- Welcome to SPPA: Message from the Chair
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Harriet Barker Cramer Hall, 267G
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-2187jennifer.eggert@marquette.eduJennifer Marie Eggert, MS, CCC-CLP, C/NDT earned both her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1997 and 1999 respectively). Jennifer has spent her entire career providing evaluation and treatment for infants, toddlers, preschool and school age children with a cariety of congenital and acquired diagnoses. Jennifer's focus has consistently been in the area of oral-motor/feeding disorders. She has extensive experience with medically involved/fragile children in the Birth-to-Three, Outpatient and Home Health (Post NICU) settings in addition to years to experience providing respiratory/phonatory assessment and intervention with a primarily tracheostomy/ventilator dependent pediatric population. During her time in the field, Jennifer has delivered services to socio-economically diverse populations where she has employed skills in both counseling and coaching of caregivers. Jennifer spent nearly 15 years as an instructor for the University of Wisconsin system where she taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate level courses in addition to providing both on and off campus student supervision. Jennifer is certified in Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), received Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) training in 2008, and is a certified Neurodevelopmental (NDT) therapist. Jennifer was the WSHA 2013 Speech Language Pathologist of the Year, is an ASHA ACE (Award for Continuing Education) recipient and a 2016 BIZTimes Healthcare Hero. Jennifer currently supervises an off campus community outreach practicum at Gigi's Playhouse in Fox Point, WI. This clinical placement provides students the opportunity to provide intervention to children with Down Syndrome and other developmental disabilities.