In many of the meeting rooms in the Alumni Memorial Union, crucifixes from across the globe are featured on the wall. With an award from the Simmons Religious Commitment Fund in 2006, the AMU was able to purchase nineteen crucifixes from various parts of the world ranging from Russia to El Salvador to Kenya to display throughout the building. The crucifix project was part of the Alumni Memorial Union's desire to support the university's identity as a faith-based institution.

Crucifix locations in the AMU and region of origin include:

AMU Room 139, San Damiano Cross

AMU Room 163, San Damiano Cross

AMU Henke Lounge (2nd floor), San Damiano Cross

AMU Room 227, Kenyan Ebony Hand-carved Crucifix

AMU Room 228, Hand-carved Station of the Cross from Bethlehem

AMU Room 230, El Salvador Christ Cross

AMU Room 252, Sierra Madre Mountains of Central Mexico Straw Crucifix

AMU Room 254, Haitian Red Robed Crucifix

AMU Room 305, Haitian World Cross

AMU Room 313, North American Indian Purepeche Clay Crucifix

AMU Room 362, 11th Century Archpriest Cross

AMU Room 364, El Salvador Women's Cross

AMU Room 368, Kenyan Ebony Hand-carved Crucifix

AMU Room 370, San Damiano Cross

AMU Room 374, 18th Century Russian Old Believer Cross

AMU Room 380, El Salvador Christ Cross

AMU Room 448, Guahibo Indians - Venezuela Amazon