Administrative History

Unity Kitchen was opened by Bob Russell and Father Ted Sizing in 1970. By 1980, wife Ann O'Connor (d. 2015) and husband Peter King largely assumed responsibility for the kitchen and remained in this role until its closure in 2021.

Scope & Content

This collection is comprised of records detailing day-to-day function for Unity Kitchen, writings by the members of the house as well as about it, and correspondence related to Unity Kitchen and its workers.

Please note that Peter King, a long time volunteer for Unity Kitchen, has a separate collection under series number W-93. While this collection is largely comprised of King's theological work and related correspondence, more recent issues of the Unity Grapevine (2016- 2021) and a few other miscellaneous records from Unity Kitchen are included.

Series W-47

Series Box Folder Folder Title
W-47 1 1 Bylaws, 1972
W-47 1 - General Correspondence
W-47 1 2 1970- 1983
W-47 1 3 1984- 1985
W-47 1 4 1986
W-47 1 5 1987- 1988
W-47 1 6 1989- 1990
W-47 1 7 1991- 1992
W-47 2 - General Correspondence,
W-47 2 1 1993- 1995
W-47 2 2 1996- 1999
W-47 2 3 2000- 2014, undated
W-47 2 - Correspondence,
W-47 2 4 Marshall, Daniel, 2007-2008, undated
W-47 2 5 Temple, Katharine, 1987-1999
W-47 2 6 Daniel, Willie, 1986-1989, 2004
W-47 2 7 Dorm Logs, 1975- 1977
W-47 2 8 Dorm Logs, 1978
W-47 2 9 General Electric Donation Rejection, 1988-1989
W-47 2 10 Legal Records, 1970-1975
W-47 2 11 Meal Logs, 1982, 1984, 1991-2002 (sample)
W-47 3 1 Meetings, 1971-1980, 2004, 2014
W-47 - ER-1 Obituaries, Ann O'Connor, 2015
W-47 3 2 Peoria Catholic Worker, 1995
W-47 3 3 Priests' Sexual and Social Issues, 2002

Series W-47

Series Box Folder Folder Title
W-47 3 4 Tax Exemption Policies of Catholic Worker Communities, 1974, 1977-1978, 1991
W-47 6 - Unity Kitchen Base Community
W-47 6 1 Correspondence, 1978, 1985- 1987, 1989, 1994, 2008
W-47 6 2 Declarations of Faith & Principles, 1981, 1985- 1986, 1989, 1994
W-47 6 3 Meeting Minutes, 1980- 1983, 1988- 1989,  1992, 1996- 1997, 2001- 2002, 2004 (Restricted)
W-47 6 4 Notes, 1979- 1985
W-47 6 5 Notes 1988- 1990, 1992-1993, 2003- 2004, undated
W-47 6 6 Worksheets, 1980, 1984, 1986, 1990, 1994, undated
W-47 3 - Writings by UKC
W-47 3 5 Appeal Letters, 1975-2017
W-47 3 6 Christian Personalism: A Manifesto, 1995
W-47 3 7 Circulars, 1970-2013
W-47 3 8 Declaration of Faith and Principles of Unity Kitchen Community of the Catholic Worker, 1983-1989
W-47 3 9 Food Schedules (sample), 1971-2012
W-47 3 10 Guidelines, ca. 1977, 1993, 2006, undated
W-47 3 11  Manuscripts, 1974-2010
W-47 3 12  Miscellaneous Writings, 1992-2017, undated
W-47 4 -
Newsletters, Unity Grapevine
W-47 4 1 1971- 1977
W-47 4 2 1978- 1983
W-47 4 3 1984-1987
W-47 4 4 1988- 1992
W-47 4 5 1993- 1999
W-47 4 6 2000- 2017
W-47 4 7 Positions and Principles, 1979, 1983, undated
W-47 4 8  Reports, 1972, 1974, 1976
W-47 4 9 A Teaching on Hospitality, 1989

Series W-47

Series Box Folder Folder Title
W-47 5 - Writings on UKC
W-47 5 1 Evaluations, 1977-1981
W-47 5 -
Newspaper Clippings
W-47 5 2 1970- 1979
W-47 5 3 1980- 1989
W-47 5 4 1990- 1999
W-47 5 5 2000- 2013
W-47 5 6 Undated
W-47 5 7 Reports, 1980, 2009
W-47 5 8 Unpublished Writings, 1972, undated
W-47 5 9 Misc. Photos 
W-47 5 10 Banners and Signs