The annual Robert C. Olson Lecture, made possible by the Olson Family Physical Therapy Professional Development Fund
2024-Thirteenth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture

Speaker: Dustin Grooms, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Orthopedics, Division of Physical Therapy & Associate Director of the Ohio Neurological and Musculoskeletal Institute, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
Title of Presentation:
Neuroplasticity after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury - Optimizing Physical Therapy for Return to Activity
2023-Twelfth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture

Speaker: Janet Bezner, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Texas State University
Title of Presentation:
Why words matter: facilitating behavior change using health coaching
2022-Eleventh annual Robert C. Olson Lecture

Speaker: Paul Hodges, DSc, MedDr, PhD, BPhty, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Senior Principle Research Fellow; Professor and Director of the NHMRC Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Spinal Pain, Injury, and Health at the University of Queensland (UQ)
Title of Presentation:
Dealing with the challenge of back pain: Unraveling the complexity to understand who, what, when, how, and why?
2021-Tenth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Speaker: Bryan Heiderscheit, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Professor in Orthopedics in the Departments of Orthopedics & Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Director, UW Health Runners’ Clinic; Director of Research, Badger Athletic Performance; Co-director, UW Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
Title of presentation:
Redefining Care for the Injured Runner: Biomechanics Matter
2020 - Ninth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture

Speaker: Catherine Quatman-Yates, PT, DPT, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, The Ohio State University; Recipient of the Excellence in Research Award and New Horizon Award from the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy’s Toby Long Award; co-author on the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Speaker: Airelle O. Giordano, PT, DPT, Associate Director of Clinical Services and Sports and Orthopedic Residency Director at the University of Delaware PT Clinic; Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program; Board Certified as a Sports and Orthopedic Clinical Specialist; co-author on the multi-Academy Clinical Practice Guideline on Concussion Rehabilitation
Title of presentation:
The Art and Science of Physical Therapy Concussion Management
2019 - Eighth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
T. G. Hornby, PT, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Indianapolis School of Medicine; Adjunct Research Associate Professor for Northwestern University’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Research Director/Scientist for the Locomotor Recovery Laboratory at the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
Title of presentation:
Removing the Kid Gloves in Neurologic Rehabilitation; Therapy Ball: Utilizing Techniques of Sport Performance and Analytics to Drive Rehabilitation Practice
2018 - Seventh annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Kevin E. Wilk, PT, DPT, FAPTA, Associate Clinical Director at Champion Sports Medicine in Birmingham, Alabama; Rehabilitation Consultant for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays Baseball team
Title of presentation:
What's New in ACL Rehabilitation - Including Return to Play Criteria; Keys to Success for Rehabilitation of the Patient with Rotator Cuff Related Pain/Dysfunction
2017 - Sixth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Timothy W. Flynn, PT, Ph.D., OCS, FAAOMPT, FAPTA, Professor, School of Physical Therapy, South College, Knoxville, TN; Owner, Colorado in Motion, Fort Collins, CO
Title of presentation:
Pain in America - Physical Therapist Solution to a Raging Epidemic
2016 - Fifth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Lawrence Cahalin, PT, Ph.D., CCS, Clinical Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Miami, Miami, FL
Title of presentation:
Breathing - The Inspiration to Move
2015 - Fourth annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Karen L. McCulloch, PT, Ph.D., NCS, FAPTA, Clinical Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC; Adjunct Faculty, Department of Exercise and Sports Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Title of presentation:
Serving the Physical Therapy Needs of Wounded Warriors with mTBI: Opportunities in Research and Clinical Practice
2014 - Third annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Gabriel Brooks, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC, Sports Medicine Program Coordinator, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX; Clinical Instructor, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Title of presentation:
Treatment of Pediatric Sports Injuries: Evidence Based Management of the Shoulder and Elbow
Fall 2013 - Second annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Edelle Field-Fote, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, Principal Investigator, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis; Professor and Associate Chair for PhD Studies, Department of Physical Therapy, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
Title of presentation:
Spring 2013 - First annual Robert C. Olson Lecture
Speaker (morning):
Cyndi Marti, PT, President, Spinal Dynamics of Wisconsin; Schroth Certified Therapist
Title of presentation:
An Overview of the Schroth Method of Scoliosis Rehabilitation
Speaker (afternoon):
Jim Elliott, PT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Northwestern University- Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Title of presentation:
Whiplash…Have we Been Driving in the Wrong Lane?