Support the College of Education
The College of Education provides outstanding academic programs, generates nationally recognized research, and engages in significant community outreach. With the assistance of those who believe deeply in the importance of schooling and mental health across the spectrum, we can be more impactful in all of these social justice pursuits.

Please consider supporting the College of Education Scholars Fund, the Behavior Clinic, the Hartman Literacy and Learning Center, or the Dean's Fund. For details on how your gift can impact the College of Education, contact Emily Baseheart, Managing Director of Development, College Advancement - University Advancement.
The College of Education Scholars Fund
Given the notable costs of state-of-the art preparation, nearly all of our remarkable undergraduate and graduate students would benefit from the financial assistance this fund provides. Make an investment in the future by helping to support our aspiring education and mental health professionals, and by extension, the children, adolescents, adults, and families they will serve over the course of their careers.
The Behavior Clinic
As a by-product of aiding troubled young children and their families, the Behavior Clinic provides the opportunity to give graduate students experience in the field of pediatric mental health and to contribute original research to it. By donating to this fund, you will be supporting the training of graduate assistantships to provide treatment for the children and to help determine best practices.
The Hartman Literacy and Learning Center
The nationally renowned Hartman Literacy and Learning Center offers the College the rare opportunity to enhance the preparation of future elementary school teachers, help young at-risk readers through tutoring, and advance the field of literacy. Gifts to the Hartman Center support all aspects of its operation – our instruction, our scholarship, and our community service.
The College of Education Dean's Fund
Besides providing exceptional academic preparation, the College engages in significant community outreach and timely and relevant research in schooling and mental health. Additional resources are needed to undertake this work, and your support will allow us to exert a broader and deeper impact on our community and to expand and refine the knowledge base in several educational fields.