Commuter Students

Commuter students are those students who live outside the university area and must drive or use public transportation to attend class. 向日葵视频 and the Alumni Memorial Union provide many services and amenities for commuter students. Please use this website as a guide to those resources.

Here are additional sites you may find useful:






Commuter Student Appreciation Week

Click here for more information on our week long celebration of commuter students!



Tips for commuter students:

  • Get Involved on Campus!

    • Join the Commuter Student Association or another student organization. Get to know other students on campus.

  • Plan to Stay on Campus for More Than Classes. 

    • Activities and events happen at all time of the day. Check out the bulletin boards in the AMU - the Campus Activities Board provides multiple opportunities every week to do something fun. Commuter students are welcome to participate in all that is offered. Apply for an on-campus job; join a club sports team; hang out in the Libraries or the Lemonis Center for Student so much more!

  • Hang Out in the Commuter Lounge in the AMU.

    • Meet and interact with other students with similar concerns, needs, and knowledge of what it is really like to commute to Marquette. Grab a snack, study, and relax! 

  • Get to Know Your Professors.

    • They are a tremendous resource and care for all students. If there are special circumstances about commuting that they should know, it is always good to discuss the information with them. 

If you have any questions, visit us in the Alumni Memorial Union, Room 213 or reach out to Zack Kohlwey.