Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering Seminar Series

Fall 2024

Wednesdays, 12 – 12:50 PM

Engineering Hall, Room 236

1637 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI 53233

September 4

The Bee Branch (flood mitigation & resiliency, stormwater treatment, habitat creation, neighborhood revitalization, community engagement, transportation enhancement, tourist attraction, so citizens can sleep at night) Project

Deron Muehring, Water & Resource Recovery Center Director, City of Dubuque

September 18
Data-Efficient Stream Nutrient Modeling: An Application of Data-driven Sparse Sensing

Wasif Bin Mamoon, PhD Student, Dept of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, MU


September 25

The Impact of Metals from Drinking Water Pipes on Antibiotic Resistance
Veronika Folvarska, PhD Student, Dept of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, MU


October 2

Nutrient remova in an advanced water reuse treatment system

Payton Loftis, MS Student, Dept of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, MU


October 23

Alternative electrocoagulation techniques for PFOS Degradation from Water

Dr. Govindan Kadarkarai, Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, MU


October 30
At Home, At Work, At Rest: a Realist Evaluation of Design and Delivery of Exposure Interventions for Indoor Environments
Dr. Ellison Carter, Associate Professor, Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University


November 6

Ammonia Recovery from Livestock Manure Using Membrane and Electrochemical Systems
Dr. Mohan Qin, Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison


November 13

Investigating the effects of disinfection on the persistence of surface-associated  pathogens
Jennifer Lavin, PhD Student, Dept of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, MU


Professional development hours (PDHs). PDHs will be recorded and an email documenting attendance will be sent to attendees to use towards their Wisconsin Professional Engineer’s license.  Each seminar presentation is equivalent to one PDH. It is the responsibility of the PE to retain all records.   



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