Meet Our Staff

Lemonis Center for Student Success (LCSS)

Full-time Professional Staff at the LCSS

Marilyn Jones- Lemonis Center for Student Success, Director

Roy Avila- Lemonis Center for Student Success, Associate Director


Career Center

Courtney Hanson- Career Center, Director

Michelle Kasbohm- Career Center, Associate Director

Casey Dunn- Career Center, Assistant Director, Employer Relations

Michael Stock- Career Center, Senior Career Counselor

Lizzy Machado- Career Center, Career Counselor, Graduate Students

Ailed Perez- Career Center, Coordinator, Employer Relations

Julie Schneider- Career Center, Career Counselor

Megan McFadden- Career Center, Career Counselor


Academic Resource Center (ARC)

Dr. Erik Albinson- Academic Resource Center (ARC), Director

Dr. Ben Kemp- Associate Director, Retention

Jeanne Zanoni- Associate Director, Tutoring

Eli Marten- Academic Resource Center, Assistant Director

Dr. Nicolle Skoien- Assistant Director, Retention

Emily Robbins- Assistant Director, Tutoring

Jenn Frietag- Academic Services and Tutoring Coordinator


Additional Staff

Dr. Jacki Black- Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion/Office of Inclusion and Belonging Liaison; Director for Hispanic Initiatives and Diversity & Inclusion Educational Programming

Dr. John Su- Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Student Success


Student Staff

Coming soon!