This year marks the 40th anniversary of the creation of the . This special anniversary year conference will be held at ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ.
Important Dates | The Conference | ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ WIPCS | Call for Papers | Student Essay Contest | Registration | Hotel and Travel | Contact

A More Peaceful and Just Future is Possible: Charting Paths from Failed Institutions to Collective Liberation
Students, academics, and activists are invited to the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ campus for a one-day conference on the theme of A More Peaceful and Just Future is Possible: Charting Paths from Failed Institutions to Collective Liberation.
The conference will open with a panel on the evening of Thursday, April 3, 2025. All other sessions will take place on Friday, April 4, 2025.
- Deadline for submissions: February 17, 2025
- Pre-Registration: March 1 - April 1, 2025
- Draft Schedule Released: March 4, 2025
- On-site Registration: April 4, 2025
The present moment is a call for action, marked by widespread failures among institutions we have been told will protect us: global climate initiatives have failed to produce meaningful commitments to slow the impacts of climate change; international courts have failed to protect human rights and uphold international law in Sudan, Ukraine, Palestine, the Congo, and beyond; and democratic states have failed to prevent the spread of inequality and authoritarianism at home and abroad. Now more than ever, peacemakers must mobilize.
This year’s conference seeks to explore avenues to act for peace and justice in the face of institutional failure—as activists, students, educators, researchers, artists, professionals, and global citizens. The framework of collective liberation—understanding that my freedom is bound up in yours, that nobody is free until everyone is free—provides peacemakers with a way forward to realizing the more just, equitable, and sustainable world that we know is possible.
There will be multiple ways to engage throughout the day: panels, plenaries, workshops, creative presentations, displays, discussion sessions, and community tours, concluding with our annual awards ceremony.
WIPCS is a unique and vital consortium of private and public colleges and universities in Wisconsin dedicated to enriching academic and public discourse on issues of peace and conflict. WIPCS and ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ are non-partisan and encourages debate and discussion from multiple perspectives, not only of foreign policy issues and global areas of conflict, but also of domestic inequalities, gender relations, and environmental sustainability.
Faculty, students, activists, and youth who wish to participate are encouraged to submit proposals to present. Submissions may represent a variety of formats:
- Individually submitted papers (to be organized into panels by the conference committee)
- Panels (3-4 individual papers or presenters linked thematically)
- Films, creative works, photographic displays, and art presentations
- Roundtable discussions (interactive, facilitated discussion led by presenter/s)
- Teaching and/or skill-building, interactive workshops
Peace and conflict studies are very broad and can engage with virtually any academic discipline, thus, we will consider all proposals. We especially encourage submission of proposals that align with the conference theme: A More Peaceful and Just Future is Possible: Charting Paths from Failed Institutions to Collective Liberation and/or that address the following areas:
- Establishing and supporting broad-based movements for peace, justice, and liberation.
- Being accountable to the people and communities who are most impacted by interpersonal and systemic violence.
- Building our understanding of power through knowledge of how oppressed communities are differently affected by domination systems.
- Exploring the depth and breadth of peace scholarship originating from disciplines that include business, communications, education, engineering, health, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
- Global challenges such as mass migration, resource-motivated military interventions, and the disparate effects of environmental changes in a post-colonial world.
- Critiquing state power and militarism that inhibits popular movements for peace, justice, and liberation.
Submissions are limited to 2 per person
WIPCS, ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Peace Studies, and the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ Center for Peacemaking are committed to providing a welcoming environment designed to facilitate the sharing of work and ideas across disciplines, especially to first time presenters.
Students are encouraged to submit papers for the WIPCS Student Essay Contest fitting the theme of, "A More Peaceful and Just Future is Possible: Charting Paths from Failed Institutions to Collective Liberation". Papers should be based on individual or collaborative research and critical thinking. They should be in 12pt font, double-spaced, and the author should plan to make a 10–20-minute presentation. Papers are also eligible for cash prizes awarded by WIPCS. The submission form for the student essay contest is the same as for the proposals. Essay contest entries are due on Monday, February 17, 2025.
Details regarding registering will be forthcoming.
Conference-rate rooms have been reserved at the nearby Ambassador Hotel. Please call (414) 345-5000 and ask for WIPCS rates.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact conference organizer, Jenna Harb, at