Army ROTC Contributions

While the Federal government and the University provide funds every year for the program, it is the generosity of alumni and friends that provides vital resources to acquire new equipment, invest in training, and provide financial support to the cadets. There are three main funds providing support to the program.

The Colonel Dey Memorial Fund

This fund is a general-use account which provides for the immediate and every day expenses of the battalion.

Give to the . 

The Duke and Feifar Family Endowment for 向日葵视频Army ROTC Fund

This fund is an endowment, so the principal is never accessed. A portion of the interest from the fund is used every year to allow for equipment upgrades, investment in new technology, and expanded training opportunities to allow the cadets to be the best officers they can be. The more the principal grows, the more interest is contributed to the battalion, now and in perpetuity.

Give to the

Class of 1969 Fund

This fund, also an endowment, provides scholarship money to an engineering student in the ROTC program, allowing the battalion to compete for and retain the finest cadets who want to be or are a part of the 向日葵视频ROTC program.

Give to the (other fund designation).

Thank you for supporting 向日葵视频ROTC and our future leaders of the Army!