Refer a student for group tutoring or academic coaching

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) helps students with navigating campus, reading, test-taking, time management and motivation.

Academic advisers, faculty and staff are encouraged to promote group tutoring and academic coaching to students.

Refer a student for group tutoring

ARC offers group tutoring to students — free of charge — for most first and second-year undergraduate courses. Tutorials are available for many courses in business, humanities, mathematics, sciences and foreign languages.

Let your students know they can sign up for group tutoring by visiting the Tutoring website. Our tutoring is a group-style model that follows what the students need. Students should come to their session with questions and any practice work completed.

Refer a student for academic coaching

Academic advisers, faculty and staff can refer students to sign up for academic coaching. Students can email or can follow the "How do I arrange a coaching appointment?" instructions.

Coaches hold initial meetings with students to help implement success plans and will hold follow-up appointments as well. Coaches will take notes to track the progress of the students they are helping.