Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 1 - Books
5 1 1 Catholic Rural Life Objectives, 1935
5 1 2 Catholic Rural Life Objectives, Second Series, 1936
5 1 3 Rural Catholic Action, Diocesan Directors Series, No.1, 1936
5 1 4 Manifesto of Rural Life
5 1 5 Catholic Rural Life Objectives, Fourth Series, 1944
5 1 6 Agricultural Handbook for Rural Pastors and Laymen, 1947
5 1 7 Twenty-five Years of Crusading, 1948
5 1 8 Cooking for Christ, 1949
5 1 9 Letters to An American Farmer, 1955
5 1 10 Rural Life Prayer Book, 1956
5 1 11 Catholic Rural LIfe Objectives, Third Series, 1937
5 2 1 Handful of Straw, 1958
5 2 2 Idea Book for Small Town Churches, 1976
5 2 3 Pilgrimage Prayer Book, 1983
5 2 4 Theology of the Land, 1987
5 2 5 Rural Life Prayers, Blessings and Liturgies

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 2 - Pamphlets
5 2 6 Catholic Rural Life, 1932
5 2 7 Catholic Rural Life Activities, 1933
5 2 8 Rural Life and Christian Doctrine
5 2 9 "City Slickers and Dumb Farmers," 1940
5 2 10 Farm-Family-Prosperity, 1941
5 2 11 Partnership with God, 1941
5 2 12 A Christian Day, 1942
5 2 13 The Good Way of Life, 1943

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 2 14 Catholic Churchmen and Cooperatives, 1944
5 2 15 Constitution and By-Laws of the NCRLC, 1944
5 2 16 Rural Life in a Peaceful World, 1944
5 2 17 Catholic Rural Life Song, 1945
5 2 18 Sacramental Protection of the Family, 1945
5 2 19 St. Paul and the Galatian Farmers, 1945
5 2 20 For This We Stand, 1946
5 2 21 Miracle at San Carlos/Wheat Field, 1946
5 2 22 The Pope Speak on Rural Life, 1946
5 2 23 Quienes Poseeran la Tierra, 1946
5 2 24 To Save the Farm, 1946
5 2 25 The Task of Woman in the Modern World

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 2 26 The Land and the Spirit, 1947
5 2 27 Speaking of Education, 1947
5 2 28 Standing on Both Feet, 1947
5 2 29 With the Blessings of the Church, 1947
5 2 30 A Survey of Catholic Weakness, 1948
5 2 31 Christianity and the Land, 1951
5 2 32 A New Gospel of the Soil, 1951
5 2 33 The Land: God's Gift to Man, 1952
5 2 34 Conclusiones de Manizales, 1953

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 2 35 A Program for Rural Youth, 1953
5 3 1 Education for Christian Rural Living, 1954
5 3 36 Novena in Honor of St. Isadore, 1954
5 3 2 Conclusiones de Panama, 1955
5 3 3 A Program for Shared Abundance, 1955
5 3 4 Seven Keys, 1955
5 3 5 The Christian Land Policy, 1956
5 3 6 God's Bounty and the Human Hunger, 1956
5 3 7 Life on the Land, 1956
5 3 8 NCRLC, 1956
5 3 9 The Natives Have a Word for It, 1956
5 3 10 A Program for the Family Farm, 1956
5 3 11 Tactics and Works of Communism

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 3 12 Evil Art, Marxism and Home, 1957
5 3 13 The Harvest of Saint Isadore, 1957
5 3 14 Man and the Land, 1957
5 3 15 Our Lady of the Fields, 1957
5 3 16 Serving Rural America 35 Years, 1957
5 3 17 Start Where You Are, 1957
5 3 18 St. Isadore: Model for Men of the Soil, 1957
5 3 19 Taxes, Individual Rights and the Common Good, 1957
5 3 20 "As the Twig is Bent...," 1958
5 3 21 First the Family, 1958
5 3 37 A Day in the LIfe of Christian Prayer, 1958
5 3 22 The Right to Work, 1960
5 3 23 Developing Rural Resources

Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 3 24 Mater et Magistra: Christianity and Social Progress, 1964
5 3 25 Toward a Sound Family Farm Policy, ca. 1967
5 3 26 Thank you, God! 1970
5 3 27 Rural Cooperatives in Today's USA, 1972
5 3 28 Constitution of the NCRLC, 1975
5 3 29 Who Shall Own the Land, rev. ed., 1978
5 3 30 Strangers and Guests: A Study Program, 1981
5 3 31 Rural Life in Peaceful World, 1983
5 3 32 Church Land Ownership and use in the US, 1989
5 3 33-35 Leaflets, 1934-1955
5 4 1-6 Leaflets, 1956-1985, undated


Series 5

Series Box Folder Folder Title
5 4 7 Handbooks, 1962, undated
5 4 8 Manuals, 1930, 1947, 1953, 1955, 1977, 1981, undated
5 5 1 Policy Statements, 1944, 1955-1977, 1983, 1985, undated
5 5 2 Prayers and Prayer Cards, undated
5 5 3 Quotations, 1942, 1944, 1957, 1968, undated
5 5 4 Reports, 1955, 1968, 1970, 1993
5 5 5-6 Resource Materials, 1975, undated