Record Group 1 of Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records
Native American General Print Publications, [1839- , undated]: boxes 36-90
Guidelines for Interlibrary Loans
BCIM Historical Notes/Scope and Content
Box: 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | Oversize 1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 21 | 1 | Anthonian, "A Philadelphia Story," St. Anthony's Guild, Patterson, New Jersey, 1984 |
14-1 | 21 | 2 | ARC Newsletter, 1979-1982 |
14-1 | 21 | 3 | Applicability of Enterprise Zones to American Indian Reservations, Charles Trimble Co., n.d. |
14-1 | 21 | 4 | Archiv Fur Volkerkunde, "Three Antler Pipes..." Vo. 54 (2004) |
14-1 | 20 | 5 | Arctic Coastal Zone Management Newsletter, Barrow, Alaska, 1977 |
14-1 | 21 | 6 | Association of Native Religious and Clergy, ANRC Newsletter, 1985-1988 |
14-1 | 21 | 7 | Baltimore American Indian Center, Native American Organization of Rural and Urban Indian Reservations, n.d. |
- | - | Baraga Bulletin, E99.C6 B84 | |
14-1 | 21 | 8 |
Baraga Bulletin, Vol. 8, no. 3 (1954) to Vol. no. 1 (1955/1956); Vol. 10, no. 4 (March, 1956) to Vol. 15, no. 4 (April, 1961) |
14-1 | 21 | 9 |
Baraga Bulletin, Vol. 16, no. 1 (Aug. 1961) to Vol. 19, no. 4 (Winter, 1965); Vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer, 1966) to Vol. 24, no. 3/4 (Fall/Winter, 1970); Vol. 30, no. 3 (April, 1977); Vol. 38, no. 2 (April, 1985) |
14-1 | 21 | 10 |
Baraga Bulletin, Vol. 60, no. 9 (summer 1971) to vol. 25 no. 2 (1971 Fall); Vol. 25, no. 4 (Spring 1972); Vol. 26, no. 2 (Winter 1973); Vol 27, no. 2 (Jan 1974); Vol. 30, no. 3 (April 1977); Vol. 38, no. 2(April 1984) |
14-1 | 21 | 11 | Baraga, First Bishop of Marquette, Mich., Life and Labors of Rt. Rev. Frederick, Chrysostomus Verwyst, BX4705. b18 v4 |
14-1 | 21 | 12 | Birch Clum Chronicle, "Indigenous Pastoral Ministry," vol. 1, 2009 |
14-1 | 21 | 13 | Blackfeet Reservation, Montana: Epworth Piegan Mission, Blackfeet Mission, Blackfeet United Mission, Browning United Methodist Church: History from 1840 to 1986, Kathryn Frevert Schmidt, E99.S54 E69 1986 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 21 | 14 | American Indian Anthology, An, Benet Tvedten, O.S.B., 1971 |
14-1 | 21 | 15 | Blue Cloud Mission, 1978 |
14-1 | 21 | 16 | Bouchard, Rev. James, "Watomka," S.J., notes by Theodore J. Brasser |
14-1 | - | - | Builders of the New Earth, The Formation of Deacons and Lay Ministers, Revised Edition, John E. Hatcher, S.J., and Patrick M. McCorkell, S.J., 1995 |
14-1 | 21 | 17 |
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 1 |
14-1 | 22 | 1 |
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 2 |
14-1 | 22 | 2 |
Builders of the New Earth, vol. 3 |
14-1 | 22 | 3 | Burch, Francis F., "Charles Warren Currier," American National Biography, 1994 |
14-1 | 22 | 4 | The Burden Basket, "St. Joseph Apache Mission Restoration Project," 2007. |
14-1 | 22 | 5 | Catholic Anthropological Conference Proceedings, Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1926. |
14-1 | 22 | 6 | Catholic Bishop of Northern Alasaka [2 cards], (Lady of Arctic Snows and Christ of the Artic), Fairbanks, Alaska, |
14-1 | 22 | 7 | Catholic Churches of Our Community (Rapid City and Sioux Falls), South Dakota, 1992 |
14-1 | 22 | 8 | Catholic Educational Activity Among the Indians of the United States, Rev. Joseph W. Bohr, 1929 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 22 | 9 | Catholic Education: Present Status of Catholic Education Among the Indians of the U.S., Joseph W. Bohr, Catholic University of America, M.A. dissertation, 1929 |
14-1 | 22 | 10 | Catholic Indian Congress, Holy Rosary Mission, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Remarks by Most Rev. Jean Jadot, 1979 |
14-1 | 22 | 11 | Catholic Indian Missionaries, Association of, Constitution and Bylaws |
14-1 | 22 | 12 | Catholic Indians, Sister Providencia Tolan, F.C.S.P., Catholic University of America, M.A. dissertation, 1952 |
14-1 | - | - | Catholic Missions in Canada, The [formerly The Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada], Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
14-1 | - | - | Home Missions, BV2195 .H67 |
14-1 | 22 | 13 |
Home Missions, The Catholic Church Extension Society, 1983, 1986 |
14-1 | 22 | 14 |
Home Missions, The Catholic Church Extension Society, 1987, vol. 10, no.4 (Dec. 1991) - vol. 11, no. 2 (June 1992) |
14-1 | - | - | Mission Canada [formerly Home Missions], BV2195 .H67 |
14-1 | 22 | 15 |
Mission Canada, Vol. 11, no. 3 (1992) - Vol.13 no. 4(1995) |
14-1 | 22 | 16 |
Mission Canada, 1996-2001 |
14-1 | - | - | Catholic Missions in Canada [formerly Mission Canada], BV2195 .H67 |
14-1 | 23 | 1 |
Catholic Missions in Canada, 2002-2005 |
14-1 | 23 | 2 |
Catholic Missions in Canada, 2006-2009 |
14-1 | 23 | 3 |
Catholic Mission in Canada, Fall 2009-Winter 2015 |
14-1 | 23 | 4 |
Catholic Missions in Canada, Winter 2016-Fall 2019 |
14-1 | 23 | 5 |
Catholic Missions in Canada, Spring 2021-Winter 2022 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 24 | 1 | Centennial Sacramental Presence, Reverend Joachim Schieber, O.S.B., Bullhead, South Dakota, 1984 |
14-1 | 24 | 2 | Charities U.S.A., Special NCCC Congress Issue, Washington, D.C., 1980 |
14-1 | 24 | 3 | Child Study Association of America, The, The Indian Girl-- Her Social Heritage, Her Needs and Her Opportunities, ca. 1932 |
14-1 | 24 | 4 | Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation [South Dakota], Rehabilitation Program on the, Elizabeth M. Clark and David W. Clark, Indian Rights Association, 1961 |
14-1 | 24 | 5 | Chippewa Treaty Rights, A Guide to Understanding, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, Odanah, Wisconsin, Elizabeth M. and David W. Clark, 1991 |
14-1 | 24 | 6 | Choctaw Anthology, A, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, Mississippi, 1983. |
14-1 | 24 | 7 | Choctaw Tribal Government, A New Era, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Philadelphia, Mississippi, 1982. |
14-1 | 24 | 8 | Christero Tract Series, Pamphlets for First Nations Catholics, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, n.d. |
14-1 | 24 | 9 | Christian Herald, "America's Oldest Minority," Fred R. Zepp, 1964 |
14-1 | 24 | 10 | Church Council of Greater Seattle: Christians and Native American Concerns in the Late 20th Century, A Study for Congregations [Leader's Guide and Study Papers + Participant's Book], Church Council of Greater Seattle and Washington Association of Churches, Seattle, Washington, 1981 |
14-1 | 24 | 11 | Church, Human Rights, and Native Americans, The, Br. Lawrence C. Smith, S.J., Boston, Massachusetts, 1978 |
14-1 | 24 | 12 | Cooperation in Indian Administration, Federal, State, County, and Local, Lewis Meriam, W. Carson Ryan Jr., Blanche LaDu, and Ruth Muskrat Bronson, 1931 |
14-1 | 24 | 13 | Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indian Tribes, An Historical Perspective, The, 1982 |
14-1 | 24 | 14 | Coyote and the Colville, St. Mary's Mission, Omak, Washington, 1971 |
14-1 | 24 | 15 | Crow Catholic Religion Research Center, Lodge Grass, Montana |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Crow Photo Calendar, Angela Russell, Lodge Grass, Montana |
14-1 | 25 | 1 | Crow Photo Calendar, 1981 |
14-1 | 25 | 2 | Crow Photo Calendar, 1982 |
14-1 | 25 | 3 | Crow Photo Calendar, 2003 |
14-1 | 25 | 4 | Dakota Theology, Stanislaus Maudlin, O.S.D., Madison, South Dakota, 1979 |
14-1 | 25 | 5 | Deacon Programs and Future Directions, Proceedings from The Manresa Renewal Center, Pickering Ontario, 1976. |
14-1 | 25 | 6 | De Smet, [Pierre-Jean], Le Reverend Pere, [La Ville de Termonde], Societe Generale de librairie Catholique, Paris, 1878 |
14-1 | 25 | 7 | Directors of the BCIM, Kevin Abing, 1994 |
14-1 | 25 | 8 | DQ University, The Establishment of, An Example of Successful Indian-Chicano Community Development, Jack D. Forbes |
14-1 | - | - | Drexel, Katharine |
14-1 | 25 | 9 |
The Spirituality of Saint Katharine Drexel: Eucharistic Devotion Nourishing Apostolic Works, Rev. Anthony J. Costa, Rome, 2001. |
14-1 | 25 | 10 |
Education of the Indian, William N. Hailmann, 1904. |
14-1 | 25 | 11 |
Priest, Missionary, Saint?, J. Clyde Cranford, 1983. |
14-1 | 25 | 12 | Equal Educational Opportunity for Indians, Exploratory Conference, [pamphlet], 1969 |
14-1 | 25 | 13 | Etudes Oblates, Avril-Juin, 1973 |
14-1 | 25 | 14 | European Review of Native American Studies, Vol 9. no. 2, 1995 |
14-1 | 25 | 15 | Evangelization and the Native American Peoples: A Theological Perspective, William M. Cunningham, O.P., 1975. |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 26 | 1 | Extension, The Magazine of Mission America, 1992, BX 801 .E8 |
14-1 | 26 | 2 | Fargo Diocese [North Dakota]: A Written Celberation of Its Centennial, Scattered Steeples, The, Jerome D. Lamb, Jerry Ruff, William C. Sherman, 1988, BX1415.N9 .S32 |
14-1 | 26 | 3 | Father Ravalli Centennial Commemorative, 1984, BV2290.F37 |
14-1 | 26 | 4 | Feeney, Elizabeth, Urban American Indian Spirituality, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Senior thesis, 向日葵视频, 1992 |
5 | Fiske, Frank Bennett, Life and Death of Sitting Bull, Fort Yates, North Dakota, 1933 | ||
14-1 | 26 | 6 | Five Holy Women, Anne M. Scheuerman, Pittsford, New York, n.d. |
14-1 | 26 | 7 | Florida Martyrs Report, The, n.d. |
14-1 | - | - | Fort Belknap Reservation, Hays, Montana |
14-1 | 26 | 8 |
Hays, Montana, Account Taken, The Boy, Joe Assiniboin, and Good Strike (Al Chandler), July 27, 1937. |
14-1 | 26 | 9 |
Brief History of the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation Montana, Ralph M. Shane, 1974. |
14-1 | 26 | 10 | Ft. Totten Reservation, Our Lady of Dolars and St. Michael's Missions, St. Michael, North Dakota, Grey Nuns' Chronicle, Jan. 1883-March 1900. |
14-1 | 26 | 11 | Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities, FADICA Update, Vol. 1, no. 1, 1981. |
14-1 | 26 | 12 | Franciscan Mission of Western New Mexico and East Arizona, Early, Martin Link and Leonard Witter, 1989. |
14-1 | 26 | 13 | Francisco, Vol. 4, no. 4 (September, 1988) to Vol. 4, no. 6 (Christmas, 1988), Our Lady of Guadalupe Province. |
14-1 | - | - | Franciscans, St. John the Baptist Province |
14-1 | 26 | 14 |
Franciscan Pueblo Indian Board, St. Anthony Mission, Zuni, New Mexico, 1980. |
14-1 | 26 | 15 |
Paul Jewette, Native Vocations in the Southwest, 1980. |
14-1 | 26 | 16 |
Navajo Advisory Board, Minutes, 1979-1980. |
14-1 | - | - | Friends Committe on National Legislation (FCNL) |
14-1 | 26 | 17 |
Statement of Legislative Policy, 1977. |
14-1 | 26 | 18 |
Statement of Legistaltive Policy, Indian Report, 1977, KF8201.A3 I63 |
14-1 | 26 | 19 |
FCNL Washington Newsletter, [Select issues on American Indians], 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991. |
14-1 | 26 | 20 | Frontera: A View of Demographic Change in the Upper Pecos Valley from Sacramental Records at Nuestra Senora de los Angeles, Pecos Pueblo and San Miguel del Vado, Frances Levine, Ph.D. and Anna LaBauve, Pecos, New Mexico, 1994. |
14-1 | 26 | 21 | Galvan, P. Michael, "The Spirituality of Black Elk," June 1970. |
14-1 | 26 | 22 | Guadalupan Triduum in Tortugas, The, Rev. Giles Carie, O.F.M. Conv., Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Mesilla Park, New Mexico, 1986. |
14-1 | 26 | 23 | "Guadalupe, The Image of Our Lady of," Reprinted from Denver Catholic Register, December 7, 1977 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 27 | 1 | Henry, Joseph, Catholic Missionaries on the Wind River: The St. Stephen's Mission to the Arapahoes, 1884-1911, M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1984. |
2 | Herman, Vera Janis, "Memories of the Sioux in the Old West," Rapid City, South Dakota, n.d. | ||
3 | "The History of Peyote and Its use by the American Indian," Stephen A. Langone, The South Dakota Commision on Indian Affairs, 1958 | ||
" | 4 | Holler, Clyde, "Black Elk's Relationship to Christianity," The American Indian Quarterly, Vol. 8. no. 1, University of California, Berkeley, 1984. | |
- | - | Honor Digest, Honor Our Neighbors Origins & Rights, E78.W8 H66 | |
14-1 | 27 | 5 | Honor Digest, (Index and Table of Contents) |
14-1 | 27 | 6 | Honor Digest, (1990-1991) |
14-1 | 27 | 7 | Honor Digest, (March 1992-1993) |
14-1 | 27 | 8 | Honor Digest, (Nov. 1994/Dec. 1995) |
14-1 | 27 | 9 | Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb 1996-Oct./Nov 1997) |
14-1 | 27 | 10 | Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 1998-Oct./Nov. 1999) |
14-1 | 27 | 11 | Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2000 and Speical Issue) |
14-1 | 27 | 12 | Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2002-Nov./Dec. 2003) |
14-1 | 27 | 13 | Honor Digest, Jan./Feb. 2004-Jan./Feb/ 2006 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
- | - | Hope Rural School, Indiantown, Florida | |
14-1 | 28 | 1 |
Hope Rural School Brochures, 1991-1996, 2001-2002 |
14-1 | 28 | 2 |
Hope Rural School Newsletters, 1990, 1993-1999, 2001, 2003; Journey of Hope, Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2004) to Vol 2, no. 2 (April, 2005), v. , no. 1 (November 2007) to Vol. 5, no. 2. (April 2008), |
14-1 | 28 | 3 | Journey of Hope, 2009-2019, E98.M6 J68 |
14-1 | 28 | 4 | Houma People of Louisiana, A Story of Indian Survival, The, Bruce Henry, 1982 |
14-1 | 28 | 5 | Rev. James D. White, Immaculate Conception Parish, Poteau, Oklahoma, A History of, 1979 |
14-1 | 28 | 6 | Institute for Government Research, Summary of Findings and Recommendations,1928, E 93 .B873 |
14-1 | 28 | 7 | Indian American Life and Affairs, An Occasional Letter on, United Church Division of Higher Education and the American Missionary Association, April 23, 1965 |
14-1 | - | 8 | Indian Children in Public School, A Report on Federal Funds for, An Even Chance, [pamphlet], Harvard University, 1971 |
14-1 | 28 | 9 | Indian--and Proud of It!, [pamphlet], League of Women Voters of the United States, 1971 |
14-1 | 28 | 10 | Indian Education, The Indian in Transition, [pamphlet], Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada,1969 |
14-1 | - | 11 | Indian Education?, Who Should Control, A History, Three Case Studies, Recommendations, [pamphlet], Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Berkeley, California, 1970 |
14-1 | 28 | 12 | Indian Home Care, General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1932 |
14-1 | 28 | 13 | Indian Ministry, Goals for the, [pamphlet], National Council of Churches, 1968 |
14 | "Indian Ministries," Grapevine, Joint Strategy and Action Committee, Jan., 1977 | ||
14-1 | 28 | 15 | Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, The New Day for the Indians, A Survey of the Working of the, [pamplhet], 1938 |
- | - | Indian Rights Association | |
14-1 | 28 | 16 |
The Atlantic City Conference, [pamphlet], 1928 |
14-1 | 28 | 17 |
The Fort Hall Story: An Interpretation, [pamphlet], William Zimmerman, Jr., 1959 |
14-1 | 28 | 18 | Indian Self-Determination Through Tribal Sovereignty, n.d. |
14-1 | 28 | 19 | "Indian Tribal Sovereignty-- Its Alive," Larry B. Leventhal, 1977 |
14-1 | 28 | 20 | Indian Welfare League, First Americans, [pamphlet],1922 |
14-1 | - | - | Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Msgr. Paul A. Lenz |
14-1 | 28 | 21 |
Draft Agenda, 1985; International Convention Relative to Inter-American Indian Conferences and the Inter-American Indian Institute (December, 1940), 1952; Inter-American Indian Institute, 1940-1986, n.d. |
14-1 | 28 | 22 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985: Actions Taken |
14-1 | 28 | 23 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Draft Rules of Procedure |
14-1 | 28 | 24 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Director's Report to Doctor Oscar Quintanilla |
14-1 | 28 | 25 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Remarks of Ross Swimmer, U.S.A. Delegate |
14-1 | 28 | 26 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, International Labor Organization Activities Relative to Indian Problems |
14-1 | 28 | 27 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, General Report of Directors of Indian Institutes, 1985 |
14-1 | 28 | 28 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, American Indian Policy Programs, U.S. National Report |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
- | - | Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, continued | |
14-1 | 29 | 1 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Tribal Self-Government Under United States Law, Fred L. Ragsdale, Jr. and Douglas B.L. Endreson |
14-1 | 29 | 2 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Special Reports, Government of Nicaragua |
14-1 | 29 | 3 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Speech of Congress President, Doctor Richard Montoya |
14-1 | 29 | 4 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Resolution of the IX Inter-American Indian Congress |
14-1 | 29 | 5 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Ambassador Joao Clemente Baena Soares |
14-1 | 29 | 6 |
Intra-American Indian Institute, 1985, United Nations Environmental Program |
14-1 | 29 | 7 |
Contemporary Cultural Revitalization: Bilingual and Bicultural Education, Doctor Bea Medicine, 1985 |
14-1 | 29 | 8 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Development and Indian Populations, Roberto Jordan Pando |
14-1 | 29 | 9 |
Historical Review of Indian Education, Henrietta Whiteman, 1985 |
14-1 | 29 | 10 |
Study of International Law Norms Applicable to the Development of Constitutional Autonomy for Indian Peoples of the Americas, Indigenous World, Dr. Roxanne Dunbar Ortis, 1985 |
14-1 | 29 | 11 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, Open Forum, Report and Resolutions 1-32, Special Resolution, 1985 |
14-1 | 29 | 12 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, List of Participants |
14-1 | 29 | 13 |
Resolutions, unnumbered, 1986 |
14-1 | 29 | 14 |
Intra-American Indian Institute, Acta Final, 1986 |
14-1 | 29 | 15 | "Indian Jesuits in the American West," Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Company, BX3731 .C66x |
14-1 | 29 | 16 | Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 55, 1986, F851 .P18 |
14-1 | - | - | Jesuits in Native North American Ministry, Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington, D.C., E98.M6 N36 |
14-1 | 29 | 17 |
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry, Vol. 1 no. 1 (Nov., 1983) -Vol. 5 no. 12 (July, 1989) |
14-1 | 29 | 18 |
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington D.C., Vol. 6 no.1 (Sept. 1989) - Vol. 10 no. 5 (June, 1994) |
14-1 | 29 | 19 | Jesus, Vol. XIX, no. 8 (August, 1997), "Religiosita e fede degli indiani d'America, Il Vangelo Nella Riserva" |
14-1 | 29 | 20 | Kateri Center, Brochures, Clippings, Prayer Card, Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, 1927, 1959, 1977, 1985 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Kateri, E 90.T2 K38 |
14-1 | 30 | 1 | no. 72 (Spring, 1967) - no. 75 (Spring 1968) |
14-1 | 30 | 2 | no. 76 (Summer, 1968) - no. 81 (Summer, 1969) - no. 83 (Spring, 1970); no. 85 (Autumn, 1970) - no. 97 (Autumn, 1973); no. 99 (Spring, 1974) - no. 100 (Summer, 1974) |
30 | 3 | no. 101 (Autumn, 1974) - no. 125 (Autumn, 1980) | |
14-1 | 30 | 4 | Vol. 126 - Vol. 150 |
14-1 | 30 | 5 | Vol. 151 - Vol. 175 |
14-1 | 30 | 6 | Vol. 176 - Vol. 200 |
14-1 | 31 | 7 | Vol. 201 - Vol. 238 |
14-1 | 30 | 8 | |
14-1 | 30 | 9 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | |
14-1 | 27 | 10 | |
14-1 | 27 | 11 | |
14-1 | 27 | 12 | |
14-1 | 27 | 13 | |
14-1 | - | - | |
14-1 | 27 | 14 | |
14-1 | 27 | 15 | |
14-1 | 27 | 16 | |
14-1 | 27 | 17 | |
14-1 | 27 | 18 | |
14-1 | 27 | 19 | |
14-1 | 28 | 1 | |
14-1 | 28 | 2 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | |
14-1 | 28 | 3 | |
14-1 | 28 | 4 | |
14-1 | 28 | 5 | |
14-1 | - | - | |
14-1 | 28 | 6 | |
14-1 | 28 | 7 | |
14-1 | 28 | 8 | |
14-1 | 28 | 9 | |
14-1 | 28 | 10 |
Series 14-1
Box 30
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 28 | 11 | |
14-1 | 28 | 12 | |
14-1 | 28 | 13 | |
14-1 | - | - | Honor Digest, Honor Our Neighbors Origins & Rights, E78.W8 H66 |
14-1 | 28 | 14 |
Honor Digest, (Index and Table of Contents) |
14-1 | 28 | 15 |
Honor Digest, (1990-1991) |
14-1 | 28 | 16 |
Honor Digest, (March 1992-1993) |
14-1 | 29 | 1 |
Honor Digest, (Nov. 1994/Dec. 1995) |
14-1 | 29 | 2 |
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb 1996-Oct./Nov 1997) |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 29 | 3 |
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 1998-Oct./Nov. 1999) |
14-1 | 29 | 4 |
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2000 and Speical Issue) |
14-1 | 29 | 5 |
Honor Digest, (Jan./Feb. 2002-Nov./Dec. 2003) |
14-1 | 29 | 6 |
Honor Digest, Jan./Feb. 2004-Jan./Feb/ 2006 |
14-1 | - | - | Hope Rural School, Indiantown, Florida |
14-1 | 29 | 7 |
Hope Rural School Brochures, 1991-1996, 2001-2002 |
14-1 | 29 | 8 |
Hope Rural School Newsletters, 1990, 1993-1999, 2001, 2003; Journey of Hope, Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 2004) to Vol 2, no. 2 (April, 2005), v. , no. 1 (November 2007) to Vol. 5, no. 2. (April 2008), |
14-1 | 29 | 9 | Journey of Hope, 2009-2019, E98.M6 J68 |
14-1 | 29 | 10 | Houma People of Louisiana, A Story of Indian Survival, The, Bruce Henry, 1982 |
14-1 | 30 | 1 | Illustrated Catholic Missions, The, 1895-1897, BV2130 .I55 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 30 | 2 | Rev. James D. White, Immaculate Conception Parish, Poteau, Oklahoma, A History of, 1979 |
14-1 | 30 | 3 | Institute for Government Research, Summary of Findings and Recommendations,1928, E 93 .B873 |
14-1 | 30 | 4 | Indian American Life and Affairs, An Occasional Letter on, United Church Division of Higher Education and the American Missionary Association, April 23, 1965 |
14-1 | 30 | 5 | Indian--and Proud of It!, [pamphlet], League of Women Voters of the United States, 1971 |
14-1 | 30 | 6 | Indian Citizens of the United States, A Plea for the, [pamphlet] Jennings C. Wise,1925 |
14-1 | 30 | 7 | Indian Children in Public School, A Report on Federal Funds for, An Even Chance, [pamphlet], Harvard University, 1971 |
14-1 | 30 | 8 | Indian Education, The Indian in Transition, [pamphlet], Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada,1969 |
14-1 | 30 | 9 | Indian Education?, Who Should Control, A History, Three Case Studies, Recommendations, [pamphlet], Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Berkeley, California, 1970 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 30 | 10 | Indian Home Care, General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1932 |
14-1 | 30 | 11 | Trail of Broken Promises: An Assessment of HUD's, Thomas H. Stanton, 1977 |
14-1 | 30 | 12 | "Indian Ministries," Grapevine, Joint Strategy and Action Committee, Jan., 1977 |
14-1 | 30 | 13 | Indian Ministry, Goals for the, [pamphlet], National Council of Churches, 1968 |
14-1 | 30 | 14 | Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, The New Day for the Indians, A Survey of the Working of the, [pamplhet], 1938 |
14-1 | - | - | Indian Rights Association |
14-1 | 30 | 15 |
The Atlantic City Conference, [pamphlet], 1928 |
14-1 | 30 | 16 |
The Fort Hall Story: An Interpretation, [pamphlet], William Zimmerman, Jr., 1959 |
14-1 | 30 | 17 | Indian Self-Determination Through Tribal Sovereignty, n.d. |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 30 | 18 | Sacred Gift, Summer 2001; Summer 2002; Summer 2003; Summer 2007; HQ767.5.U6 S23 |
14-1 | 30 | 19 | "Indian Tribal Sovereignty-- Its Alive," Larry B. Leventhal, 1977 |
14-1 | 30 | 20 | Indian Welfare League, First Americans, [pamphlet],1922 |
14-1 | - | - | Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Msgr. Paul A. Lenz |
14-1 | 31 | 1 |
Draft Agenda, 1985; International Convention Relative to Inter-American Indian Conferences and the Inter-American Indian Institute (December, 1940), 1952; Inter-American Indian Institute, 1940-1986, n.d. |
14-1 | 31 | 2 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985: Actions Taken |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, continued |
14-1 | 31 | 3 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Draft Rules of Procedure |
14-1 | 31 | 4 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Director's Report to Doctor Oscar Quintanilla |
14-1 | 31 | 5 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Remarks of Ross Swimmer, U.S.A. Delegate |
14-1 | 31 | 6 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, International Labor Organization Activities Relative to Indian Problems |
14-1 | 31 | 7 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, General Report of Directors of Indian Institutes, 1985 |
14-1 | 31 | 8 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, American Indian Policy Programs, U.S. National Report |
14-1 | 31 | 9 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Tribal Self-Government Under United States Law, Fred L. Ragsdale, Jr. and Douglas B.L. Endreson |
14-1 | 31 | 10 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Special Reports, Government of Nicaragua |
14-1 | 31 | 11 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Speech of Congress President, Doctor Richard Montoya |
14-1 | 31 | 12 |
Inter-American Indian Institute, 1985, Resolution of the IX Inter-American Indian Congress |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Inter-American Indian Congress, Ninth, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Report of Observer of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul A. Lenz, continued |
14-1 | 31 | 13 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Ambassador Joao Clemente Baena Soares |
14-1 | 31 | 14 |
Intra-American Indian Institute, 1985, United Nations Environmental Program |
14-1 | 31 | 15 |
Contemporary Cultural Revitalization: Bilingual and Bicultural Education, Doctor Bea Medicine, 1985 |
14-1 | 31 | 16 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, Development and Indian Populations, Roberto Jordan Pando |
14-1 | 31 | 17 |
Historical Review of Indian Education, Henrietta Whiteman, 1985 |
14-1 | 31 | 18 |
Study of International Law Norms Applicable to the Development of Constitutional Autonomy for Indian Peoples of the Americas, Indigenous World, Dr. Roxanne Dunbar Ortis, 1985 |
14-1 | 31 | 19 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, Open Forum, Report and Resolutions 1-32, Special Resolution, 1985 |
14-1 | 31 | 20 |
Inter-American Indian Congress, 1985, List of Participants |
14-1 | 31 | 21 |
Resolutions, unnumbered, 1986 |
14-1 | 31 | 22 |
Intra-American Indian Institute, Acta Final, 1986 |
14-1 | 32 | 1 | "Indian Jesuits in the American West," Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Company, BX3731 .C66x |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 32 | 2 | Rev. Gerald McKevitt, S.J., Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 55, 1986, F851 .P18 |
14-1 | - | - | Jesuits in Native North American Ministry, Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington, D.C., E98.M6 N36 |
14-1 | 32 | 3 |
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry, Vol. 1 no. 1 (Nov., 1983) -Vol. 5 no. 12 (July, 1989) |
14-1 | 32 | 4 |
Jesuits in the Native North American Ministry Letter Exchange, National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, Washington D.C., Vol. 6 no.1 (Sept. 1989) - Vol. 10 no. 5 (June, 1994) |
14-1 | 32 | 5 | Jesus, Vol. XIX, no. 8 (August, 1997), "Religiosita e fede degli indiani d'America, Il Vangelo Nella Riserva" |
14-1 | 32 | 6 | Kateri Center, Brochures, Clippings, Prayer Card, Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, 1927, 1959, 1977, 1985 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - |
Kateri, E 90.T2 K38 |
14-1 | 32 | 7 |
no. 72 (Spring, 1967) - no. 75 (Spring 1968) |
14-1 | 32 | 8 |
no. 76 (Summer, 1968) - no. 81 (Summer, 1969) - no. 83 (Spring, 1970); no. 85 (Autumn, 1970) - no. 97 (Autumn, 1973); no. 99 (Spring, 1974) - no. 100 (Summer, 1974) |
14-1 | 32 | 9 |
no. 101 (Autumn, 1974) - no. 125 (Autumn, 1980) |
14-1 | 32 | 10 |
Vol. 126 - Vol. 150 |
14-1 | 32 | 11 |
Vol. 151 - Vol. 175 |
14-1 | 33 | 1 |
Vol. 176 - Vol. 200 |
14-1 | 33 | 2 |
Vol. 201 - Vol. 238 |
14-1 | 33 | 3 |
Summer 1986 - Fall 2013, 2009-'10 |
14-1 | 33 | 4 |
Fall 2015 to Fall 2016 |
14-1 | 33 | 5 |
Summer 2017 to Spring 2018 |
14-1 | 33 | 6 |
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, 1978, Caughnawaga Lives On!, 1946 Tekakwitha, 1950 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 33 | 7 | Kateri the Christian [pamphlet], Anne M. Scheuerman, 1988 |
14-1 | 33 | 8 | Kateri Conference Brochure: "We Seek a Vision," Sipayik [Perry], Maine, 1988 |
14-1 | 33 | 9 | Kateri Tekakwitha [pamphlet], Ron Zeilinger, 1985 |
14-1 | 33 | 10 | [Kateri] Caterina Tekakwitha, Beatificazione di Giuseppe de Anchieta, Pietro de Betancur, Maria Dell'Incarnazione (Guyart),Francesco de Montmorency-Laval, Vatican City, 1980 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 33 | 11 | Kateri Tekakwitha, Une Celebration Eucharistique en honneur de la Bien-Aimee, 向日葵视频, 2001 |
14-1 | 33 | 12 | Kateri Tekakwitha, Diary of... "A Phoenix Family in Roma" (for the Beatification of, 1980, Marlene McCauley, 1981 |
14-1 | 33 | 13 | Kateri Tekakwitha, Goigs de la Beata [Song sheet], Lliri dels Iroquoesos i Patrona dels Ecologistes, Sebastian B.G.M. Flaque Farrus and Carmela Pou Valls, Barcelona, Spain, 1983 |
14-1 | 33 | 14 | Kateri Tekakwitha, I am an Indian, the Story of, Rev. Gualbert Brunsman, O.S.B., 1956 |
14-1 | 33 | 15 | Kateri Tekakwitha, Joyful Lover, Sister Mary Pelagia Litkowski, O.P., 1989 |
14-1 | 33 | 16 | Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, Julia Pember, 1941 |
14-1 | 34 | 1 | Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, 1658-1680, E.J. Devine, S.J., 1916 |
14-1 | 34 | 2 | Kateri Tekakwitha, The Lily of the Mohawks, 1658-1680, Ed. Lecompte, S.J., 1948; Catherine Tekakwitha, Te lis des Missions iroquoises, 1656-1680 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Kateri Tekakwitha League, Blessed, Auriesville, New York |
14-1 | 34 | 3 |
Blessed Brochures and Reprints, After 1943, 1979, After 1980, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1994, n.d. |
14-1 | 34 | 4 |
Prayer Cards, After 1943, After 1980, n.d. |
14-1 | 34 | 5 |
Kateri of the Mohawks Storybook [pamphlet], 1955 |
14-1 | - | - | Kateri Tekakwitha League, Blessed, Auriesville, New York, continued |
14-1 | - | - |
Lily of the Mohawks, E 90.T2 L65 |
14-1 | 34 | 6 |
Lily of the Mohawks, 1969, 1979, 1986-1988, 1990 |
14-1 | 34 | 7 |
Lily of the Mohawks, 1991-1995 |
14-1 | 34 | 8 |
Lily of the Mohawks, 1996-2000 |
14-1 | 34 | 9 |
Lily of the Mohawks, 2001-2008 |
14-1 | 34 | 10 |
Lily of the Mohawks, 2000s |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - |
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks in the 1980s, undated |
14-1 | 34 | 11 | Kateri Tekakwitha, America's Marvelous Maiden, Thomas J. Coffey, S.J., 1956, Martyrs Hills, 1925 |
14-1 | 35 | 1 | Kateri Tekakwitha, La Petite Iroquoise, [pamphlet; French], Agnes Richomme,1957 |
14-1 | 35 | 2 | Kateri Tekakwitha, Maid of the Mohawks, One Act Play, Mary-Eunice, 1969 |
14-1 | - | - | Kateri Tekakwitha, National Shrine of, Fonda, New York |
14-1 | - | - | Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, E90.T2 F66 |
14-1 | 35 | 3 | Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, 1983-1987 |
14-1 | 35 | 4 | Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newsletter, 1989-1996 |
14-1 | 35 | 5 | Fonda Tekakwitha News/Newslettr, 1997-2000, 2005 |
14-1 | 35 | 6 | Kateri Tekawitha, A New Star For the New World, Mary Eunice, 1975 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 35 | 7 | Tekakwitha News, Fall 2009-June 2014 (incomplete) |
14-1 | 35 | 8 | Kateria Tekakwitha, Vignettes on the Life of, Lily of the Mohawks, Sarah Hassenplug, 1991 |
14-1 | - | - | Kisemanito Centre, Grouard, Alberta, Canada |
14-1 | 35 | 9 |
Kisemanito Centre, brochures, 1979, 1981, 1986-1987, 1989-1990, n.d. |
14-1 | 35 | 10 |
Kisemanito Centre, A Native Seminary for Western Canda, Rev. Jacques Johnson O.M.I. |
14-1 | 35 | 11 |
Kisemanito Centre, newsletters, 1981, 1983-1989, 1991, BX921 .K57 |
14-1 | 35 | 12 | Klamath Tribe-Elia Michael, S.J., 1979 |
14-1 | 35 | 13 | Nome Static-1983, 2006 |
14-1 | 35 | 14 | KNOM, Alaska, Newsletter, 1975 |
14-1 | 35 | 15 | KNOM, Sr. Euphrasia Marin, 1998 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 35 | 16 | Las Casas, Bartolome de, The Gospel of Liberation, Gilbert Markus, O.P., 1988 |
14-1 | 35 | 17 | Las Casas, Liberation for the Oppressed, Bartolome De, Sister Michael Marie Zobelein, O.P., ed., 1984 |
14-1 | 35 | 18 | Las Casas Fund for the Cheyennes and Arapahos [of Oklahoma], Dominican Resources United for Ministry and Service, 1983 |
14-1 | - | - | Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, Office of Ethnic Ministries |
14-1 | 35 | 19 |
Los Angeles,City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter [title varies], 1989-1995, E98.M6 C57 |
14-1 | 35 | 20 |
Los Angeles, City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter, 1996-2000 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Los Angeles, Archdiocese of, Office of Ethnic Ministries, continued |
14-1 | - | - |
City of the Angels Kateri Circle/City of the Angels Kateri Circle Newsletter [title varies], E98.M6 C57, continued |
14-1 | 36 | 1 |
City of Angels Kateri Circle 2001-2003 |
14-1 | 33 | 2 | Urban Native American Catholics: City of Angels, Kateri Circle, sis. Lucia Tu, SDSH,1996 |
3 | Native American Catholics in the City: Tradition and Identity in a Small Group, Aloysius Joseph Ward, University of California, Los Angeles, [dissertation], 1996 | ||
14-1 | 36 | 4 | Los Angeles Indian Centers, n.d. (after 1971) |
14-1 | 36 | 5 | Mapuches: People of the Land, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, 1980 |
14-1 | 36 | 6 | 向日葵视频League, The Present Status of the Catholic Indian Problem, Rev. H.G. Ganss, 1907 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - |
Pilgrim, BX80 .P7 |
14-1 | 36 | 7 |
Pilgrim (1950-1954) |
14-1 | 36 | 8 |
Pilgrim (1955-1970) |
14-1 | 36 | 9 |
Pilgrim (1971-1982) |
14-1 | 36 | 10 |
Pilgrim (1983-1990) |
14-1 | 36 | 11 |
Pilgrim (1991-1994) |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Martyrs' Shrine, Midland, Ontario, Canada |
14-1 | 36 | 12 |
Martyr's Shrine, Michael Odesse, 1984 |
14-1 | 36 | 13 |
Martyrs' Shrine Message, F1030.7 .M38 |
14-1 | 36 | 14 | Mazzuchelli Guild Bulletin/Mazzuchelli Bulletin, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, 1965-1968, 1972-1980, 1985, BX4705.M475 M27 |
14-1 | 36 | 15 | Mazzuchelli Bulletin (2006) |
14-1 | 36 | 16 | M茅nard, P猫re Ren茅: The Predecessor of Allouez and 向日葵视频in the Lake Superior Region, Henry Colin Campbell, 1897, F 576 .P24 no.2 etc. |
14-1 | 36 | 17 | Minnesota' s Forgotten Martyr, 1949 |
41-1 | 37 | 1 | Minnesota History, Carol J. Berg, O.S.B.,1982, F601 .M72 |
14-1 | 37 | 2 | Missouri River Patterns, Tradecloth Dress, Crazy Crow Trading Post, 2002, TT 520 .T73 2002 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 37 | 3 | Morgan, Thomas J., The Present Phase of the Indian Question, 1891 |
14-1 | 37 | 4 | Mother Joseph, The Legacy of, Mother Joseph Foundation, Seattle, 1978 |
14-1 | - | - | National American Indian Court Judges Association |
14-1 | - | - |
A Guide for American Indian Court Judges |
14-1 | 37 | 5 |
Criminal Court Procedures Manual, 1971 |
14-1 | 37 | 6 |
Research Document In Support of the Criminal Court Procedures, 1971 |
14-1 | - | - |
Justice and the American Indian, KF 8205 .N37 J87 1974 |
14-1 | 37 | 7 |
Vol. 1, 1974 |
14-1 | 37 | 8 |
Vol. 2, 1974 |
14-1 | 37 | 9 |
Vol. 3, 1974 |
14-1 | 37 | 10 |
Vol. 4, 1974 |
14-1 | 37 | 11 |
Vol. 5, 1974 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 37 | 12 | Suicide Among American Indian Adolescents, Irving N. Berlin, 1984 |
14-1 | 37 | 13 | National Association of Native Religious (NANR), Contemplation and Fasting Program, Pre-Registration Materials, 1979 |
14-1 | 37 | 14 | National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, Commitment, 1979, HT 1501 .C63X |
14-1 | 37 | 15 | National Catholic Rural Life Conference, Earth Matters, 1988, HT401 .C3 |
14-1 | 37 | 16 | National Committee on Indian of the Episcopal Church, NCIW Newsletter, 1984-1985, E98.M6 N39 |
14-1 | 37 | 17 | National Council for Catholic Evangelization, NCCE Newsletter, 1992, BX2347.4 .N48 |
14-1 | 37 | 18 | Equal Educational Opportunity for Indians, Exploratory Conference, [pamphlet], 1969 |
14-1 | 37 | 19 | National Impact -Various pubs., 1977, HN30 .P73; 1979, HN30. A35; 1985, HN30 .N37 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
- | - | National Tribal Chairmen's Association | |
14-1 | 38 | 1 |
Highlights, 1977, E75 .N37 |
14-1 | 38 | 2 |
The State of the American Indian Nations: 1983 |
14-1 | 38 | 3 |
Indian Housing Fact Sheet, 1985 |
14-1 | 38 | 4 |
Report on NTCA Objective No. 10, Development of Method to Acquaint State and Local Subdivisions and Citizens Generally of Nature and Scope of Tribal Sovereignty |
14-1 | 38 | 5 | Native American Church of North America, Statement, 34th Annual Conference, 1983 |
14-1 | 38 | 6 | Native American Deacons Association, Newsletter, no. 2 (1989) |
14-1 | 38 | 7 | Native American Experience, American Historical Images on File, The, Lelia Wardwell, 1991, 970.1 N2131 |
14-1 | 38 | 8 | Native American Theological Statement, A, Rev. Steve Charleston, 1984 |
14-1 | 38 | 9 | Thunder Bay Conference on Native Ministry Formation, Daniel Hannin, S.J., Thunder Bay [Ontario, Canada], 1979 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 38 | 10 | Navaho, Soul Concepts of the, Berard Haile, O.F.M., 1943 |
14-1 | 38 | 11 | Nett Lake [Orr], Minnesota, Immaculate Conception Church, Newsletter, 1981-1984, E99.C6 C44, |
14-1 | 38 | 12 | Nican Mopohua, The, Deacon Anthony Garduno, translator, 1989 |
14-1 | 38 | 13 | Northern Cheyenne Alcoholism Program, Christine S.J. Valentine, 1986 |
14-1 | 38 | 14 | Northern Cheyenne Indians, St. Labre Mission, Ashland, Montana, 1971 |
14-1 | 38 | 15 | Walking Together, Marie A. Zarowny, S.S.A., Diocese of Mackenzie-Forth Smith, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1988 |
14-1 | 38 | 16 | Northwest Tribes and the Catholic Way, Visions of Chiefs and the Iroquois Connection, The, Thomas E. Connolly, S.J., |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Paul's Mission, Marty, South Dakota |
14-1 | 38 | 17 |
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments Brochures, n.d. |
14-1 | 38 | 18 |
Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, Mission of the Winter, 1987, |
14-1 | 38 | 19 |
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, The Christmas Letter, 2005 |
14-1 | 39 | 1 |
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, Echoes, 1992-2003, E98.M6 E36 |
14-1 | 39 | 2 |
Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacraments, 1960, |
14-1 | 39 | 3 |
Fifty Golden Years, Oblate Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, 1985 |
14-1 | 39 | 4 | Okodakiciye Newsletter, 2003-2004, E98.M6 O56 |
14-1 | 39 | 5 | Oklahoma's Poor Rich Indians, Gertrude Bonnin, Charles H. Fabens, Matthew K. Sniffen, 1924 |
14-1 | 39 | 6 | Okodakiciye Newsletter (incomplete), 2009-2019 |
14-1 | 39 | 7 | Pacific Northwest Indian Center, Spokane, Washington, 1966 |
14-1 | 39 | 8 | The Padre's Hour, Navajo Catholic Radio Program, [brochure], 1995 |
14-1 | 39 | 9 | Pascua Yaqui Indians, History of the, 1975 |
14-1 | 39 | 10 | Peterson, Susan, "'Holy Women and Housekeepers: Women Teachers on South Dakota Reservations, 1885-1910," South Dakota History, 1983 |
Series 14-1
Box 39
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 39 | 11 | Pine Ridge Education/Action Project, Reviewing U.S. Treaty Commitments to the Lakota Nation, [reprint], Nick Meinhardt and Diane Payne, 1978 |
14-1 | 39 | 12 | Point No Point Treaty Council, Newsletter, 1979-1980 |
14-1 | 39 | 13 | Pope John Paul II, A Visit to Anchorage, Alaska, 1981 |
14-1 | 39 | 14 | Pride, Project Indian Pride, Calais, Maine, 1978 |
14-1 | 39 | 15 | Pueblo Indian Missions in New Mexico, Early, L. Bradford Prince, 1917, E 99.P9 P75 1917 |
14-1 | 39 | 16 | Pueblo Indians of New Mexico be destroyed? Shall the, General Federation of Women's Clubs, n.d, G-325 |
14-1 | - | - |
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, E98.M6 R426 |
14-1 | 39 | 17 |
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, 1983-1985 |
14-1 | 39 | 18 |
Mahpiya Luta Woyaka, Vol. 11, no. 1 (1990) |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Red Cloud Country, E98.M6 R44 |
14-1 | 39 | 19 |
Red Cloud Country, 1990-1999 |
14-1 | 40 | 1 |
Red Cloud News, Vol.1, no. 1, 1979 |
14-1 | 40 | 2 | Relations between the Office of Indian Affairs, 1965 |
14-1 | 40 | 3 | St. Katherine's Hall, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1984 |
14-1 | 40 | 4 | Rose of the Carrier, Canada, Prayer Cards, 1992 |
14-1 | 40 | 5 | Running Strong, American Indian Youth, 1997 |
14-1 | 40 | 6 | Sacred Circle, The, Quarterly Inter-Diocesan Newsletter for Catholic Native Americans, 1990, BX801 .S22 |
14-1 | 40 | 7 | SCJs in the USA, The Early Years, 1999 |
14-1 | 40 | 8 | Sacred Heart Mission and St. Gregory's Abbey and College, Oklahoma, The Benedictine Foundations of, 1987 |
14-1 | 40 | 9 | Sacred heart Parish Dupree-Lantry 75 Diamond Jubilee, 1986 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 40 | 10 | Sacred Heart Parish, A Short History of, Konawa, Oklahoma, 1977 |
14-1 | 40 | 11 | Sacred Heart-St. Ignatius Church, Newsletter, White River, South Dakota, 1984 |
14-1 | 40 | 12 | Sacred Lands Project of the Christic Institute, Anita Parlow, 1984 |
14-1 | - | - | St. Aloysius Catholic Indian Community/St. Aloysius Catholic Indian Mass Community / St. Aloysius Urban Indian Community [newsletter], Spokane, Washington, E98.M6 S34 |
14-1 | 40 | 13 |
St. Aloysius Rectory Newsletter, 1989 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 40 | 14 |
St. Aloysius Urban Indian Community Newsletter, n.d. 1993-1994 |
14-1 | 40 | 15 | St. Andrew's Mission Sesquicentennial, 150th Anniversary 1847-1997, Pendleton Oregon, 1997 |
14-1 | 40 | 16 | St. Catherine's Indian School, St. Kate's News, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, Conehatta, Mississippi, E98.M6 S225 |
14-1 | 40 | 17 | St. Francis Solanus Church, The Windows of, Stone Lake (Reserve), Wisconsin, 2000 |
14-1 | 40 | 18 | St. Catherine's Church, "Dedication," 1980 |
14-1 | 40 | 19 | St. Catherine' Church Newsletter, July 1978 |
14-1 | - | - | St. Catherine Indian School, Santa Fe, New Mexico |
14-1 | 40 | 20 |
St. Catherine's Indian School: One Hundred Years of St. Catherine's, Joseph Abeyta, 1987 |
14-1 | 40 | 21 |
St. Catherine's Indian School, [brochure], n.d. |
14-1 | 40 | 22 |
St. Catherine Indian School |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, South Dakota |
14-1 | 41 | 1 |
St. Joseph's Indian Schoool Handbook, 1980 |
14-1 | 41 | 2 |
St. Joseph's Indian School, St. Joseph's History, (ca. 1964) |
14-1 | 41 | 3 | St. John's School near Gray Horse, Oklahoma, n.d. |
14-1 | 41 | 4 | St. Labre Mission, Ashland, Montana, Sandal Prints, 1982, 1984 |
14-1 | - | - | St. Mary's Catholic Church, Lower Brule, South Dakota |
14-1 | 41 | 5 |
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Jubilee Celebration of the Priests of the Sacred Heart |
14-1 | 41 | 6 |
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1896-1996, Centennial Year |
14-1 | 41 | 7 | St. Marys Kansas, An Historical Sketch Commemorating the Golden Jubilee of the Third Parish Church Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, 1931 |
14-1 | 41 | 8 | Borgerding, Rev. Thomas, O.S.B. - Reminiscences of St. Mary's Mission, Red Lake Minnesota |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 41 | 9 | St. Patrick's Activity Calendar, Shrine Church Centennial Year, 1992-1993, Carlisle, Pennsylvania |
14-1 | 41 | 10 | St. Patrick's Indian Mission, The Shamrock News, Anadarko, Oklahoma, 1987 |
14-1 | - | - | Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Archdiocese of, Office of Indian Ministry |
14-1 | 41 | 11 |
St. Paul and Minneapolis, Archdiocese of Invisible Intrusions, The Disruption of Culture, Ted Zuern, S.J. |
14-1 | 41 | 12 |
St. Paul and Minneapolis, Newsletter, 1986, 1988-1991, E98.M6 C36 |
14-1 | 41 | 13 |
Pastoral Ministry Program for Native American Peoples Living in the Minneapolis and St. Paul Area, Ted Zuern, S.J., 1975 |
14-1 | - | - | Salt Lake City, Diocese of, Office of Native American Ministry, E98.M6 C37 |
14-1 | 41 | 14 |
Newsletters, 1984-1990 |
14-1 | 41 | 15 |
Wind Walker, 1991-1994 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 41 | 16 | The Mission Play of Santa Clara, Martin V. Merle, Santa Clara Mission, Santa Clara, California, 1922 |
14-1 | 41 | 17 | "Biography of a Desert Church: The Story of Mission San Xavier del Bac," Bernard L. Fontana, The Smoke Signal, San Xavier del Bac Mission, Tucson, Arizona |
14-1 | 41 | 18 | Schools, In Support of Alternative, n.d. |
14-1 | - | - | Siggenauk Center [formerly the Siggenauk Project], Office of Native American Ministry, Archdiocese of Milwaukee |
14-1 | 42 | 1 |
Siggenauk Center Newsletter, 1980-1984, E98.M6 S51 |
14-1 | 42 | 2 |
Siggenauk Center Newsletter, 1984-1989, E98.M6 S51 |
14-1 | - | - |
Additional holdings in Siggenauk Center Records, Series 3 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
14-1 | 42 | 3 |
Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center Newsletter, 1989, E98.M6 S51 |
14-1 | 42 | 4 |
Siggenauk Spiritual Center Newsletter, 1990-1994, |
14-1 | 42 | 5 |
Siggenauk Center, Brochures, 1991, n.d. |
14-1 | 42 | 6 | Simmons, Marc, "Trail Dust," Santa Fe Reporter, New Mexico, [1990s, select newspaper articles] |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - | Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People, Cornwell Heights [formerly] and Bensalem, Pennsylvania |
14-1 | 42 | 8 |
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Cultured People, Brochure, Saint Katharine Drexel Guild, and Prayer Card |
14-1 | 42 | 9 |
Peacemaker, 1979-1983 |
14-1 | 42 | 10 |
Reflections on Life in the Vine, found in the Writings of Mother M. Katharine Drexel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, [booklet],1982 |
14-1 | 42 | 11 |
Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Century Book, 1891-1991 |
14-1 | 42 | 12 | Sitting Bull, "Der Letzte Indianer" [brochure], Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany, 1999 |
14-1 | 42 | 13 | Spokane Indians, Assimilation of the, Bulletin 628, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Washington State University, 1961 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | - | - |
St. Joseph Church, Fort Thompson; Immaculate Conception Church, Stephan; St. Catherine's Church, West Bend; St. Mary's Church, Lower Brule; St. Michael's Church, Kennebec; St. Mary's Church, Reliance |
14-1 | 42 | 14 |
Catholic Churches of our Community (Rapid City and Sioux Falls),1992 |
14-1 | 42 | 15 |
Native American Day Commeration-- 500 Years of Evangelization, 1992 |
14-1 | - | - | Stephen's Song, West River Diaconate, Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota, BX1912 .S72 |
14-1 | 42 | 16 |
Stephen's Song, March 1994 to December 1995 |
14-1 | 42 | 17 |
Stephen's Song, Vol. 3, no. 1 (1996) to Vol. 4, no. 12 (1997) |
14-1 | 43 | 18 |
Stephen's Song, Jan. 1998 |
14-1 | 43 | 1 |
Stephen's Song, 2000-2001 |
14-1 | 43 | 2 |
Stephen's Song, 2002-2003 |
43 | 3 |
Stephen's Song, 2004 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 43 | 4 | Stibili, Edward C., "Pietro Bandini: Jesuit Missionary, 1852-1890," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, n.d |
14-1 | 43 | 5 | Thiel, Mark G. "The Omaha Dance in Oglala and Sicangu Sioux History," Whispering Wind, 1990 |
14-1 | 43 | 6 | Thiel, Mark G. "Sodalities Strengthened Faith of Dioceses' Indians," West River Catholic, 1990, 1991 |
14-1 | 43 | 7 | Tios'Paye, Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, 1967 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 43 | 8 | United States Catholic Conference, US Catholic Bishops on American Indians, May 4, 1977, BX 2347.8.I49 U55 1977 |
14-1 | 43 | 9 | United States Indian Service, Plan of Reorganization of the, Warren K. Moorhead, 1925 |
14-1 | - | - | University of Chicago, American Indian Chicago Conference |
14-1 | 43 | 10 |
Correspondence, 1961 |
14-1 | 43 | 11 |
American Indian Chicago Convention (AICC), June 13-20, 1961 |
14-1 | 43 | 12 | Urban Centers, Indians In, G.E.E. Lindquist, 1948 |
14-1 | 43 | 13 | Vecesy, Christopher, "The Campaign to Regularize Pueblo Catholicism: Santo Dominogo," European Review of Native American Studies, Vol. 9, no. 2 (1995) |
14-1 | 43 | 14 | Wasaskiye, Newsletter of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nursing Program, Presentation College, Aberdeen, South Dakota, July, 1985 |
Series 14-1
Series | Box | Folder | Folder Title |
14-1 | 44 | 1 | Watembach, Karen, The History of the Catechesis of the Catholic Church on the Crow Reservation, M.A. thesis, Montana State University, 1983 |
14-1 | 44 | 2 | Wellpinit Independent Watchdog, Wellprint, Washington, Sacred Heart Mission Special Anniversary Issue, Vol. 7, no. 6 (November 29, 1992) |
14-1 | 44 | 3 | White, Rev. James D., "Destined for Duty, The Life and Diary of Bishop Theophile Meerschaert," The Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 71, no. 1 (Spring, 1993), pp. 4-41 |
14-1 | 44 | 4 | White Earth [Minnesota], 1878-1945, Climbing Learners' Hill: Benedictines at, Sister Carol Berg, O.S.B., 1981 |
14-1 | 44 | 5 | Wisconsin, An Inquiry into the Cultural Influence of the Church on the People of Wisconsin, Catholic Culture in Early, Sister M. Josepha Dietrich, S.S.N.D., 1944 |
14-1 | 45 | 1 | World Council of Indigenous Peoples Newsletter, 1983 to 1984 |
45 | 2 | Wounded Knee, Task Force to, Report of Sister Margaret Ellen Traxler, Trip: May 2-5, 1973 | |
14-1 | 45 | 3 | "Yaqui Today: A People in Transition, The," Karen Fisher, Arizona Highways, Vol. 53, no. 4 (April, 1977) |