August 2019
Dear colleagues,
As we begin another school year at Marquette, I want to extend a warm welcome back to all our returning faculty and a greeting to the over 70 new faculty who have joined us this year. This fall we greet an incoming class of about 2,000 students. This new class of students presents us with yet more opportunities to make a difference as teachers and scholars.
Since our last newsletter, we've seen the beginnings of the demolition of McCormick Hall, the launch of Marquette's first fully online undergraduate degree program, the arrival of our new registrar and CIO, and the adoption of a new test-optional policy (starting with the fall 2020 class). |
In this tenth edition of the POST, we welcome our interim director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, begin the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Marquette's Educational Opportunity Program and provide a wealth of opportunities to learn, engage and contribute.
We have a lot to be proud of, and I am inspired by your accomplishments and your commitment to Marquette. I am honored to work with such a talented and engaged faculty.
I hope that you find these “short takes” helpful and informative.
All my best wishes for the fall semester,
-Kimo Ah Yun, acting provost
Faculty Success Program
The Faculty Success program is a 12-week intensive mentoring experience offered online through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity: application is available online (under News & Events). Applications are due Oct. 4, 2019. Contact Dr. Gary Meyer with questions.
Faculty mini-grants for diversity, equity and inclusion
In spring 2019, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion started awarding summer grants for full-time faculty from any discipline to develop new courses or significantly revise existing courses to infuse themes of diversity, equity and inclusion. A call for proposals for next year's grants will come out early in the spring. More details are available on the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion website. For inquiries, please contact Dr. William Welburn or Jacki Black.
տƵFaculty Exploring Leadership Opportunities
The FELOS leadership program is designed to introduce faculty to the complexities, challenges and joys of leadership with a specific emphasis on academic leadership at a Catholic and Jesuit university. The program unfolds over the course of a full academic year and is geared toward associate and full professors who aspire to a greater leadership role on campus. Applications for the 2020-21 cohort (beginning fall term 2020) will be made available by Oct. 1. For more information or to obtain an application, please contact Dr. Meyer.
Center for Teaching and Learning leadership change
Dr. Jenniifer Maney will serve as interim director of the Center for Teaching and Learning during the 2019-20 academic year. She and five experienced faculty fellows will coordinate and deliver many programs and services for տƵfaculty. Keep an eye out for priority programming focused on inclusive classroom design as well as Ignatian pedagogy. An internal search for the next Center for Teaching and Learning director will commence early in the fall term. For questions about the interim director or the upcoming search, please contact Dr. Meyer.
Institutional membership ending: National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
A decision was made not to renew Marquette’s institutional membership with the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) for the 2019-20 academic year. As such, տƵfaculty (and graduate students) will no longer have access to NCFDD materials as of Sept. 10, 2019. (A note: տƵis still committed to the Faculty Success Program and will purchase individual memberships that will allow faculty to participate.) The annual fee associated with institutional membership is being reallocated toward other priorities in the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. Please contact Drs. Welburn or Meyer.
Community Engagement Symposium award nominations
Best practices in cultivating bi-directional partnerships, developing community-based research and utilizing community-based learning pedagogies will be highlighted at the Community Engagement Symposium titled, “Deepening Partnerships in Pursuit of Social Justice.” The Office of Community Engagement, along with the Center for Teaching and Learning — Service Learning Program, Office of Public Affairs, and Office of Research Sponsored Programs, is pleased to co-sponsor awards in recognition of outstanding contributions in research, teaching and service related to the well-being of the community.
Please consider a nomination of a fellow faculty member or community partner.
տƵ Community Engaged Scholars Network
The տƵ Community Engaged Scholars Network convenes once a semester to explore and address opportunities for and challenges to engagement in research and teaching. Participating faculty members will have the chance to network with and learn from one another regarding this important framework for scholarly activity. The fall meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Interested faculty members should contact Dr. Dan Bergen, executive director, Office of Community Engagement.
տƵCore Curriculum soliciting proposals
The տƵCore Curriculum Committee is soliciting proposals for courses in the Discovery Tier, the second level (upper division) Engaging Social Systems and Values (ESSVII), and the Writing Intensive Requirement (WRIT). Faculty are encouraged to propose—through their department chairs—new and existing courses, especially ESSVII and WRIT courses.
Courses proposed this year will be part of the Core for the 2020-21 academic year, which will be the first year in which most of the first cohort of students taking the new Core will be actively taking Discovery Tier, ESSVII and WRIT courses.
Additional courses are needed in a number of threads (humanities, social science, science/math) in several of the themes.
See current offerings in each of these categories online.
ESSVII and WRIT courses should, if possible, also be in a Discovery Tier theme. Courses currently in the Discovery Tier, ESSVII or WRIT categories can be submitted for other categories through a Course Modification.
More information and guidelines for proposing courses are available online.
The deadline for all proposals is Oct. 15, and proposals will only be accepted through Courseleaf.
Seeking Spanish speakers for Spanish media interviews
The Office of the Provost is compiling a list of Spanish speakers that can be shared with Spanish language media outlets, such as Univision, seeking faculty expert sources for relevant news stories. To be added to the list, please complete this . For questions, contact Jacki Black, associate director for Hispanic initiatives.
Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Initiative
The HSI Steering Committee continues to evaluate its goals, strategies and progress toward further diversifying our campus and enhancing the campus experience for all students. Faculty engagement is critical to this effort, so if you are interested in taking a more in-depth look at the HSI initiative, getting questions answered and providing feedback, please reach out to Jacki Black.
EOP 50th Anniversary Celebration: Commemorate the Past, Celebrate the Present, Imagine the Future
During the 2019-20 academic year, տƵwill celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Educational Opportunity Program. EOP was established in 1969 as an institutional program by Dr. Arnold Mitchem and through the combined efforts of students, faculty and administrators who believed that տƵ had both the opportunity and responsibility to make տƵeducation more accessible to low income, first-generation and minority students.
տƵwill mark this important occasion by commemorating the past, celebrating the present, and imagining the future. Specifically, there are plans to execute events that include the entire campus, alumni and Milwaukee communities, and EOP alums, students, faculty and staff. Events will highlight EOP’s long and distinguished past, the work that the program does today, and invite opportunities for reflection and discussion of educational access and what might happen in the future. Learn more about events and opportunities to participate on the 50th anniversary website.
If you have any questions or ideas for anniversary events, please contact Dr. John Su, vice provost for academic affairs.
տƵForum teams up with the EOP 50th Anniversary Celebration to explore "Pathways to Educational Access and Opportunity"
The տƵForum is coordinating with the EOP 50th Anniversary Celebrations, focusing on the theme of “Pathways to Educational Access and Opportunity” for the 2019-20 academic year.
The Forum will offer $500 grants to faculty/staff, departments, academic units or student organizations to enhance events associated with educational access and opportunity. If you are interested in developing an affiliated event, please contact Dr. Su or explore the տƵForum website.
The Forum will also support existing symposia, conferences and colloquia related to educational access and opportunity.
The following challenges continue to threaten the future of educational opportunity:
- Increased wealth disparities nationally
- Ballooning higher education costs
- Mass incarceration policies
- Health care inequities
As a Catholic, Jesuit university, the տƵcommunity is encouraged to consider these challenges by engaging with the Forum and participating in events.
First-generation student initiatives at Marquette
At Marquette, we are committed to supporting a diverse student body. First-generation college students are an integral part of our student body. Approximately 20 percent of տƵstudents are first generation.
In conjunction with campus diversity and inclusion initiatives, various campus offices are collaborating to develop more comprehensive support for first-generation students.
Events will be announced throughout the year, but please start saving the following dates:
- Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. in Weasler Auditorium: Saul Flores, founder of LoveWalk, an "organization that brings awareness to the immigrant journey"
- Friday, Nov. 8: National First-Generation Day. Event details TBA.
One key goal this year is to broaden the network of faculty and staff able to mentor first-generation students; those interested should contact Dr. Su.
Information can be found on the first-generation college student website.
Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award: develop programs for 2020-21
The Way Klingler Teaching Enhancement Award provides an opportunity to develop innovative and exciting teaching with colleagues from across campus.
This annual award of $20,000 is given to a team of two or more faculty to develop, implement and evaluate a specific teaching project.
and a list of previously funded winners is available online.
The application deadline is Dec. 6, 2019. If you have any questions, contact Dr. Su.
Lunch with the provost
Acting Provost Kimo Ah Yun is hosting monthly lunches with faculty during the 2019-20 academic year. If you are interested in joining one of the lunches, . In order to have representation of various departments, length of service, etc., we are keeping an ongoing list of those interested. Invitations will be extended as openings are available.