Congratulations on your award!!  The information below will help answer questions and provide important information on the management of your grant. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY! 

During the life of the award, please be aware of the requirements of the award and keep ORSP informed of any issues that may arise.


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Account Number

You should have or will be receiving an e-mail containing your grant account number. The first two digits are considered the fund (01 or 06), the second five indicate the responsibility center (PI unit), the third five number segment is the restriction – for grants, this number will always begin with the number 7 (e.g., 0X-XXXXX-7XXXX).  All expenditures need four additional numbers considered the natural and are preassigned per type of expenditure. You will need this information to accurately spend grant funds on items including: hiring project personnel and paying yourself (via salary authorizations), purchasing supplies, purchasing equipment, requesting tuition payments for students, etc.

Authorized Signers

You are able to authorize your College Director of Academic Business Affairs, a lab manager, etc. to access account balances and make purchases from your grant. To do this, you will need to make them an authorized signer.  A form will be routed to you via DocuSign as a part of the account set up process. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Albrinck-Schroeder, Director of Financial Services.

Conflict of Interest (COI)

You, as Principal Investigator, and all key personnel on your project must have an updated COI on file for all external awards. You completed a COI at the time of application and you are required to complete a COI again at the time of award, annually thereafter throughout the life of the award and when any new conflicts arise. The COI can be found in Kuali under .

In addition, if you have an award from the National Institutes of Health or other select sponsors, you will be notified that you need to take a tutorial on Financial Conflicts of Interest. This training is good for four years.  You must complete the training/be up-to-date prior to spending grant funds.

Expenditure Transfers 

If at any time during the award you need to shift expenditures from another internal account on to your grant, please work with ORSP and your College Director of Academic Business Affairs to submit a Grant Expenditure Transfer Form. Upon completion of the form, please e-mail requests to

Grant Budget Dashboard/Managing your Budget

The can be used to view all salaries authorized on the grant and the actual monthly/weekly payroll; the entire budget period of performance of total accruals and encumbrances, including daily expenditures; charges to naturals for compensation, operating expenses, third-party contracts, tuition and indirect cost expenses; and open encumbrances and accounts payable open invoices of insufficient funds.

You can also see information in DataMarq. The Business Intelligence Guidance Document provides you with detailed information that can be extremely helpful in understanding how and why to view various documents to manage your grant award.

Please see postaward-pi-checklist-feb2022.pdf ( which is designed to alert you to many of the critical administrative items that you will need to do as you move forward with your project. Keep in mind that all grants must be conducted in accordance with all university and sponsor policies.

Hiring Grant Funded Personnel

Principal Investigators are responsible for the selection of grant-funded personnel and must adhere to the University's policies and procedures regarding recruitment, hiring, and supervision. Please see for further guidance on hiring different categories of personnel.

Intellectual Property

You must be cognizant of the intellectual property rules associated with your award and how they relate to the university’s Intellectual Property Policy which pertains to all faculty and staff appointments at MU. All intellectual property developed in carrying out a sponsored award must be promptly disclosed so it can be evaluated and protected in a manner that is compliant with your award.  Please disclose all inventions using . You will be directed to log into the portal using your ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵemail and password. All intellectual property questions can be directed to Kalpa Vithalani, Directory of Technology Transfer. 

Invoicing the Sponsor and Drawing Down Funds

Grant Accounting in the Office of the Comptroller is the ONLY office on campus with authority to invoice, cash checks, or perform federal drawdown funds from sponsored awards.  Please share all billing concerns or inquires with Anna Kranz, Grant Accounting Manager. 

The University does not get cash up front for most grants, especially those that are federal.  Invoicing/drawdowns and all cash collections occurs based on the expenditures posted to the General Ledger and/or milestones/schedules as defined in the agreement or notice of award.  It is critical that you as PI review your financial information (budget and expenditures) regularly to ensure information is accurate and complete – .  Please make every effort to review on a monthly basis. If you have received your award account number but cannot access your information, please contact your college’s Director of Business Affairs or Budget Director for assistance.

Kuali - Award and Account Information

The award documentation, including a summary of the pertinent information as well as any regulations associated with this award, can be found in the Kuali award record to which you should have access at .  Basic instruction on viewing your award can be found at  Viewing Award Information  If you cannot access the record in Kuali, please reach out to so we can sure you have access to these critical documents necessary to administer your award. Please be aware of the regulations that govern your grant and have them readily available throughout the life of your award. 

No-Cost Extensions (NCE)

No cost extensions should be requested by email to Please see Managing an Award // Office of Research and Sponsored Programs // ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ for additional information.

Policies and Processes

In addition to the sponsor guidelines, the following policies pertain to your grant award:    

  • Sponsored Projects Manual. The Sponsored Projects Manual contains ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ’s policies and guidelines regarding programs and projects sponsored by external entities using grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements.
  • University Policies and Procedures (UPP). You must always consult /university-policies-procedures. It is a written record of approved and current academic, operational, financial, and business policies and procedures. Note that if you find any discrepancies between your specific grant regulations and the UPPs, please consult ORSP to determine the compliant course of action. 

Additional policies governing grant awards can be found at Policies and Guidance // Office of Research and Sponsored Programs // ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ

Project Budget

You can find a copy of the detailed sponsor-approved budget which guides how funds have been loaded into the university’s general ledger by going to . Basic instruction on viewing your award can be found at  Viewing Award Information; a copy of the budget can be found under the Comments, Notes and Attachments section.  If you have any questions on the budget that has been established, work with the Grants Administration team in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP).

Please remember to use the VPN when trying to access the Business Intelligence information remotely.     

Re-budget Requests

If at any time during the award you need to request that budget dollars within a grant be shifted from one category (Compensation, Indirect Costs, Operating, Sub Contract, Tuition Expense) to another, please work with ORSP and your Director of Academic Business Affairs to complete a Grant Budget Transfer (GBT) Form. E-mail requests to


The technical report is the responsibility of the PI.

Financial reporting is the responsibility of Grants Accounting in the Office of the Comptroller. At the time of reporting, the Office of the Comptroller - Grants Accounting, department/college academic business affairs, and the ORSP grants administrators collaborate to perform all financial reporting required for this grant based on the information in General Ledger. It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all charges are there, and all of the charges are theirs. 

Be sure to mark your calendars now with report requirements and due dates.  Please contact Grants Accounting early in the development of your reports so the financial and technical pieces can be joined together, if possible, for submission.  Please keep ORSP apprised if you see issues meeting your deadlines. 

Research Compliance

CITI IRB and CITI IACUC trainings are completed through the . It is your responsibility to ensure that protocols for research involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, or biosafety are approved before the collection of any data and that protocols are kept up to date.

For any awards that submit a registration to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), the PI should anticipate receiving a training message from the Office of Research Compliance explaining how to complete the required Biosafety 101 training for the PI and any employee paid from the award/grant.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research

ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵ has developed a Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research program that is required for designated ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵundergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and senior personnel who require RECR training by the sponsor. If you and other personnel on your award are required to complete RECR training, you will receive separate correspondence that includes enrollment information. 

The RECR curriculum is the only curriculum recognized by ÏòÈÕ¿ûÊÓƵas being compliant with federal and other grantor guidelines. This training must be completed by anyone paid from a grant that requires RECR training (including summer research programs). Undergraduate training programs or other initiatives can supplement with additional materials/training as they see fit once the base RECR curriculum is delivered and completed.

Salary Authorizations

Please work with your Director of Academic Business Affairs to prepare and process all salary authorizations. See for further guidance on hiring personnel.

Subaward/Third-Party Agreements

If your grant includes funding for a subaward organization or a consultant, participant, speaker or performer or other creative services, you must work with ORSP to have the appropriate university-approved legal instruments prepared and executed before work with the collaborator can begin. Please reach out to as soon as you are ready to have discussions with your collaborators.   Once the agreement is prepared and executed by an authorized organizational representative (typically the executive director of ORSP), it will be transmitted to you with further instructions on your responsibility as PI to monitor the third party’s progress as well as collect and pay their invoices timely. 

Invoices will be sent to the PI for approval. You must then work with your College Director of Academic Business Affairs or a designated person within your department to submit the invoice in Coupa for payment.