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2024–25 Promotion and Tenure Committee
Dr. John Su, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Student Success (ex officio)
Dr. Heather Hathaway, Klingler College of Arts & Sciences / Humanities
Dr. Brian Bennett, Klingler College of Arts & Sciences / Natural Sciences
Dr. Debra Oswald, Klingler College of Arts & Sciences / Social Sciences
Dr. Matteo Arena, College of Business Administration
Dr. Stephen Hudson-Mairet, Diederich College of Communication
Dr. Brian Hodgson, School of Dentistry
Dr. Leigh Van den Kieboom, College of Education
Dr. Dan Zitomer, Opus College of Engineering
Dr. Robert Peoples, College of Health Sciences
Mr. Scott Idleman, Law School
Dr. Lisa Hanson, College of Nursing
The University Committee on Faculty Promotions and Tenure reports to the UAS on policy matters and to the provost regarding recommendations on promotion and tenure.
- Reviews and evaluates the proposal for promotion of regular faculty including recommendations of the faculty rank and tenure local committees (area, college, or school).
- Submits votes on promotion and tenure decisions, with a chair's summary of the confidential discussion provided to the provost.
- Conducts regular review and revision of the Statutes on Faculty Appointment, Promotion and Tenure for approval by the University Academic Senate.
- Reviews new or revised departmental or college specific norms for congruence with university criteria.
The chairpersons of the faculty rank and tenure local committees are noted above. The senior vice provost for faculty affairs, or a substitute as designated by the provost, shall serve as chair and non-voting member.
Note: No candidate for promotion shall be entitled to appear before or participate in the deliberations of the committee.