

Academic misconduct cases

The largest percent of allegations involved plagiarism (52.2%), followed by cheating (39.6%) with a small percent of academic fraud (8.2%; figure 1). The cases against 21.8 percent of the students were dismissed, 65.8 percent resulted in acceptance of responsibility and an expedited sanction, and 12.4 percent went to a full hearing (figure 2). 向日葵视频 one quarter of the hearings resulted in a dismissal.聽 First offenders made up 93.1 percent of the misconduct cases, 6.4 percent were second offenders and one individual had three offenses in the 2015–16 academic year. Analyzing the students by home college, the largest percent of offenders were in the largest undergraduate colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering. On average, reports were filed on 2.24 percent of the entire undergraduate student population, however, the reports filed on business administration students, engineering students, and nursing students were higher at 2.92 percent, 3.15 percent, and 3.24 percent, respectively. A higher number of reports were from classes in Arts and Sciences, suggesting that students more frequently commit misconduct in core classes than in their major.

Types of Offenses

Figure 1 鈥� Distribution of the type offenses as a percent of the total number of students involved.

Distribution of Outcomes

Figure 2 鈥� Distribution of the outcomes expressed as a percent of the total number of students involved.

Misconduct by college

Figure 3 鈥� Percent of students for which reports were filed based on home college (yellow bar) or the college of the course in which the violation occurred (blue bar).

Provost Myers and President Lovell

Academic Integrity


Academic Integrity Office
707 Building, Room 332

1102 W. Wisconsin Avenue
(414) 288-0262

Academic Integrity Director
Jacob Riyeff, Ph.D.
Teaching Associate Professor, Dept. of English
Klingler College of Arts and Sciences

Academic Integrity Coordinator
Maria Cooper
Administrative Assistant, Honors Program

More information

For Faculty and Instructors

For Students