Experts in Health and Medicine — Nursing

Richard Fehring, Natural Family Planning Director, Professor Emeritus

Richard FehringCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Natural Family Planning, New Technology of Fertility Monitoring

Office Phone: (414) 288-3838
Home Phone: (414) 259-0602


Marilyn Frenn, Professor

Marilyn FrennCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Obesity, Exercise, Nutrition, Health Care Costs, Nursing Faculty Shortage, Health Care Reform, Nursing Education, Teaching Excellence

Office Phone: (414) 288-3845
Home Phone: (414) 257-0075


Lisa Grabert, Visiting Professor of Research

Lisa GrabertNursing

Expertise: Medicare, Medicaid, health reform, health insurance, health economics  

Media Type
: Print, Radio  
Contact: (414) 288-7356   


Norah Johnson, Professor

Norah JohnsonCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Pediatric Nursing, Autism Spectrum Disorder

Office Phone: (414) 288-3857


Michael PotnekClinical instructor of nursing

Nursing Department

Expertise: Adult-gerontology primary care, smoking cessation, healthcare for vulnerable populations  

Media Type: Print, TV, Radio 


Kathy Rapala, Clinical Assistant Professor

Dr. Kathryn RapalaCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Patient safety, health systems, quality, clinical risk and population health, ethics, and curriculum development. Subsets of these interests include the relationship of wellness programs to the prevention of patient care error, policy, social determinants of care, work complexity, health care economics, staffing, accreditation and regulatory issues, performance, professional certification, and malpractice.

Office Phone: (414) 288-3170


Christine Schindler, Clinical Professor and Program Director, Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program

Christine SchindlerCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Pediatric critical care, children with medical complexity, children's health care, health policy

Mary Schneider, Director of the Natural Family Planning Institute 

Mary SchneiderCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Family Nurse Practitioner, Natural Family Planning

Office Phone: (414) 288-3854


Kristina Thomas Dreifuerst, Professor and Director, Ph.D. Program

Kristina Thomas DreifürstPh.D. Program

Expertise: Higher Ed Teaching and Learning online; Nursing: Nursing Education, Simulation and Debriefing

Media type: Print, T.V. and radio


Kim Whitmore, Assistant Professor

Mary WhitmoreCollege of Nursing

Expertise: Supporting families of children with special healthcare needs, public health and health equity

Office Phone: (414) 288-0440