Run for President and Executive Vice President

Representing All Students

The MUSG President and Executive Vice President, elected together as a ticket, are called to serve the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵundergraduate community and care for the mind, body, and soul of every ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵstudent. They pull from their experiences as an involved ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵstudent in order to make decisions that are best for the student body. These leaders recognize students as those who make ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵwhat it is, and they constantly consider the interests of all students who call ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵhome.

The duo also has a responsibility to progress MUSG, for the benefit of students. This involves fostering an organizational environment that aligns with the MUSG Mission and Values, innovating internal and external processes, leading multiple teams and committees, and building those within MUSG to become future leaders. The MUSG President and EVP must be self-starters, and must motivate themselves and others to accomplish the initiatives and many tasks involved in their roles.

As a ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵundergraduate student, it is up to you to be informed and vote for those who will lead and represent the student body. Below you can see the description—per the MUSG Constitution—of each the role, MUSG President and Executive Vice President. 

The Role of the MUSG President

  • Serve as the official representative leader of MUSG.
  • Enforce the Constitution and By-Laws of MUSG.
  • Delegate responsibilities to other members of MUSG.
  • Be present at all meetings of the Senate.
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of the Senate.
  • Take action on legislation upon approval of the Senate (Constitution By-Laws, Article XIV).
  • Be present for at least one meeting of the Program Board, Communications Department, and Financial Department per month.
  • Serve as a member of the MUSG Budget Committee (as defined in Financial Policies).
  • Coordinate and attend the Fall MUSG retreat (TBD, typically the 4th weekend of fall semester).
  • Appoint student representatives to all university committees.
  • Represent students to the Board of Trustees through quarterly meetings of the Committee on Student Experience and Mission and address the full board (typically at December meeting).

The Role of the MUSG Executive Vice President

  • Serve as the chair of the Student Organization Funding Committee (SOF) (as defined in Financial Policies).
  • Provide training to all members of the SOF Committee on the SOF Process.
  • Be responsible for duties as assigned by the President.
  • Be present at all meetings of the Senate. In the case of absence, the Executive Vice President shall arrange for a member of the Executive Council to attend.
  • Assist the President in the coordination of all areas of MUSG.
  • Assume all duties of the President in case of a leave of absence.
  • Report to the President and to the Executive Board.
  • Coordinate and attend the Fall MUSG retreat (TBD, typically the 4th weekend of fall semester).

Interested in Running for an MUSG President or Executive Vice President?

Duties for each position are outlined above. Requirements for registration are enumerated below:

  1. Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  2. Meeting with MUSG advisor Dr. Jennifer Reid.
  3. Completion of (Note: both the presidential candidate and the EVP candidate need to fill this form out separately), Official Campaign Workers Form, and Campaign Materials and Expenditures Form down below.
  4. Campaign Nomination form, which consists of getting 300 signatures from full-time undergraduate students. NOTE: this is a digital signature form via Marquee and will be created once your application is approved. Signatures come in the form of students swiping or checking in to this "event."
  5. Reading the Official Election Rules.

Required Forms

Campaign Nomination Form, which consists of getting signatures from full-time undergraduate students in the constituent area as noted in the table above.

NOTE: this is a digital signature form via Marquee and will be created once your application is approved. Signatures come in the form of students swiping or checking in to this "event."

Important Dates

Monday, 1/13 /25

(online via Marquee) opens.

Thursday, 2/20/25

(online via Marquee) due by 10 pm.

Friday, 2/28 /25

Nomination Signature Form due by 10 pm. *NOTE: Each candidate will have their own unique form and link on which to collect digital signatures via Marquee.  This will be set up once the Candidate Registration Form is completed.

Saturday, 3/1/25

(MUSG president and EVP) registration form opens.

Form closes Monday, 3/24/25 in accordance with MUSG's Constitution

3/16/25 – 3/27/25


Sunday, 3/23/25

President/EVP Debate (2-4pm)

Thurs, 3/27/25

Election Day

Friday, 3/28/25

Results announced at noon at press conference and on MUSG website.

Additional Procedures

Before campaigning, you must have completed the nomination signatures process (digital form via Marquee) and register any campaign workers if you have them. All campaign materials must also be approved by the MUSG Election Committee before they are distributed. You are also expected to adhere to the rules as outlined in the Official Election Rules.

  • If you are running for President, you must meet with MUSG Advisor, Dr. Jennifer Reid before official campaigning begins.
  • If you are a candidate for President/Executive Vice President, you may not spend more than $500 as a ticket.
  • If you receive a discounted price on campaign materials, you must submit the full (retail) price on your Expenditures Form.
  • You may not use the student organization resources in MUSG's office to produce your campaign material.
  • All receipts must be turned in to MUSG officials before the elections, attached to the Expenditures Form.
  • You will NOT be reimbursed (by MUSG or ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ) for the money you spend on your campaign.
  • The Elections Committee will work to approve campaign material in one business day.
  • The Elections Committee must have a copy of all campaign materials.
  • The Elections Committee will enforce all election rules; infractions may result in penalties. Candidates are responsible for knowing and understanding all of the rules. Please read the Election Rules thoroughly and completely.
  • If you have a question, ask a committee member or the elections coordinator before taking action. All questions are welcomed and, in fact, encouraged.