November 2019
Dear colleagues,
As we look ahead to Thanksgiving this week, I want to express my gratitude to all of you. As acting provost, I see every day the work faculty do to provide a transformational education and create a welcoming community at Marquette. With finals and the holiday season before us, we know that things speed up before they slow down. In this hectic and festive time, I wish you peace. We have a lot to be proud of at Marquette, and I'm looking forward to all that we will do together in the new year. |
In this 11th edition of the POST, we have news on the 向日葵视频Core Curriculum, the 向日葵视频Forum and numerous other opportunities for faculty recognition and enrichment.
I hope that you find these 鈥渟hort takes鈥 helpful and informative.
Wishing you and yours a safe and blessed holiday season.
-Kimo Ah Yun, acting provost
Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Award
Nominations are being accepted for the 向日葵视频 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Award. Each year, the Office of the Provost, supported by the Office of the President, recognizes a faculty member who demonstrates exemplary leadership and manifests the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion through practical action. Recipients may demonstrate this commitment across a range of possibilities: student-centered inclusion initiatives; efforts to support recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and/or students; teaching and/or research that expands and embraces our understanding of inclusiveness; multicultural programming or related initiatives; community outreach activities; or other possibilities. Members of the 向日葵视频community, including students, staff and faculty, are encouraged to nominate one or more candidates. Deadline is Dec. 2.
Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award: develop programs for 2020-21
The Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award provides a supported opportunity to develop innovative and exciting teaching with colleagues from across campus. This annual award of $20,000 is given to a team of two or more faculty to develop, implement and evaluate a specific teaching project. The focus this year is on high-impact educational practices. Apply by Dec. 6. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. John Su (
Way Klingler Young Scholar Awards
Way Klingler Young Scholar Awards support promising young scholars inthe critical early stages of their careers. Up to four awards will be given for 2020-21 to full-time regular junior faculty in the three years following their third-year review. The awards are intended to fund $2,000 in operating costs and cover a portion of salary to afford the recipient a one-semester release from teaching. Awardees will be selected by the Committee on Research. Application deadline is Jan. 6, 2020. (Check with your dean’s office to confirm the college application deadline.)
Way Klingler Fellowships
The Way Klingler Fellowships are for full-time regular faculty at the associate or full professor rank with significant scholarship and higher potential. Faculty will be nominated by academic deans or self-nominated with dean endorsement. Two Way Klingler Fellowships will be awarded in 2020, one in each applicant-designated area of science or humanities/social sciences. The science fellow will receive $50,000 annually for three years, and the humanities fellow will receive $20,000 annually for three years. The fellows will be chosen by the Committee on Research. Application deadline for submission by the deans is Jan. 10, 2020. (Check with your dean’s office to confirm the college application deadline.)
Center for Teaching and Learning director
鈥 applications sought
Applications are being accepted for the position of CTL director. The successful applicant will be a member of Marquette’s tenured faculty, a shift from the staff model employed previously. The position is full time (11 months), with the expectation of a three-year term (renewable) that begins July 6, 2020. The faculty director will retain tenure throughout her/his directorship. The position description and application materials can be found . Applications are due Jan. 31, 2020.
Participating faculty professional development awards available
Applications are being accepted for professional development awards for participating faculty members. The Provost’s Office has allocated $5,000 to be awarded for use during spring term 2020. All full- and part-time participating faculty are eligible to receive an award up to $500. Awards will be made for relevant development activities, including, but not limited to conference registration/travel, journal subscriptions, memberships for professional organizations, training, books, equipment, unique software, etc. More information and the application form can be found here. Applications are due Jan. 15, 2020.
Faculty mini-grants for diversity, equity and inclusion
In spring 2019, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion started awarding summer grants for full-time faculty from any discipline to develop new courses or significantly revise existing courses to infuse themes of diversity, equity and inclusion. A call for proposals for next year's grants will come out early in the spring. More details are available on the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion website. For inquiries, please contact Dr. William Welburn or Jacki Black.
EOP 50th Anniversary Celebration and 向日葵视频Forum continue to explore "Pathways to Educational Access and Opportunity"
Building on the EOP 50th anniversary reunion dinner and other events during fall semester, EOP and the 向日葵视频Forum will continue a yearlong exploration of educational access and opportunity. Events are being developed on an ongoing basis, and can be found on the EOP 50th anniversary and 向日葵视频Forum websites.
The 向日葵视频Forum will offer $500 grants to faculty/staff, departments, academic units or student organizations to enhance events associated with educational access and opportunity. If you are interested in developing an affiliated event, please contact Dr. John Su or explore the 向日葵视频Forum website.
Among the many opportunities next semester, there will be focused conversations on recent books by two of America’s foremost thinkers in higher education:
- Freeman Hrabowski, The Empowered University: Shared Leadership, Culture Change, and Academic Success (2019)
- Imani Perry, Breathe: A Letter to My Sons (2019)
If you are interested in participating in these campus conversations, or if you have any questions or ideas for other EOP 50th anniversary events, please contact Dr. John Su.
向日葵视频Core Curriculum news
The MCC Committee approved a number of new Discovery Tier, Writing Intensive and ESSV2 courses for the Core. You can view the list of newly approved courses online.
MCC Acting Director Dr. Jim Marten will hold a series of open house work sessions during finals week to go over ways of making sure syllabi and assignments position courses solidly within the Discovery Tier theme to which it belongs. The times for those workshops will be Dec. 10, from 9 a.m. to noon; Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to noon; and Dec. 12, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please contact Marten if interested; you can stay for as long as you like or are able. They will be held in Sensenbrenner 302.
It’s recruiting season for the Methods of Inquiry courses (for both regular MOIs and Honors versions of the MOIs). If you have an idea for a course, or would like to participate in an existing MOI (there are a few slots available), contact Marten.
Emeritus status deadline
The deadline for tenured or full-time participating faculty members to submit to their dean a letter requesting promotion to emerita/emeritus status is Friday, Dec. 13. See the emeritus guidelines online.
Lunch with the provost
Acting Provost Kimo Ah Yun is hosting monthly lunches with faculty during the 2019-20 academic year. If you are interested in joining one of the lunches, . In order to have representation of various departments, length of service, etc., we are keeping an ongoing list of those interested. Invitations will be extended as openings are available.