Mechanical Engineering
Professional Preparation
Ph.D., 1986, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S., 1982, Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Seoul National University
B.S., 1980, Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Seoul National University
Research Interests
- Computer-aided manufacturing
- Industrial automation
- Precision engineering
- Accuracy analysis of multi-axis machine tools
- Sculptured surface machining
S. Y. Jin, K. T. Lee and K. Kim, 鈥Volumetric Error Compensation of Multi-Axis Laser Machining Center for Direct Patterning of Flat Panel Display,鈥 ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science, Vol. 128, pp.239-248, 2006.
K.J. Shin, H.J. Park, J.S. Kim and K. Kim, 鈥Mathematical and Experimental Investigation of Thermal Response of Automobile Passenger with a Ventilated Seat,鈥 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Chicago, Illinois, November, 2006.
M.H. Polczynski, G.E.O. Widera and K. Kim, 鈥Entrepreneurial Engineering Education, Proceedings of the NCIIA 9th Annual Meeting", San Diego, California, March 17-19, 2005