Andrew Ashenden |
Interests: Medieval/Ancient philosophy, Augustine, Philosophy of Martin Luther, Reformation Christological Debates, Semantics;
Other interests: running, lifting, cryptocurrency
Education: B.A. Concordia University, Philosophy M.A. Biola University, Christian Apologetics
Jonmarc Bennett
Interests: Japanese Marxist Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy
Education: B.A. from California Baptist University M.A. Loyola Marymount University
Office Hours: T/R from 12:30-2:00 ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 445 or on Teams
Karolyn Burns
Interests: Critical Race Theory, Black Feminist Thought, Disability Studies
Education: B.A. University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Philosophy Certificate as Pharmacy Technician, Central Piedmont Community College; Certificate as a Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
Facts: PIKSI Alum and MAP Representative
Marc Choufany
Interests: Epistemology in the analytic tradition, epistemology in German Philosophy (Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach, and Marx), Marxism and Critical Theory, and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Education: B.S. in Mathematics at the Lebanese University B.A. in Philosophy at the Lebanese University M.A. in Philosophy at the American University of Beirut
Alex Dong
Interests: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Theories of Perception, race as a philosophical subject in the context of Asian Experience, Aristotle, ancient Chinese philosophy.
Education: B.A. University of Oregon M.A. University of Oregon
Melady Elifritz
She/her or They/them
Interests: Social/Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Phenomenology Topics: economies of power, blame, social responsibility, pregnancy and birth
Education: B.A. University of Wisconsin – Madison, Philosophy and Gender & Women’s Studies
Elizabeth Flamm
Interests: Interested in the intersection of social questions of responsibility and political ethics, with individual responsibilities, concepts of subjectivity, and epistemic virtues, especially when considered alongside questions and ideas of moral psychology.
Education: B.A. University of Maryland, College Park Political Science, M.A. ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ, Social and Applied Philosophy
Other: Alumni of the ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵTrinity Fellowship Program (2017)
Matthew Friesner
Interests: Philosophy of Religion, Ethics.
Education: B.A. Creighton University, Psychology M.A. University of Bonn, Theology and Ecumenical Studies
Trevor Gullion
Interests: Pragmatism, Marx/Engels, Philosophy of Science, solidarity, political economy, democracy, the State.
Education: B.A. San Jose State University, Philosophy M.A. San Jose State University, Philosophy
Office Hours: W/F 11:50-12:50 or by appointment Lalumiere 407
Ethelane Hepburn
Interests: Queer Theory, Existentialism & Phenomenology, Film and Media Theory, Neurodiversity Studies, Aesthetics, Religious Syncretism.
Education: M.A. Film and Media Studies, Arizona State University M.A. Ethics and Applied Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte B.A. Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Ian Hosbach
Interests: 20th Century Continental, Social and Political, Post-structuralism, Phenomenology, Affect Theory, Queer Theory, Marxism.
Education: B.A. in Philosophy from Appalachian State University B.S. in Anthropology from Appalachian State University M.A. in Ethics and Applied Philosophy and Graduate Certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies from University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 to 3:00pm ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 415
Sterling Knox
Interests: Agency, Responsibility, Decolonial, Philosophy of Culture. Currently working for MISKWAAGAMIIWI – ZAAGAIGANING (Red lake Nation) for Ombimindwaa Gidinawemaaganinaadog as Recidivism Reduction Coordinator in partnership with the BIA’s DIVISION OF DIVERSION AND RE-ENTRY.
Education: Bemidji State University
Nicholas Korchowsky
Interests: Ethics, Moral Psychology, Subjectivity/Personhood, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics.
Education: B.A. Eastern University near Philadelphia, Philosophy M.A. ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ, Philosophy
Seth Kreeger
Interests: Medieval philosophy, Aquinas, Neoplatonism, pseudo-Dionysius, Arabic Philosophy, Avicenna.
Education: Associate, Grand Rapids Community College B.A. Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI M.A. the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, CA.
Emily Lange
Interests: Social and Critical Epistemology, Philosophy and Literature, Critical Race and Critical Whiteness Studies, Disability Theory, Philosophy Pedagogy.
Education: B.A. Elon University M.A. Miami University of Ohio
Office Hours: ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 413 Tuesdays 1-2pm Wednesdays 10-11am
Ben Lugo
Interests: My philosophic interests, as of late, include Normative and Meta-Ethics, Moral Psychology, Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, Value Theory, Personal Identity, and Philosophy of Friendship and Love. My general interests include fitness, movies, and live music.
Education: B.A. Texas A&M Corpus Christi M.A. University of Arkansas
Kevin P. McKevitt
Interests: Metaethics, Ethics, Ethics of Belief, Moral Theology, Ethics and Kierkegaard. Also, Philosophy of Action, 19th and 20th century existential thought in Sartre, Jaspers, and Kierkegaard.
Education: M.A. California State University - San Jose
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 1:00 - 5:00 pm ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 439
Rachel McNealis
Interests: Feminist philosophy, philosophy of sex and love, decolonial philosophy.
Education: B.A. of Philosophy Miami University M.A. of Philosophy Miami University
Mehrzad A. Moin
Interests: 19th and 20th Century German Philosophy; Continental Philosophy (Historical and Contemporary); Ethics; Philosophy of Death and Dying.
Education: B.A. in Philosophy from Oklahoma State University M.A. in Philosophy from ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ
Patrick Monogue
Interests: Social Ontology, Decolonial Theory, Epistemic Justice, Meaning-Making, Embodied Cognition.
Education: B.A. Vassar College, Philosophy and Anthropology
Jeremiah Noonan
Interests: History of Philosophy and Science, Classics/Ancient Greek Philosophy.
Education: B.A. Seattle University, Philosophy, History M.A. Duquesne University, Philosophy
Rory O'Donnell
Interests: Plato, Neoplatonism, Metaphysics, Aquinas.
Education: B.A. Christendom College, Philosophy and Theology M.A. Loyola Marymount University, Philosophy
Caden Page
Interests: Social and political philosophy, (critical) phenomenology and hermeneutics, the philosophy of animals, and environmental philosophy; comparative between the history of (continental) philosophy and Indigenous philosophies.
Education: B.A. Philosophy, Utah Valley University
Joshua Paruch
Interests: Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Film and Literature.
Education: B.A. University of Pittsburgh, Philosophy M.A. Duquesne University, Philosophy
Amanda Pinto
They/Them/Theirs or She/Her/Hers
Interests: Social political philosophy, phenomenology, feminist theory, Latina/x feminist phenomenology, queer theory, philosophy of race.
Education: B.A. Philosophy, Appalachian State University B.A. Psychology, Appalachian State University M.A. Ethics and Applied Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Graduate Certificate in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Mariamni Plested
Interests: Phenomenology, philosophy of pregnancy and birth, philosophy of the body, philosophy of health, Byzantine philosophy.
Education: M.A. University of Oxford, Theology Oxford Brookes University, Midwifery
Paul-Herve Quesnel
Interests: Ancient Philosophy, Early to High Medieval philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophical Psychology, Epistemology, Philosophy of Education, Plato, Aristotle, Neoplatonism, and Aquinas.
Education: B.A. The Catholic University of America, Philosophy
Office Hours: Mon / Wed, 10am-12pm ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 447
Cameron Roman
Interests: Social and Political Thought, Phenomenology, Native American Philosophy, Feminist Theory. Additional Info: Proud PIKSI alum, MAP Representative, Part-time Scholar, Full-time Indigenous.
Education: B.A. American University, Philosophy M.A. American University, Philosophy and Social Policy
Andrew Roushdy
Interests: exercise, spirituality, reading, writing, prayer.
B.A. Seton Hall University M.A. Holy Apostles Seminar Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology, Holy Cross Orthodox Christian School of Theology
Philip Sutherland, S.J.
Interests: Ancient philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Consciousness.
Education: B.A. Gonzaga University, Chemistry and Religious Studies M.A. Loyola University Chicago, Philosophy Boston College, Licentiate in Sacred Theology and Master of Divinity
Mehran Torabi
Interests: Ancient metaphysics and epistemology, Plato, Neoplatonism, Greek philosophy in the Middle East during the Late antiquity and Early Medieval period, School of Baghdad (9th-12th century).
Education: B.A. Univeristy of Colorado Colorado Springs M.A. Boston College
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 12-1pm ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵHall 441
Dustin Trampe
Philosophical Interests: Metaethics, Collective Responsibility, Phenomenology, Kant Less philosophical interests: spending time with my family, running, learning about history, playing guitar.
Education: M.A. ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ, Theology B.A. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Philosophy
Domonique Turnipseed
Interests: Liberation Philosophy, Philosophy of Race and Racism, Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Applied Ethics.
Education: B.A. Columbia International University, Humanities M.A. Columbia International University, Theological Studies M.A. Biola University , Theological Studies M.A. Biola University, Philosophy
Fun fact:: I spent 6 years living in California and I still don't like avocados
Shaila Wadhwani-Greenhalgh
Interests: Post and Decolonial Philosophy, Critical Theory, Continental Philosophy, Marxism and Environmental Philosophy.
Education: B.A. University of San Francisco MA: SUNY Stony Brook
John Westbrook
Interests: Wittgenstein, Ancient Philosophy, Christian Metaphysics, Ethics, History of Philosophy, the boundaries between philosophy and other academic disciplines particularly history, economics, and psychology.
Education: A.A. West Hills Community College, Social Science, A.G.S. Columbia College of Missouri B.S. University of Nebraska – Kearney: Business Administration, minors in Economics, Philosophy B.A. Columbia College of Missouri, History, minor in Psychology M.A. ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ, Philosophy
E.R. Meeks
Interests: Forgiveness, Suffering, Moral Philosophy, and Applied Ethics.
Education: B. A. Western Carolina University, Philosophy and Religion M.Phil. Trinity College Dublin, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation
Not pictured:
Bentley Kennedy-Stone, Kiesha Martin, and Robert Powers