Summer Fellowships for Undergraduate Study

Amgen Scholars Program 
A national program to increase research opportunities for students committed to pursuing careers in the sciences. This program provides outstanding science undergraduates with research experience and increases participants鈥 competitiveness as candidates for admission to prestigious graduate and professional institutions.

Degree and Discipline: Summer undergraduate research program in biomedical sciences, biotechnology, and human therapeutics, at 12 US institutions plus a rotating group of international institutions:  Berkeley, Caltech, Columbia, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, NIH, Stanford, UCLA, UCSF, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Washington University in St. Louis, Yale. 

Eligibility:  US citizen, 3.2 GPA or above, returning to undergraduate study in fall, interest in pursuing an PhD or MD/PhD

Program:  Funded summer undergraduate research at a range of institutions; program includes summer symposium for all Amgen Scholars in California.

Award: stipends vary by institution.

Application Timeline: Application deadlines are set by individual institutions; see Amgen Scholars pages at these institutions (e.g. Caltech Amgen Scholars).

向日葵视频Contact:  Karalee Surface can help with applications and referrals to faculty; your best contact will be a professor in your field of study.

For more information: ; see also the Amgen Scholars programs at the individual institutions above, by searching 鈥淎mgen鈥 plus the institution. 

Critical Language Scholarship
Critical Language seeks participants from a variety of fields, backgrounds and career paths, with the goal of building a cadre of Americans who speak critical languages at high levels in government, business, arts and culture, science and engineering, health and medicine, education, research and other fields.

Discipline and degree: Undergraduate and graduate summer language study in 14 critical languages

Eligibility: U.S. citizen; matriculated in an undergraduate or graduate degree program

Other requirements: Some CLS institutes require one to two years of prior language study (or the equivalent), while others accept students with no prior background in the language 鈥 see website for details.

Program: Critical Language seeks participants from a variety of fields, backgrounds, and career paths, with the goal of building a cadre of Americans who speak critical languages at high levels in government, business, arts and culture, science and engineering, health and medicine, education, research and other fields.

Award: Full funding of immersive language program

Application timeline: Applications due in November; first-round notification in January; final notification in late February or early March

向日葵视频contact: Karli Webster, Office of International Education

For more information:

Cultural Vistas Fellowship
Multinational professional development program including funded eight-week summer internship in Germany, Argentina or Hong Kong, with preference for students historically underrepresented in international educational exchange.

Discipline and degree: Any discipline

Eligibility: U.S. citizens, in summer of sophomore or junior year; strong preference for students historically underrepresented in international exchange, including Pell Grant recipients, veterans, STEM majors, first-generation students, members of minority communities in United States, non-traditional students

Other requirements: Students going to Germany or Argentina must have some prior knowledge of the language of the host country; no prior work or study abroad.

Program: Multinational professional development program including funded eight-week summer internship in Germany, Argentina, or Hong Kong, with preference for students historically underrepresented in international educational exchange.

Award: All travel and accommodation, internship placement, medical insurance

Application timeline: Online application and supporting materials due early January

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

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DAAD Undergraduate University Summer Course Grant
Scholarships to attend a broad range of three- to four-week summer courses at German universities focusing mainly on German language and literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany.

Discipline and degree: Any discipline, but mostly focusing on German language and aspects of modern and contemporary German

Eligibility: U.S. citizen; must have completed two years of undergraduate education

Other requirements: Proficiency in German at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Program: Scholarships to attend a broad range of three- to four-week summer courses at German universities focusing mainly on German language and literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany

Award: Varies by program

Application timeline: Applications due early December

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information: 

DAAD - RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering)
Paid summer research internship program in Germany for undergraduates from United States, UK, and Canada in STEM fields; working language is English

Discipline and degree: Biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences and engineering

Eligibility: U.S. citizens

Other Requirements:

Program: Paid summer research internship program in Germany for undergraduates from United States, UK, and Canada in STEM fields; working language is English

Award: Varies by program; stipend to cover living expenses

Application timeline: applications due in November before year of study

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information: 

Fulbright UK Summer Institutes
The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three-to-four week programs for U.S .undergraduate students. Participants can explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university.

Discipline and degree: Institutes are held on a variety of issues, depending on the university hosting the institute; see website for options and details.

Eligibility: U.S. citizen 18 or older, with minimum of two years of study left for bachelor鈥檚 degree in any field; minimal travel outside United States, minimum GPA of 3.7

Other requirements:

Program: The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three-to-four week programs for U.S. undergraduate students. Participants can explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university. These institutes are educational residency programs relevant to the host university's cultural, historical and industrial environment. Many of their summer courses give students transferable credit. Students also participate in field trips and cultural events.

Award: Airfare, tuition and fees, accommodations, small meal allowance

Application timeline: Applications are due in early February; shortlisted candidates interview in March and April.

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information:

Gilman International Scholarship
Funds career-oriented summer study abroad for undergraduates with Pell Grants. (Gilman also funds study during the semester for students with Pell Grants.)

Discipline and degree: Any discipline

Eligibility: Students must have Pell Grants for undergraduate study.

Other requirements:

Program: Funds career-oriented summer study abroad for undergraduates with Pell Grants. (Gilman also funds study during the semester for students with Pell Grants.)

Award: Varies by program

Application timeline: Applications due early March for summer study

向日葵视频contact: Karli Webster, Office of International Education

For more information: 

Department of Homeland Security Summer Fellowships and Internships
A variety of fellowships and internships for students interested in health and science, law, intelligence analysis, and public affairs; designed to introduce students to national security issues.

Discipline and degree: Health, science, law, intelligence analysis, public affairs


Other requirements:

Program: A variety of fellowships and internships for students interested in health and science, law, intelligence analysis, and public affairs; designed to introduce students to national security issues.

Award: Varies by internship and fellowship and by discipline; see website for details

Application timeline: Varies by opportunity; see website.

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information:

Humanity in Action Fellowships
The Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of fellows to study minority rights and produce original research exploring how and why individuals and societies, past and present, have resisted intolerance and protected democratic values.

Discipline and degree: Summer institutes in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Sarajevo, and Warsaw

Eligibility: Students and recent graduates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine and the United States.

Other requirements:

Program: The Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of fellows to study minority rights and produce original research exploring how and why individuals and societies, past and present, have resisted intolerance and protected democratic values. Separate programs take place for five weeks every summer in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Sarajevo and Warsaw. Each program is highly interdisciplinary and features daily lectures and discussions with renowned academics, journalists, politicians and activists, as well as site visits to government agencies, non-profit and community organizations, museums and memorials. The programs seek to highlight different models of action to remedy injustice.

The objective of the Humanity in Action Fellowship programs is to facilitate a collective exploration of the social and political roots of discrimination, as well as to provide a forum where potential solutions to some of today's most challenging issues can be considered and discussed. The programs are also intended to instill a responsibility among Humanity in Action Fellows to recognize and address the need to protect minorities and promote human rights 鈥 in their own communities and around the world.

Award: Participation and housing are covered, plus modest stipend for food; participants must pay their own airfare plus all extra costs (usually about $750 plus airfare)

Application timeline: Applications due in early January for following summer; exact dates vary by country

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information: 

Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows
Six-week summer leadership program for rising juniors in all fields, in Mount Vernon outside Washington, D.C.; students meet with national leaders, take seminars, complete capstone projects

Discipline and degree: All disciplines

Eligibility: Students who have completed sophomore year; 3.4 GPA or higher

Other requirements:

Program: Six-week summer leadership program for rising juniors in all fields, in Mount Vernon outside Washington, D.C.; students meet with national leaders, take seminars, complete capstone projects.

Award: Housing, transportation, meals, tuition

Application timeline: Applications due Jan. 31

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information:

National Institutes of Health Summer Internship Program
Summer internships of at least eight weeks for students in health sciences, at NIH main campus in Bethesda and at other satellite campuses around the country; 1,350 interns annually.

Discipline and degree: Students working toward B.S. in health sciences

Eligibility: U.S. citizen, age 16 and up

Other requirements:

Program: Summer internships of at least eight weeks for students in health sciences, at NIH main campus in Bethesda and at other satellite campuses around the country; 1,350 interns annually.

Award: Stipends vary according to project and campus

Application timeline: Applications due Jan. 31

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information:

National Science Foundation directory of summer REUs (Research Experience Undergraduate) they fund. The NSF funds social science REUs, including programs in Business Innovation, social and behavioral science, and economics, as well as STEM programs.

Discipline and degree:  summer undergraduate research in Astronomical Sciences, Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Informational Science and Engineering, Cyberinfrastructure, Department of Defense, Earth Science, Education and Human Resources, Engineering, Ethics and Values Studies, International Science and Engineering, Materials Research, Mathematical Sciences, Ocean Sciences, Physics, Polar Programs, Small Business Innovation Research, Social, Behavioral, and Economics Sciences.

Eligibility: Level varies by REU 鈥 see specific opportunities for details.

Program:  positions in US and international laboratories or research teams, usually fully funded, for about 10 weeks to perform research

Award: funding varies by program but usually covers housing and food and includes a small stipend

Application Timeline:  Deadlines are determined by the individual programs; see websites for details.

向日葵视频Contact:  The University Honors Program can connect you to relevant faculty and help with applications; your best contact will be a professor in your field of study.

For more information: visit the 

NOAA PIFSC Young Scientist Opportunity
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center collaborate to offer 8- to 12-week program for students in fishery studies, ecosystem studies, climate studies, marine ecology, environmental monitoring, and social sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Discipline and degree: Science and social sciences with interest in oceans and fisheries

Eligibility: U.S. citizens; sophomores and juniors

Other requirements:

Program: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center collaborate to offer 8- to 12-week program for students in fishery studies, ecosystem studies, climate studies, marine ecology, environmental monitoring, and social sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. PYSO is a paid, summer-long (8- to 12-week) program that combines on-the-job training, formal research experience, one-to-one mentoring, and developmental assignments.

Award: Paid 8- to 12-week internship

Application timeline: Applications due late February

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information:

Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA) Fellowships and Junior Summer Institutes
The goal of the PPIA Fellowship Program is to help students achieve a master鈥檚 or joint degree, typically in public policy, public administration, international affairs or a related field.

Discipline and degree: Public policy and international affairs, seven-week summer program preparing students for graduate study at PPIA Consortium universities

Eligibility: U.S. or international citizen; junior in college with no prior Bachelor鈥檚 degree; committed to a career in public or international affairs; economic need considered in review of applications

Other requirements: Successful applicants must plan to attend graduate school at one of over 40 U.S.

Program: The goal of the PPIA Fellowship Program is to help students achieve a master鈥檚 or joint degree, typically in public policy, public administration, international affairs or a related field. The organization does this through the intensive study provided by participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI), through partnerships with universities across the country, and through an alumni network that provides opportunities to connect with nearly 4,000 individuals who share the same interest in public service.

Each year, PPIA seeks out high-potential undergraduate students from universities across the country to participate in an intensive seven-week Junior Summer Institute (JSI) before their senior year. During their program, fellows are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in graduate school and ultimately, in influential roles serving the public good.

Once students have successfully completed their JSI, they join an alumni network of nearly 4,000 leaders. In addition to the opportunities provided for mentoring and career development, the alumni network has the opportunity to receive financial support for their graduate school education if they attend one of the programs in the Graduate School Consortium.

Award: Full tuition at Summer Institute plus university housing and meal plan, stipend, travel expenses

Application timeline: Application due Nov. 1 for following summer

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

For more information: 

Charles B. Rangel Summer Enrichment Program
The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers.

Discipline and degree: Summer enrichment program for undergraduate students, particularly those from underrepresented educational backgrounds, planning careers in international affairs.

Eligibility: U.S. citizen, full-time undergraduate, GPA of at least 3.2, sophomore standing at time of application

Program: The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers. The program usually selects participants (known as 鈥淩angel Scholars鈥) each year from universities throughout the United States. Students live at Howard University, attend classes, and participate in a variety of programs with foreign affairs professionals at Howard and at diverse locations around Washington, D.C. Students from educationally underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The program has two major components. First, in order to enhance participants鈥 academic preparation to work in international affairs, the program provides two courses and a seminar that focus on enhancing knowledge and skills related to U.S. foreign policy, economics and writing. In addition, in order to provide greater insight into the foreign policy-making process and international affairs careers, the Rangel Program introduces the participants to a wide range of government and non-government professionals who work on global issues and also arranges visits to various institutions involved in international affairs. The program also helps students explore graduate school, scholarship, fellowship, internship, and professional options in international affairs.

Award: Tuition, travel, housing, two meals/day, plus stipend of $3,200

Application timeline: Applications due Feb. 1

向日葵视频contact: University Honors Program

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