Veronica Arntz
M.A. Augustine Institute B.A. Wyoming Catholic College
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Eucharistic theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, ecclesiology, nature, grace, and humanity's knowledge of God
Peter Battaglia
Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary B.S. Liberty University
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Early Christian hermeneutics and biblical interpretation, Greek linguistics, second-century patristic literature

Jason Bermender
M.A. Franciscan University of Steubenville B.Phil. Pontifical Lateran University B.A. Franciscan University of Steubenville
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Old Testament, exorcism in the Bible, demonology Dissertation Exorcising in the Spirit: Exorcistic Figures in the Israelite Tradition Director Andrei A. Orlov
Patrick L. Bowman
Th.M. St. Vladimir鈥檚 Orthodox Theological Seminary M.A. St. Vladimir鈥檚 Orthodox Theological Seminary M.Div. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary B.S. University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Theology of repentance in early Christianity, Epistle to the Hebrews, ecumenism and intra-Christian conversion
Patrick Conlin
M.A. Theology, 向日葵视频, 2019 B.A. Christian Ministries, Trinity International University, 2012
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Syriac Theology, Gender roles in antiquity, Liberation theology
Shayla Covington
M.A. Iliff School of Theology B.A. Creighton University
Concentration Systematic Theology/Theological Ethics Areas of interest Feminist Theology, Creativity and Imagination in Religious Participation, Health Care Ethics
Daniella Goldfarb
M.T.S. Duke Divinity School B.A. American University
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest History of Biblical Interpretation, Eucharistic Theology During the Reformation, Christian Mysticism
Hannah Grubbs-Oechsle
M.T.S. Anderson University B.A. Anderson University
Concentration Theological Ethics Areas of interest Virtue theory, moral psychology, ecological ethics and embodiment Dissertation Moral Emotions in the Habituation of Virtue Director Andrew Kim
D. Hayden Hagerman
M.Div. Duke University B.A. Cincinnati Christian University
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Cappadocian Fathers & Augustine, Patristic Mariology, Modern Catholic Theology Dissertation Ever-Virgin: The Alexandrian Contribution to the Theology and Defense of Mary's Ever-Virginity before the Council of Ephesus 431 Director Marcus Plested
Rev. Silas M. Hasselbrook
B.A. Concordia University Wisconsin M.Div. Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne
Concentration Systematic Theology/Theological Ethics Areas of interest Person and personhood, bioethics/health care ethics, fourth and fifth century Patristics
Megan Heeder
B.A. University of Notre Dame M.A. in Theology, University of Notre Dame M.T.S. Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Concentration Systematics/Ethics Areas of interest Virtue Ethics, especially as applied to eating disorders, Bioethics, Theological Aesthetics Dissertation The Beauty of a Good Appetite in a Social Media Age Director Andrew Kim
Rev. Micah Hogan
M.Div. Nashotah House Theological Seminary B.A. Biola University
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Theological conceptions of Eros, Greek and Byzantine Patristics, Christian Platonisms
Sara Hulse
M.T.S. Pontifical John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of America B.A. DeSales University
Concentration Systematic Theology Areas of interest Henri de Lubac and Nouvelle Th茅ologie, theological anthropology, Trinitarian theology Dissertation Person and Society: The Trinitarian Anthropology of Henri de Lubac Director Susan K. Wood, SCL
Robert Johnson
M.A. Saint Louis University B.A. DeSales University
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Development of the early Church, Marian doctrine and devotion, material culture and theological belief
Rev. Brandon W. Koble
S.T.M. Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne M.Div. Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne B.A. Purdue University
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest The mystical union, Reformation and Post-reformation Christology, St. Augustine Dissertation The Defender of Schwabian Christology: The Christological Development of Jakob Andreas in the Pursuit of Concord Director Mickey L. Mattox
Edmund Lazzari
Ph.L. Catholic University of America Ph.B. Catholic University of America M.A. St. Joseph鈥檚 Seminary and College, Dunwoodie B.A. St. Bonaventure University
Concentration Systematic Theology/Theological Ethics Areas of interest Special divine action, philosophical nature in theology, Thomas Aquinas and speculative theology
Hayden McDermott
M.Div. Western Seminary B.A. University of California, Davis
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Theodicy, Hellenistic Judaism, Philosophy and Christian Theology
Cecille M. Medina-Maldonado M.A. Loyola University Chicago B.S. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Concentration Systematic Theology Areas of interest Bernard Lonergan, the Trinity, bioethics and medical ethics
Cathy Melesky Dante
M.Div. Washington Theological Union M.S.W. Springfield College
Concentration Theology and Society Areas of interest Conversion and human change, pschyological effects of prayer
Joshua Miller
B.A. Trinity International University M.T.S. Duke Divinity School
Concentration Historical Theology Areas of interest Greek and Syriac Patristics, Christology, Development of Doctrine Dissertation From Chalcedon to Constantinople II: The Reception and Articulation of Conciliar Christology (451-553) Director Marcus Plested
Daniel Mueller
Th.M. Asbury Theological Seminary M.A. Asbury Theological Seminary B.Th. Ozark Christian College
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Synoptic Gospels and Acts, critical spatial theory, Jewish literature of the Second Temple period
Sr. Ngoc Nguyen, LHC
MTS Villanova University, Villanova, PA MA Aquinas Institute of Theology, Saint Louis, MO BA Hanoi University, Vietnam
Areas of interest Confucianism-Christian theology, ethics of sex and gender, feminist theology Dissertation Catholic Challenges with Confucianism and the Issue of Gender Equality in Vietnam
Patrick J. O'Kernick
M.A. Villanova University B.A. University of Scranton
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Parables, synoptic Gospels, literary criticism Dissertation Moved with Compassion: Parables in Luke and the Transactional Quality of Reading Director Julian V. Hills
Caroline Redick
M.A. Lee University B.A. Lee University
Concentration Theological Ethics Areas of interest Political theology, pneumatology, moral sources Dissertation Solidarity in the Spirit: Toward an Agapic Ethic of Social Transformation Directors Danielle K. Nussberger and Conor M. Kelly
Cody Sandschafer
Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies/ Marian University Master of Arts in Philosophy/ Boston Collegeu Master of Arts in Theology/Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Concentration Systematic Theology/Theological Ethics Areas of interest Bernard Lonergan, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Ren茅 Girard, and Memory
Elizabeth Schick
S.T.L. International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria S.T.M. International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austria B.S. Central Michigan University
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest Nuptial Imagery and the God-Human Relationship, The Gospel of John, Trauma and Theology
Jennifer Siefken
B.A. Northwest University M.A. Portland Seminary
Concentration Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity Areas of interest New Testament, Synoptic Gospels and Acts, Early Jewish and Christian Martyrologies
Ethan Vanderleek
M.A. Regent College M.A. Institute for Christian Studies B.A. The King's University
Concentration Systematic Theology Areas of interest William Desmond, theology and continental philosophy, theological anthropology