Series Box Folder Title
A-1.1 20 150 Iakovos, Archbishop 1978
A-1.1 20 16 Ideals Publishing Company, 1963-1981
A-1.1 20 16 Idzerda, Stanley, 1966
A-1.1 20 150 Ignace, Gerald and Georgia, 1984
A-1.1 20 150 Illig, Raymond D., 1979, 1983, 1985
A-1.1 20 150 Illinois Cereal Mills, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1975, 1977, 1981
A-1.1 20 150 Illinois Tool Works, 1969, 1975-1984, 1990
A-1.1 20 16 Image Paper Archives (Proposed), 1971
A-1.1 20 16 "Impact," 1972-1987
A-1.1 20 255 Inaugural Civic Reception and Dinner, 1966
A-1.1 20 255 Inaugural Civic Reception and Dinner, General Correspondence and Memos, 1966
A-1.1 20 255 Inaugural Civic Reception and Dinner, Lists - Congratulatory, Invites, Guests, Regrets, 1966
A-1.1 20 255 Inaugural Civic Reception and Dinner, Photographs, 1966
A-1.1 20 364 Inauguration of Father Raynor, 1966
A-1.1 20 151 Inaugurations, Invitations, 1968
A-1.1 20 17 Independent College Funds of America, Inc., 1967-1983
A-1.1 20 437 Independent, The, 1990
A-1.1 20 151 Industrial Towel and Uniforms Incorporated, 1976
A-1.1 20 17 Industry-Education Seminar, 1967
A-1.1 20 151 Information Center, 1974-1975, 1980
A-1.1 20 151 Information Model, 1970
A-1.1 20 151 Inlander, Steindler Paper Company, 1980-1984
A-1.1 20 151 Inroads, Incorporated, 1973-1978
A-1.1 20 17 "Insight" Story, The Milwaukee Journal, 1972-1973
A-1.1 20 151 In-Sink-Erator Division, Subsidiary of Emerson Electric, 1977, 1980-1984
A-1.1 20 151 Institute for Educational Management, 1970
A-1.1 20 437 Institute for Family Studies, 1982-1989
A-1.1 20 151 Institute in Catholic Higher Education, 1970
A-1.1 20 17 Institute of European Studies, 1968
A-1.1 20 152 Institute of International Education, 1968-1981
A-1.1 20 152 Institutional Memberships, 1976
A-1.1 20 295 Institutional Planning: Sequence and Interpretation of Steps Taken, 1963-1970
A-1.1 20 - Institutional Self-Analysis
A-1.1 20 279
Recommendations, 1961
A-1.1 20 279
Summary Report to the President, 1961
A-1.1 20 152 Instructional Media Center, Grant Richard, 1977
A-1.1 20 437 Instructional Media Center, MUTV, 1972-1989
A-1.1 20 88 Integrated Housing: The Number One Challenge of Urban Communities and the Inevitable Emergence of "Open Occupancy," Conference Proceedings, 1961
A-1.1 20 152 Intelligence Digest, 1976
A-1.1 20 386 Inter-Fraternity Council, 1964-1984
A-1.1 20 152 Inter-Institutional Television Council, 1970
A-1.1 20 152 Internal Revenue Service Audit, 1971-1978
A-1.1 20 437 International Association of Universities, 1964-1989
A-1.1 20 152 International Book of Honor, 1986
A-1.1 20 152 International Business Machines, Inc. (IBM), 1962-1979
A-1.1 20 17 International Catholic Auxiliaries, 1963-1966
A-1.1 20 152 International College and University Conference Exposition, 1969
A-1.1 20 17 International Educational Education Act, Ad Hoc Emergency Committee, 1967
A-1.1 20 152 International Federation of Catholic Universities, 1964-1987 (5 folders)
A-1.1 20 17 International Federation of Catholic Universities, 1971-1975
A-1.1 20 437 International Federation of Catholic Universities, 1988-1990
A-1.1 20 17 International Federation of Catholic Universities, General Assembly, 1970-1971
A-1.1 20 153 International Harvester Company, 1962-1983
A-1.1 20 153 International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, 1967-1985
A-1.1 20 42 International Student List, 1966-1967
A-1.1 20 153 Inter-University Committee on Research and Policy Studies, 1975-1982
A-1.1 20 153 Inter-University Communications Council, 1966-1990
A-1.1 20 153 Interstate Compact on Education, 1966-1968
A-1.1 20 153 Intek Corporation, 1967
A-1.1 20 161 Irwin, Leon and Ethel, 1982
A-1.1 20 17 ITT Midwestern Life Insurance Corporation, 1972
A-1.1 20 280 ITT Thorp Corporation (formerly Thorp Financial Group), 1963-1974
A-1.1 20 280 ITT Thorp Corporation (formerly Thorp Financial Group), Conway, Francis J., 1964-1977
A-1.1 20 17 I.V.E.K., 1968