1240 W. Wells St. Contact Parking Services at 288-6911 for more information.
Residence hall and apartment windows may be opened, but the screens and window bars may not be removed. Nothing may be thrown out of or brought in through the windows at any time. Stereo speakers may not be placed in windows.
Hall Sports
No athletic activity of any kind is allowed inside the halls or apartments. This includes, but is not limited to, skating, kicking, or tossing a Hacky Sack™ or Frisbee, playing basketball or football, wrestling or jumping rope, etc. There are places to participate in these activities around campus. All athletic equipment must be stored in residents’ rooms.
Students are not allowed on any hall roof, window ledge, or otherwise restricted area where the safety of students may be in danger. Additionally, students may not attempt or gain entry into another person’s assigned space without their presence and permission.
Firearms and Weapons
ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Weapons Policy
Students are not permitted to possess, use or store firearms, ammunition or weapons of any type, including paintball guns, pellet guns, knives, decorative swords or other hunting equipment in the residence halls. University apartments students should consult their lease for firearms and weapon specifics. MUPD offers students the opportunity to store weapons that are used for recreational purposes in an off-campus location.
The ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵcampus is both tobacco and smoke-free. Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, or any tobacco products are not permitted in any section of the residence halls or university apartments, including student rooms. Smoking is also prohibited within 25 feet of a residence hall or apartment building entrance. E-cigarettes may be stored in a student room but may not be used until off campus property.