Experts in Social Issues — Career and Work Issues


Alan Burkard, Chair/Professor

Alan BurkardCounselor Education and Counseling Psychology

Expertise: School Counseling Programs in K-12 schools, Academic and Career and Personal-social Concerns, Cultural Issues in Counseling and Clinical Supervision, Program Evaluation and Reform of School Counseling Programs

Office Phone: (414) 288-3434


John Cotton, Professor Emeritus

John CottonManagement Department

Expertise: Employee Involvement and Workplace Participation, Mentors in Organizations, Workplace Mentors, Executive Education, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Change, Work Teams, Discrimination in the Workplace, Leadership

Office Phone: (414) 288-7558
Home Phone: (262) 796-0084


Scott D'Urso, Associate Professor and Acting Dean of the Graduate School

Scott D'UrsoCommunication Studies

Expertise: New Communication Technologies (Computer-mediated Communication, Social Media, etc.), Corporate and Organizational Communication, Privacy and Surveillance in the Workplace

Office Phone: (414) 288-5477


Stephen Guastello, Professor

Dr. Stephen GuastelloPsychology

Expertise: Occupational Accidents, Leadership and group dynamics, Catastrophe and Chaos (Nonlinear Dynamics), Psychological Testing, Psychology of Creative People

Office Phone: (414) 288-6900


Courtney Hanson, Interim Director

Courtney HansonCareer Center

Expertise: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Career Development

Office Phone: (414) 288-3577


Felissa Lee, Associate Professor

Felissa LeeManagement Department

Expertise: Wellness, Career Development, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Behavior, Personality and Motivation

Office Phone: (414) 288-3905