Frequently Asked Questions


  • Admissions
  • Cadet Life
  • Careers
  • Scholarships

Questions for Admission to AFROTC

If I Join Air Force ROTC, Does That Mean I Am Joining The Military?

No. If you got a four-year scholarship from high school, then the first year of college is paid for, and you can quit at the end of your freshman year with no obligation. If you got a three-year scholarship from high school or college then you are not committed to the Air Force or Space Force until you accept your scholarship (usually in the fall of your sophomore year). If you did not get any scholarship, then you are not committed to joining the Air Force or Space Force until you start your junior year of college.

Do I Have To Join Air Force ROTC As A Freshman?

No. Any undergraduate student with three or more years remaining should be eligible. If you are a second-semester freshman, a student about to start their sophomore year or have at least three years remaining in your undergraduate studies, you are likely able to join the ROTC program.

Can I Attend Air Force ROTC Without A Scholarship?

Yes, you can. Many of our students do not start with a scholarship, but earn one eventually.

Is Preference Shown Toward Scholarship Cadets?

Definitely not! The fact that a cadet may have an Air Force ROTC scholarship has no bearing on an Air Force career nor does it make any difference while in the Air Force ROTC program.

Are There Any Restrictions As To What Students Select As Their Academic Major?

None at all. In fact, we encourage you to take a curriculum you are interested in and in which you have the capability to do well. Our main academic concern is that you maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) above 2.5 and attain your degree in the time period planned. The GPA requirements are different if you are applying for a scholarship and once you are on scholarship.

I Am Prior Service – Do I Have To Attend The General Military Course (GMC)?

The Detachment Commander may waive some or all of the freshman classes if you are prior enlisted. This is determined by the amount and kind of experience you had when you departed prior service.

If I Take Air Force ROTC Classes, Am I Committed To Military Or Government Service?

There is no service commitment for students who take our classes with no intention of becoming an Air Force or Space Force officer. For these types of students, it is only another class. If you are interested in becoming an officer, there is no service commitment during the first two years of the Air Force ROTC program (the General Military Course) unless you have an Air Force ROTC scholarship. If you decide to stay and join the Professional Officer Course (POC); the last two years of the program), you will sign an allocation contract with the Air Force or Space Force and then incur a service obligation. For Air Force ROTC scholarship students, you are obligated once you have activated the scholarship and have entered your sophomore year.

What Are The Other Air Force Commissioning Opportunities?

Other commissioning opportunities exist through the United States Air Force Academy if you haven’t finished your undergraduate degree.

For college graduates, look into Officer Training School.

Is The Four-Year Program More Advantageous For Students?

Yes, for the following reasons:

  • It gives you more time to participate in Air Force ROTC without obligation, to gain experience and to decide whether you want to apply for the advanced program, the POC.
  • You will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships if eligible.
  • You can retake the Air Force Officer Qualification (AFOQT) test to improve your scores.

Do I Have To Cut My Hair?

Hair must be kept in accordance with Air Force guidelines when in uniform.

Do I Have To Wear A Uniform To Class Every Day?

The only time cadets are required to wear their uniform is during physical training on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and on the day of their Aerospace Class and Leadership Lab (currently Tuesday). Occasionally, during special events, you may be required to wear your uniform..

How Much Time Do I Have To Spend With Air Force ROTC Each Week?

The only required time is during your Air Force ROTC classes, Leadership Lab and physical fitness training although many of our cadets are involved in extra activities and leadership roles within the Detachment. (This equates to approximately six-ten hours per week for freshmen and sophomores, ten-fifteen hours per week for juniors and seniors)

Can I Participate In Intercollegiate Athletics While A Member Of The Air Force ROTC Program?

Yes. Generally, extracurricular campus activities and Air Force ROTC are perfectly compatible.

What Is The Commitment To The Air Force or Space Force Upon Graduation?

Most officers have a four-year commitment. Some career fields have longer commitments such as pilots and doctors.

When Do I Know What Job I Will Be Doing For The Air Force or Space Force As An Officer?

You will compete in a selection process much like the one of an enrollment allocation as an officer candidate between your sophomore and junior year. The factors to be used will include your Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) scores, your field training performance rating, your Grade Point Average (GPA), your academic major, your Physical Fitness Test (PFT) score and the Detachment Commander 's rating. You will know your specific Air Force or Space Force job category generally around the start of your senior year.

Do I Have To Become A Pilot or Space Officer?

No. The vast majority of Air Force and Space Force jobs do not involve flying at all. In the civilian world, there are thousands of jobs and careers – doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, engineers, financial careers, food-service management – the list is endless. For almost every civilian out in the workforce, there is an Air Force or Space Force officer counterpart performing a similar job. Check out some of the jobs .

When Do I Actually Receive My Commission As An Air Force or Space Force Officer?

Cadets of the student population of AFROTC normally get commissioned in a special ceremony the same day they graduate. You can expect to enter active duty within one year of graduating.

Can I Continue My Education Beyond The Baccalaureate Level?

Yes. The Air Force and Space Force offers several opportunities to do so. In some cases you can request an educational delay. This delay between the time of commissioning and reporting for active duty will be of sufficient length to allow you to fulfill the requirements for a professional or masters degree. You will assume all financial obligations. There are also Air Force Institute of Technology and Professional programs where the Air Force or Space Force pays for your graduate school education. These programs are explained in detail in Air Force ROTC.

I Do Not Have 20/20 Vision. Can I Still Fly?

It depends. Check out the for more information.

Do I Have To Major In Aeronautical Science To Become A Pilot Or Combat Systems Officer?

No. Your academic major plays a minor role in pilot and combat systems officer selection. You can major in any degree program and compete to receive a pilot or combat systems officer slot in Air Force ROTC. You can even be on an Air Force ROTC scholarship in an engineering or science major and compete on an equal basis for a flying position.

What Are The Age Limits For A Cadet To Compete For A Pilot Or Combat Systems Officer Position?

To compete for the pilot or combat systems officer categories, you must be able to complete your bachelors degree and be commissioned through Air Force ROTC before you are 29 years old.

Will I Be Behind My Fellow Nonmilitary Graduates After I Complete My Service Obligation And Decide To Get Out?

No. In fact, many companies prefer to hire former officers over new college graduates (even those with masters degrees). Your Air Force or Space Force experience, the management skills you have gained on active duty and your active-duty educational benefits can give you the competitive edge you need.

If I Apply For The Scholarship, Am I Obligated To The Air Force or Space Force In Any Way?

No. Applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship does not obligate you in any way. Four-year scholarship recipients do not incur any obligation until the start of their sophomore year in college.

Can I Apply For Other Officer Training Programs And Military Scholarships?

Yes. You may apply for any other officer training program and even receive scholarship offers from more than one service. However, once you enroll in another program, you will be removed from further Air Force ROTC scholarship competition. Notify the College Scholarships Selections Section immediately if you accept and enroll in another program.

If I Choose To Leave One Of The Other Officer Training Programs, Can I Still Apply For An In-College Air Force ROTC Scholarship?

Yes. You may apply for one of the Air Force ROTC scholarships of less than four years if a waiver is granted.

When And How Will I Be Notified If I Have Been Offered A Scholarship?

If offered an Air Force ROTC scholarship, you will be notified in writing after the scholarship selection boards meet.

If I Am Offered A Scholarship, How Will It Be Presented?

Normally, an Air Force or Space Force officer will come to your school and present the scholarship during your school's annual awards day at the end of the year. Even if you choose not to accept the scholarship offer, you can still have it presented at your school. Although you can choose not to have the scholarship presented, you deserve to be recognized for your accomplishments.

What Kind Of Scholarships Does Air Force ROTC Offer?

We offer both High School and In College Scholarships. Check out more

What Majors Are Eligible?

Air Force ROTC offers scholarships in academic majors needed to meet the needs of the Air Force and Space Force. This includes both technical majors and nontechnical majors. We strongly urge you to carefully consider the choices you list for an academic major on this application. You may list up to three majors, but you should only list those you will be willing to pursue. You should also ensure the major you want to pursue is offered by the school you want to attend.

Highly desired majors can be found

Is It Possible For Me To Change My Academic Major If On Scholarship?

Yes, but this is a complex process and should be attempted only after you have given it much thought. Depending on your current major and your proposed major, you may lose your scholarship benefits. Call the detachment you will be attending for details and procedures.