Fall 2024 Dean's List

College of Education Dean's List - Fall 2024

Dean鈥檚 List honors are awarded twice per academic year, upon completion of the fall term and the spring term, to students who:

  • Are enrolled full-time in the College of Education
  • Earned a minimum of 12 credits at 向日葵视频 during the term
  • Have a term grade point average of 3.7 or higher on the date the ITS dean's list report is run

Students receiving a grade of I, X, IX, WA, UW, UNC, NG, F or U on the date the ITS dean鈥檚 list report is run are ineligible.

Allyson Aicher Meckenzie Lowinske
Sophia Anderson Katy May
Mimi Attard Macy McCormick
Katie Berthold Tom Oeffling
Zach Bielli Moruri Ondande
Megan Bies Leah O'Young
Ellen Blaszinski Tressa Peissig
Emilie Buscemi Aimee Perez
Emma Califato Katherine Peters
Kalea Chatman Leah Pinnow
Mark Claerhout Radhika Prakash
Colin Clisham Jack Redfern
Jozie Derks Natalie Ring
Mary Doherty Brody Roessler
Elisa Dohrmann Avery Rogan
Carter Empen Julia Ryan
Kaitlyn Fielding Jake Schilf
Abby Fuller Ayesha Siddiqui
Rachel Gershon Milo Sieger
Jasmine Gomez Acey Smentek
Eileen Harrington Allie Spaltholz
Sophia Hart-Liepert Nicole Spytek
Sarah Hilts Kendall Syslack
Anna Hoffman Norah Timmerman
Maya Hughes Eric Vacek
Anna Jamroz Jake Van Lanen
Josie Johnson Margot Van Nice
Sam Johnston Audrey von Wolffradt
Josie Joycer Aidan Vosniak
Marie Kall Mary Walsh
Kennedy Kapocius Annie Whitmore
Kylie Kebbekus Andrew Wielebski
Addison Kellerman Jamison Wisniewski
Sean Kendellen