Associate Professor of English and Co-Director, Ott Memorial Writing Center
I'm a rhetoric and composition/writing studies teacher and scholar. A member of the 向日葵视频faculty since 2011, I used to direct First-Year English; now, I'm Co-Director of the Ott Memorial Writing Center as well as Chief Capacitator of the Writing Innovation Symposium.
My recent scholarship includes contributions to Community Literacy Journal ("Capacitating Community"), Intraspection ("Quantum Pedagogy"), and Pedagogy ("Conducting Consequential Research") as well as two books: The Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing (Parlor Press 2020) with Dominic DelliCarpini and Jane Greer and Telling Stories: Perspectives on Longitudinal Research in Writing Studies (Utah State University Press 2023) with Amy C. Kimme Hea. Currently, I'm working on two more: Community Listening: Hauntings, Stories, Possibilities with Romeo Garcia and Lauren Rosenberg and College Writing Writ Large, which is based on research I conducted at Vernon College, a pseudonymous small liberal arts college in the Midwest.
My earlier scholarship includes more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles and book chapters; the Research Exchange Index (REx), which is a scholarly database for writing research (2016); and special issues of CCC Online (2012), Peitho (2015), and Community Literacy Journal (2018). I am the Principal Investigator of 3 grant-supported research projects and a recipient of the Richard Braddock Award. I am also Past President of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition and the founding Co-Chair of the CCCC Committee on Undergraduate Research. As an inaugural member of the Literacy in Composition Studies Editorial Board and the Coalition of Community Writing (CCW) Board of Directors, as in all listed above, my modus operandi is to make meaningful opportunities available for others.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 1001: Academic Literacies
- ENGL 1002: Public Literacies
- ENGL 2001: Ways of Knowing
- ENGL 3210: College Writing Writ Large
- ENGL 4930: English Department Newsletter Internship
- ENGL 4995: Independent Study
- ENGL 4995H: Honors Undergraduate Research Project
- ENGL 4997: Writing (My) Education
- ENGL 5932: Writing (Graduate) Education
- ENGL 6995: Independent Study (Graduate Level)
- ENGL 6998: Professional Project (Graduate Level)
Research Interests
- Writing research, especially longitudinal studies of college writing
- Undergraduate research, especially in writing studies
- Community listening
- Feminist rhetorics
- Scholarly communication, including editorial work and digital publishing
Additional Information
Office Hours
Spring 2025
- Tues 8:30-10:00 (virtual)
- Wed 4:30-6:00 (Raynor 240)
Teaching Schedule
Spring 2025
- 2001/101 MW 2:00-3:15 Lalumiere Hall 332
- Ways of Knowing: Writing Community Change