Chemistry Undergraduate Club

CheMU is our undergraduate society, comprising Chemistry and Biochemistry / Molecular Biology majors, and anyone who just loves chemistry! Students have the option of becoming student affiliates of the American Chemistry Society (ACS), and our undergraduates regularly meet and plan activities, such as chemistry magic shows, social outings, panel discussions and much more!

Liquid nitrogen ice cream demo

Come join us!


Dr. Vijay Vyas or Dr. Llanie Nobile.  


CheMU Activities

  • Construct a 3-D periodic table
  • ACS General Chemistry and Organic study guide sales
  • Panel discussion on Summer Research Programs
  • Community Day of Service
  • Bake and consume a cupcake periodic table
  • Field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago
  • Chemistry Career Day
  • Chemistry Faculty and Student Rock Climbing Event
  • Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream